
作者&投稿:丰绍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This medicineis used for curing cough,headche and something like that caused by cold.
Please keeping warm all the time when you are feel not very well. Moreover,you should do some sports so that it can make you stay in healthy.

Dear Vera,
The traffic of Beijing is very conven-ient.I often take the bus to school.If you live near to school,you can walk to school.If from you home to school is far,you can take the bus,take the subway or ride the bicycle.
These are some suggestion,you can decide from them.
Wang Li


The seasons in Australia are different from those in China. When countries in southern hemisphere, such as China, is in summer, Australia is in winter, vice versa. The weather in Australia, called a day consists four seasons, is quite special. In the morning, it's normally above 20 degrees, and keeps rising unitil the noon. People think the noon is too hot, however, the temperature goes down and reaches about 10 degrees in the evening. That is why you can see people in Australia wear completely different clothes in a single day.

求一篇英语作文!the influence of English to our future 在线_百度知...
There call be no doubt that English is one of the world’s most widely used languages. People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign languge. English is spoken as a native language by over three handred million peo...

(1\/2)急求英语作文 一百词 内容:假如你是李明,刚从学校安排的“澳大利 ...
dear family ,how is it going? I just came back home from school and I am really extremely gratefui to you for your help.I still remember thatwhen i first got here ,i am not good in english,you try to talk me as maxh as possible to help me pratice my english.And...

A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesn't.学英语的好处 毫无疑问,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。 人们使用语言无非有二种情况:作为母语,作为第一语言,再就是作为一门外语。 英语,作为母语,有3亿多人在使用。 他们分别...

Body Language Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another. It is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood. When you are talking with others, you are not just using words, but also using expressions and gestures. For example, wavi...

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The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and it is the official language of many countries. 英语是全世界使用范围最广的语言之一,也是很多国家的官方语言。English is used almost everywhere. 几乎全世界任何地方都使用英语。The ability to fluently speak ...

急需初三英语作文 how to study English

学习英语的重要①英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言这一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。据1986年的统计, 世界上以英语为母语的人近4亿,差不多每十个人中就有一个人讲英语。英国、美国、加拿大、澳 大利亚、新西兰等国家的人都讲英语。世界上约有20国家把英语作为官方语言或第二语言使用,共 计约有8亿人。也...


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英语的重要性 毫无疑问,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。人们使用语言无非有二种情况:作为母语,作为第一语言,再就是作为一门外语。英语,作为母语,有3亿多人在使用。他们分别在美国、英国、澳大利业、新西兰、加拿大还有一些加勒比海国家及南非等。作为第一语言,英语在很多国家的官方事务、教育、...

学习外语的好处 英语作文
学英语的好处 毫无疑问,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。人们使用语言无非有二种情况:作为母语,作为第一语言,再就是作为一门外语。英语,作为母语,有3亿多人在使用。他们分别在美国、英国、澳大利业、新西兰、加拿大还有一些加勒比海国家及南非等。作为第一语言,英语在很多国家的官方事务、教育、...

合水县17546034682: 澳大利亚的天气 英文澳大利亚的天气用英文怎么介绍?我的意思是用英文描述澳大利亚的天气.长一点,大约半分钟能说完, -
郜盛施维:[答案] Australia:surrounded by the sea and the mountains in eastern,central plains,the western region is a low plateau.Mainly in the western plateau encountered mainly desert climate,little rain throughout t...

合水县17546034682: 假如你叫赵刚,请根据所给提示用英语给你在澳大利亚的笔友写一封信,介绍一下你们国家的季节和天气情况.要求用到所给词汇并且语义通顺,情节适当.50... -
郜盛施维:[答案] Dear MikeNow let me tell you something about seasons here in China.There are four seasons,spring,summer,autumn(fall) and winter.It's very hot in summer.People always swim in the swimming poor.Winter i...

合水县17546034682: 谁教我写英语作文要求:假如你叫赵刚,请根据所给提示英语给你在澳大利亚的笔友写一封信,介绍一下一下你们国家季节和天气的情况,要求字数45左右,... -
郜盛施维:[答案] Dear Mike, I am very glad to tell something about Season and weather of our country to you.As we know ,it is four seasons in China---spring, summer, autumn, winter.The weather varies from spring to winter.It is very hot in summer,You can swim.In the ...

合水县17546034682: 用英语介绍加拿大澳大利亚的天气状况的作文 -
郜盛施维: A retired teacher received a letter of thankfulness from a young woman who was once his student.The woman became interested and successful in math because of the teacher's encouragement and magical way of teaching.This story reminds me...

合水县17546034682: 假如你叫赵刚,请根据所给提示用英语给你在澳大利亚的笔友写一封信,介绍一下你们国家的季节和天气情况.要求用到所给词汇并且语句通顺,情景适当.50... -
郜盛施维:[答案] My name is Zhoa Gang.Let me tell you something about the weather in China.There are four season in a year.Spring is my favorite season,every is green.When summer comes,it's very hot.Many people go swi...

合水县17546034682: 写一篇初二英语作文在网上查找有关澳大利亚的气候信息,给想去澳大利亚的朋友写一封e - mail,并给他一些建议. -
郜盛施维:[答案] Dear friends: Besides the antarctica, Australia is in the world the driest mainland. Australian nearly 1/3 mainland located at ... love,---- 亲爱的朋友: 除了南极洲以外,澳大利亚是世界上最干燥的大陆.澳大利亚近三分之一的大陆位于热带地区.澳大...

合水县17546034682: 假如你叫赵刚,请根据所给提示用英语给你在澳大利亚的笔友写一封信,介绍一下你们国家的季节和天气情况. -
郜盛施维: My name is Zhoa Gang.Let me tell you something about the weather in China. There are four season in a year. Spring is my favorite season, every is green. When summer comes, it's very hot.Many people go swimming in summer. Autumn is a good...

合水县17546034682: 现在澳大利亚的天气怎样? 用英语表达 -
郜盛施维: 澳大利亚气候比欧洲或美洲温和,尤其是北部,气候与东南亚及太平洋地区相近.在昆士兰州、北领地及西澳大利亚州,一月份(仲夏)的温度白天平均为摄氏二十九度,夜间为摄氏二十度;而七月份(隆冬)的平均气温分别约为摄氏二十二度及摄氏十度.新南威尔士州、维多利亚州、塔斯曼尼亚州及南澳大利亚州一月份的白天平均气温约摄氏二十六度,夜间为摄氏十六度,而七月份则分别为摄氏十五度及摄氏七度.

合水县17546034682: 奥大利亚的天气怎么样?咋用英语写 -
郜盛施维: 澳大利亚 Austria 天气 weather 怎么样 what about What about the weather in Austria.澳大利亚的天气怎么样

合水县17546034682: 澳大利亚的天气 英文 -
郜盛施维: Australia: surrounded by the sea and the mountains in eastern, central plains, the western region is a low plateau. Mainly in the western plateau encountered mainly desert climate, little rain throughout the year; surrounded by savannah climate, ...

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