letter from an unknown woman《一个陌生女人的来信》英文精彩对白

作者&投稿:毋家 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


精彩对白   Stefan Brand: Honor is a luxury only gentlemen can afford.   斯蒂芬·布兰德:荣誉是一种奢华,只有绅士才能提供。   ________________________________________   Stefan Brand: Promise me something.   斯蒂芬·布兰德:给我一些承诺。   Lisa Berndl: Anything.   丽莎·伯尔德:我什么都答应你。   Stefan Brand: And I don't even know where you live. Promise me you won't vanish.   斯蒂芬·布兰德:但我甚至都不知道你住在哪儿。答应我你不会消失。   Lisa Berndl: I won't be the one who vanishes.   丽莎·伯尔德:我不是会消失的那一方。   ________________________________________   1st Man on Balcony: [Speaking of Stefan] He returned last week.   包厢里的第一个男人:[谈论斯蒂芬]他上周回来了。   2nd Man on Balcony: A concert tour?   包厢里的第二个男人:音乐会巡回演出吗?   Woman on Balcony: Pleasure trip most likely.   包厢里的女人:这种旅行大多数时候都是愉快的。   1st Man on Balcony: The way he's burning himself up, it's a wonder he's still alive.   包厢里的第一个男人:他那种燃烧自己的方式真让人受不了,让人称奇的是他依然活着。   2nd Man on Balcony: Ten years ago, he showed great promise. Too bad. With that talent, he could have been a great pianist.   包厢里的第二个男人:十年以前他很有前途。但一切都搞糟了。以他的天赋他应该成为一个伟大的钢琴家。   1st Man on Balcony: Perhaps talent is not enough.   包厢里的第一个男人:也许仅有天赋是不够的。   Woman on Balcony: Perhaps he has too many talents.   包厢里的女人:也许他有着太多的天赋。

Stefan Brand: Promise me something.
Lisa Berndl: Anything.
Stefan Brand: And I don't even know where you live. Promise me you won't vanish.
Lisa Berndl: I won't be the one who vanishes.

1st Man on Balcony: [Speaking of Stefan] He returned last week.
2nd Man on Balcony: A concert tour?
Woman on Balcony: Pleasure trip most likely.
1st Man on Balcony: The way he's burning himself up, it's a wonder he's still alive.
2nd Man on Balcony: Ten years ago, he showed great promise. Too bad. With that talent, he could have been a great pianist.
1st Man on Balcony: Perhaps talent is not enough.
Woman on Balcony: Perhaps he has too many talents.

Lisa Berndl: Oh, if only you could've recognized what was always yours, could've found what was never lost. If only...

Stefan Brand: [When leaving for Milan] Say Stefan, the way that you said it last night.
Lisa Berndl: ...Stefan
Stefan Brand: It's as though you've said it all your life.

Lisa Berndl: Suddenly in that one moment, everything was in danger, everything I thought was safe. Somewhere out there were your eyes... and I knew I couldn't escape them. It was like the first time I saw you. The years between were melting away.

“When you’re going to do a thing, do it on time.”

Lisa Berndl: “The course of our lives can be changed by such little things. So many passing by, each intent on his own problems. So many faces that one might easily have been lost. I know now - nothing happens by chance. Every moment is measured, every step is counted.”

“You talk as though it is out of your hands. It’s not – you have a will. You can do what’s right, what’s best for you.”

“If only you could have recognized what was always yours. You could have found what was never lost.”

“I think everyone has two birthdays – the day of his physical birth and the first day of his conscious life.”

Stefan Brand: Honor is a luxury only gentlemen can afford.

找到蛮多的 哈哈 这些话都好有深意啦~ 希望可以帮到你~

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以刻赛福: 歌曲名:The Letter 歌手:Foxy Brown 专辑:Broken SilenceThe Letter - Midnight Youth The Brave Don't Run (2009) Uploaded by New Zealand Rocks! Yesterday, I got a letter From an old friend of mine Oooh, oooh It had some words and a ...

裕华区15331598611: 求翻译 来自 A Letter From An Unknown Womam的一句话 -
以刻赛福: 我认为应该是: “我只求你一件事,请你一定要完全相信,是我内心的痛苦迫使我向你透露一切真相.” 我只就语法上来分析:首先,that 后面的内容都是ask 的宾语,作宾语从句.ask sth of sb 向某人要求某事,此处只是把宾语后置为了that ...

裕华区15331598611: letter from an unknown woman《一个陌生女人的来信》英文精彩对白如题,摘录精彩对白. -
以刻赛福:[答案] Stefan Brand:Promise me something. Lisa Berndl:Anything. Stefan Brand:And I don't even know where you live.Promise me you won't vanish. Lisa Berndl:I won't be the one who vanishes. 1st Man on Balcony:[Speaking of Stefan] He returned last week....

裕华区15331598611: 一个陌生女人的来信 英文版翻译是谁 -
以刻赛福: 名称 Letter from an unknown woman 作者 Stefan Zweig 译者: Eden Paul, Cedar Paul 出版商 The Viking Press, 1932

裕华区15331598611: 一个陌生女人的来信 LETTER FROM AN UNKNOWN WOMAN怎么样 -
以刻赛福: 觉得综合起来很优秀的影片 喜欢姜文的表演 可是不知道为什么 我总觉得徐静蕾演什么电影都是一种感觉 我觉得她很不入戏 总是飘着 甚至没有小女孩演得好 远不及自己导演的才华 说不出有什么惊人的地方 但是总体下来 电影出奇地好看 尤其音乐分外好听 很爱很爱 情绪也很到位 画片非常好看 经管故事是小说中就有的 但是剧本的结构框架仍然让我感慨编剧的能力 老徐真的很棒 我佩服的女人 之前百老汇电影中心放的时候一直没机会去 很后悔 以后希望还有机会

裕华区15331598611: The letter from my uncle was short. There wasn't - --- - news. A. many B. a few C. much D. few -
以刻赛福: C 题意:我叔叔的来信很短.那里面没有什么信息.isn't much 不多、没有很多 = is little news是不可数名词,前面必须要用much/little,不能用many/few

裕华区15331598611: Letter from an unknown woman 的英文版的书那里能看
以刻赛福: A Letter from An Unknown Woman 一个陌生女人的来信 茨威格最著名的短篇小说. download url http://bbs.en8848.com.cn/viewthread.php?tid=567

裕华区15331598611: letter from heaven 歌词
以刻赛福: 诗音的?!我只有罗马音的,中文无法帮你翻译 诗音 - Letter From Heaven この声は君に届く事が无く kono koe wa kimi ni todoku koto ga naku 私の代わりに空が泣くでしょう watashi no kawarini sora ga nakudesyou 伝えたい言叶はただ1つ ...

裕华区15331598611: The Letters 歌词 -
以刻赛福: 歌曲名:The Letters 歌手:Various Artists 专辑:An Education Ost The Letter - Midnight Youth The Brave Don't Run (2009) Uploaded by New Zealand Rocks!Yesterday, I got a letter From an old friend of mine Oooh, oooh It had some words and a ...

裕华区15331598611: The letter from my uncle was shourt.There - ---(be) not much news.给动词的适当形式填空理由
以刻赛福:填was.与前面的内容相一致. 我叔父的来信很短,信里没什么新闻.

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