男生 英文名

作者&投稿:村栋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Cecil:[男子名] [威尔士人姓氏] 塞西尔,思泽尔。来源于古威尔士人名及拉丁语人名的简称,含义是“第六”(sixth) 昵称Cis,Cissie,Cissy,Sis,Sissie,Sissy

Sage:[男子名,英格兰人姓氏] 塞奇。绰号,智者,来源于中世纪英语及古法语,含义是“有学识的,明智的”
Alvis,Elvis:埃尔维斯。挪威神话中的精灵。含义:智慧、英明 all wise

Jakecho 听起来像 Jackal (魔鬼)
Radar 像 echo
Jet (Jet Lee 李连杰)

Philo.... philosophy
Albert ... philosopher Albert Camus , Albert Einstein
Aristotle ... Made famous by the Greek philosopher Aristotle...
Bernard ... and a scholastic philosopher ...
Cleanth ... Possibly derived from the name of a Stoic Greekphilosopher, Cleanthes ...
Emerson ... Ralph Waldo Emerson was a poet and philosopher who wrote about individual freedom and self-reliance which influenced Americanvalues ...
Francis ... philosopher Sir Francis Bacon
Frederick ... philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche
Immanuel ... German philosopher Immanuel Kant.
Justin ... Saint Justin (second century) was a Greekphilosopher who wrote of the moral values of Christianity ...
Locke ... Philosopher John Locke.
Nicholas ... political philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli.
Pascal ... Philosopher Blaise Pascal.
Plato ... The nickname given the famous Greek philosopher byhis teacher in athletics in honor of his broad physique ...
Russell ... Philosopher Bertrand Russell ...
Seneca ... and the name of a Roman philosopher and statesmanwho lived around the time of Christ and was Nero's tutor.
Socrates ... The name of the famous Greek philosopher ...
Warner ... Philosopher Wernher Erdhardt ...



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