
作者&投稿:钱哗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





  1. First, mix the flour, sugar, butter and milk together to a thick flour paste.                                    首先,混合面粉,糖,黄油和牛奶一起粗面粉糊。

  2. Second, put the paste into the cake mould. Set the oven at 200 degree C, and bake it for 20 mins. and then let it cool for half an hour.、


  3. Third, the cream and you most like fruits, such as strawberry, mango, watermelon on the cake.


The authentic Black Forest cake
Germany's Black Forest cake production has strict requirements in the 2003 national cake in the management, "Black Forest Cherry Cake is cherry wine cream cake, cream cake filling is also equipped with Cherry, Cherry joined the amount of alcohol must be Can obviously come to taste wine. Cake end up with thin cake, with at least 3% of cocoa powder or cocoa from oil, can also use the crisp cake at the end. Outer layer cake with cream package, and Grated chocolate embellishment. " Sales in Germany of the cake, only to meet the above conditions, have the right to be called "Black Forest cherry cake."

The lowest layer:

125g Weizenmehl (flour)
10g Kakaopulver (cocoa)
1 of the tip. Backpulver (baking powder!)
50g Zucker (sugar)
1 bag vanilla sugar
1 cherry spoon Dose of water
75g soft butter or Margarine

In the middle of the cake sandwich

5 eggs,
Low-gluten flour, 110 grams,
30g cocoa powder,
Salad oil 75ML,
Milk or juice 75ML,
100 grams of sugar,
One tsp baking powder,
A few drops of lemon juice or white vinegar melon.

The fruit in the middle of the sandwich:
1 bottle Sauerkirschen canned (in the content of Cherry 350g)
250ml of water canned cherries
1 bag Tortenguss, rot
25g sugar

In the middle of the butter sandwich:
4 box Schlagsahne (cream)
1 bag Gelatine
5 spoons of water
40g powdered sugar
1 bag vanilla sugar

External decoration:
Chocolate chip

1 process, the mold will find butter, and then covered with a Backpapier! !

2, the process will be
125g Weizenmehl (flour)
10g Kakaopulver (cocoa)
1 tip of the Backpulver (baking powder)
50g Zucker (sugar)
1 bag vanilla sugar
1 cherry spoon Dose of water
75g soft butter or Margarine
Live dough into a ball! Then, in the shop on the cake mold, and then inserted in the middle with a fork a few more eyes, after the warm-up ahead of time into the oven. Bake 180 degrees for 15 minutes after the show, cool! !

3 course in the middle of the sandwich cake:

First of all, the egg white and yolk separated from the egg yolk into disk, started to pass, with the fastest speed Mixer hit 1 minute, and then poured into 50 grams of sugar, (one minute) to continue to fight, and then continue to fight 2 minutes! ! Flour, baking powder, cocoa powder are mixed, screening, adding the eggs, at best!
And then drop a few drops of lemon juice or white vinegar on the protein, hard to pass, plus the remaining 50 grams of sugar, protein and egg batter mixed, after earlier touched into the butter mold, 180 °, bake about 30 minutes! Liang Liang out!

Process 4:
The following sandwich production of fruit!
1) The first canned fruit juice and sub -
2) to prepare Tortenguss, take 250ml of the juice by adding generation Tortenguss, and 25g sugar, in the beginning of heating on the stove! You should pay attention to the back! Or on a paste, and then opened after the accession to the cherry.
Process 5:
Ready Gelatine!
Add G will be a small pot, adding water spoon, 4-6, and then put the net 10 minutes, 10 minutes, it will be water, and then he put on the stove, low heat, melt the course of its 6 , Following a fight cream! !
First of all, must be too cold butter, and pour it into the basin, across the ice water (not cold water can be!!) To start with the highest possible speed to pass, hit a 2-to 3 minutes, the fast pass, put Into the warm Gelatine, and then continue to fight until the pass so far! Add powdered sugar and vanilla and sugar! !
Well, that's all ready prepared to begin assembling the cake!
First of all, will be awarded a cake is divided into 2. Then there are the eyes of the fork at the end of the first layer, placed above freezing cold cherry! And then touch cream!
Covered with a layer of cake, a layer of butter on the touch! And then finally sealed with a layer of cake! !
Finally, cake decoration on the surface, you can garnish some of the chocolate chip! (With their own will be able to cut the chocolate!)


绿蛋糕的制作方法 Production method of green cake

奶油奶酪提前放置室温软化,如果没有来得及,也可以把装奶油奶酪的小盆放在加热中的热水锅里,一边小火加热一边搅拌就软化了。用底比着油纸剪一个圆型出来 倒一点点植物油 倒一点点玉米淀粉 把饼干和水充分的拌匀,连切带拌,保证水份的均匀。加入称好的细砂糖,拌匀 将奶酪糊缓缓倒入模具中 用一个...

The authentic Black Forest cake Germany's Black Forest cake production has strict requirements in the 2003 national cake in the management, "Black Forest Cherry Cake is cherry wine cream cake, cream cake filling is also equipped with Cherry, Cherry joined the amount of alcohol must ...

