
作者&投稿:宁功 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Changes
We have many changes in our daily life from the past.
We used to write letters to communicate,but now, we can simply call others or send them e-mails.It is both fast and convenient.In the past,people went to school by bike,yet now,we usually take the subway to school.People listened to the radio before,but now,we would like to watch TV.It's fantastic.People used to live in small and bad houses,but at the moment,people live in tall buildings and live more comfortablly.
With the development of our country, the changes can happen.

The difference bewteen past and today
At past, our parents always thought about the next meal if they could eat enough. But today ,we always think what we can eat.At past, something big happened and we would knew after days even weeks.But today ,when something big happened we can know immediately. Our life is getting more and more better than past.

The difference bewteen past and today
At past, our parents always thought about the next meal if they could eat enough. But today ,we always think what we can eat.At past, something big happened and we would knew after days even weeks.But today ,when something big happened we can know immediately. Our life is getting more and more better than past.

As the years went by, I grew up in day by day, and now I have changed a lot in the past.
always mom help until dinner, now is to eat, don't help wash your socks and clothes, now independent will wash; Mother accompany before going to bed now go to sleep without a mother. Sometimes help my mother clean the health.
grew up, means that wise.



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紫钥左克: about the change between what you are now and what you were in the past

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紫钥左克:[答案] Compare I am now and before what's different? Now,I am not be lazy.If I have a dream.I will realize it.Use the right way.But ... 我的社会经验不多,我的英语也只是学习了一个基础,等等.我认为,我需要时间去学习更多的东西.但是,我认为,我现在做事...

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紫钥左克:[答案] In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home .I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects.But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects .I have received a good grade.In the future I will be better because I have confidence...

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紫钥左克:[答案] now ,i am a junior high school student, so ,i am is different than bofore.why did i say that?because i am taller and stronger than before, and i am activer than before,. besides ,i have learned much knowledge, now, i am a little learned student. moreover,...

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紫钥左克: I always dearmed two years ago,but now I do something very creafully.my boddies were like a child before.for example, I liked to do some shopping,but now ,I have not gone shopping,becasue I do not want to take more and more time on this. Now,...

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