倒上第一步做好的皮并且烘烤一个小时(在50分钟的时候检查一下),或者直到中心部分还有点湿和不平稳。从烤箱中拿出来放在架子上,还不要移动蛋糕盘。5.Meanwhile, combine sour cream, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 cup sugar. Mix well and spread evenly over the cheesecake. Bake for 5 more ...

展示给我们看如何做一个蛋糕 Show us how to make a cake.展示给我们看如何做一个蛋糕 Show us how to make a cake.


做蛋糕英文如下:Making cakes。cake,英语单词,名词、及物动词,作及物动词时意为“使结块”。作名词时意为“蛋糕;块状物;利益总额”。英式音标:[Keɪk]。美式音标:[Keɪk]。双语例句:Wedding cake结婚蛋糕;结婚糕;结婚典礼蛋糕。chocolate cake朱古力蛋糕;浓情朱古力冻饼;朱古力饼。

饼干做法 步骤英文翻译!
First look at preparations for the material:Low-gluten flour 80g baking powder 5g 4 eggs 60ml milk Oil a little sugar 80g First, egg yolks and protein separation. Flour and baking powder mixed well.Note that do must use low-gluten cake flour! ! Not suitable for high-gluten ...

做蛋糕的材料 用英文
butter 牛油 white sugar 白糖 eggs 鸡蛋 vanilla extract 香草精 hot water 开水 milk 牛奶 flour 面粉 baking powder 发酵粉

延寿县13444105795: 写做蛋糕的方法英文的要求列123简单点 -
斋琪谷正:[答案] First, mix the flour, sugar, butter and milk together to a thick flour paste. 首先,混合面粉,糖,黄油和牛奶一起粗面粉糊.Second, put the paste into the cake mould. Set the oven at 200 degree C, and bake it for 20 mins. and then let it cool for half an hour....

延寿县13444105795: 写做蛋糕的方法英文的要求列123简单点 -
斋琪谷正: 1. First, mix the flour, sugar, butter and milk together to a thick flour paste. 首先,混合面粉,糖,黄油和牛奶一起粗面粉糊. 2. Second, put the paste into the cake mould. Set the oven at 200 degree C, and bake it for 20 mins. and then let it cool for ...

延寿县13444105795: 蛋糕的制作方法,步骤要求是英文的 -
斋琪谷正: 你可以参考一下这个:BUTTER HALF CAKE1/4 cup butter, softened 1/4 cup butter flavored Crisco 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 1/2 cups sifted cake flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup buttermilk, yogurt, ...

延寿县13444105795: 我要写做蛋糕的英语作文,不少于70个单词.打3个鸡蛋到一个碗中,加入几块黄油,加入500克面...我要写做蛋糕的英语作文,不少于70个单词.打3个鸡蛋到... -
斋琪谷正:[答案] First,we should buy some chocolates and egges.Next,we'll agitation the egges in a bowl.Then we put the egges in the microwave.A few ninutes later,the cake has finished

延寿县13444105795: 怎么用英语描述做蛋糕 -
斋琪谷正: 1、Gather your ingredients. Pound cake is one of the simplest cakes to bake. Here's what you'll need: 1 cup (225 g) of unsalted butter, softened,1 cup (225 g) of granulated sugar,A pinch of salt,2 teaspoons (9.9 mL) of vanilla extract,5 eggs, room ...

延寿县13444105795: 用英语写一些做蛋糕的方法 -
斋琪谷正: 去google能搜出一大堆 http://www.ehow.com/how_11464_make-yellow-cake.html http://www.cooks.com/rec/search/0,1-0,how_to_make_cake,FF.html

延寿县13444105795: 如何制作生日蛋糕英语作文带 -
斋琪谷正: BUTTER HALF CAKE 1/4 cup butter, softened 1/4 cup butter flavored Crisco 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 1/2 cups sifted cake flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup buttermilk, yogurt, or sour cream 1/2 ...

延寿县13444105795: 蛋糕的做法,英文版的,请附中文,急需!!!! -
斋琪谷正: Diet cake material: The flour 1000g of low muscle, liquid malt sugar alcohol 1000g, egg 1000G, albumen candy 5g, the powder 100g of pumpkin, the oil 40g of cake, fresh water 400g, Jian's water 5g Make the craft: 1.Beat eggs liquid: Put egg, liquid ...

延寿县13444105795: 怎么样用英语表达做蛋糕的过程?要写做蛋糕要用到哪些有成分?还有写清制作的步骤!(First,second~) -
斋琪谷正:[答案] 1.Whether you plan to make a cake from scratch or from a boxed mix,start by reading the ingredient list and directions.Make sure you have every ingredient on hand before you begin.Cakes can fail miser...

延寿县13444105795: 英语作文 - 做蛋糕我想要一篇做蛋糕的英语作文、简单介绍一下做蛋糕的过程和做蛋糕需要的一些器具 难度要初一的、、尽量写简单句、 可不可以介绍一下做... -
斋琪谷正:[答案] How to make a chocolate cake?First,we should buy some chocolates and egges.Next,we'll agitation the egges in a bowl.Then we put the egges in the microwave.A few ninutes later,the cake has finished.Finally,we put the chocolates on the cake.If you like...

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