口袋妖怪黑2 汉化修改器 要最新版的啊 1479978066

作者&投稿:谈仇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Pokegen 口袋妖怪-黑白2 存档修改器 3.1.13 完全汉化版
3.1.13 - February 16, 2013
ADDED: Windows XP support

3.1.12 - February 16, 2013
FIXED: The trashbyte fixes were relegated to JUST gen 3 pokes.

3.1.11 - February 16, 2013
FIXED: Trashbyte issues relating to gen 3 PalParking.
CHANGED: Updated all location names for the worldwide Black 2/White 2 release.

3.1.10 - August 11, 2012
ADDED: To help blind users, Pokemon icons are now able to be tabbed through and have text associated with them for screen readers. There are also special keyboard "commands" that can be given to them when one is focused. Enter will view the Pokemon's data, shift + enter will set the data, delete (not backspace) will delete the Pokemon, and the space bar will toggle whether or not it's selected.
ADDED: You can now choose the language to force save states to load as.
FIXED: Generation 4 Pokedex code generation had the caught and seen data reversed.
FIXED: The Pokedex language flags were always being forced to have the program's language if no flags were set. Apparently ALL of the games set it to 0 upon first seeing the Pokemon. (Thanks to MicroChip for making me question this.)
FIXED: Meloetta's forms weren't available. (Found by Mordecai.)
FIXED: Generation 4 Wonder Cards that weren't in the first slot were being re-enabled upon saving. (Found by bmn13.)
FIXED: Switching from Black/White to Black 2/White 2, or the opposite, was causing problems with the Pokedex data. (Thanks to Draco856.)
FIXED: Save states from a language other than the one the program is using weren't loading as intended. Now, they'll fail to load, rather than using invalid data. This allows you to tell the program how to load it. (Thanks to Critical Tiger.)
CHANGED: Keldeo's form names have been updated to the official English names. The Japanese ones were also updated to use Japanese text as intended. (Thanks to Guested for the Japanese help.)
CHANGED: The next release of PokeGen will require a manual update. The update system has been modified to reflect this and will notify you when it's available.

3.1.9 - July 2, 2012
FIXED: Generation 5 item data wasn't being fully written, causing a limited number of items per bag to be saved. (Found by turtlemark.)
FIXED: C-Gear erasing was still occurring as a result of some data not being set the way it was supposed to be. (Hopefully that's the last of it.)
CHANGED: When the target game is set to a generation 4 game, the C-Gear tool will be disabled. (Thanks to rush2802 for reminding me.)


Pokegen 口袋妖怪-黑白2 存档修改器 3.1.13 完全汉化版
3.1.13 - February 16, 2013
ADDED: Windows XP support
3.1.12 - February 16, 2013
FIXED: The trashbyte fixes were relegated to JUST gen 3 pokes.
3.1.11 - February 16, 2013
FIXED: Trashbyte issues relating to gen 3 PalParking.
CHANGED: Updated all location names for the worldwide Black 2/White 2 release.


Pokegen 口袋妖怪-黑白2 存档修改器 3.1.13 完全汉化版



3.1.13 - February 16, 2013

ADDED: Windows XP support

3.1.12 - February 16, 2013

FIXED: The trashbyte fixes were relegated to JUST gen 3 pokes.

3.1.11 - February 16, 2013

FIXED: Trashbyte issues relating to gen 3 PalParking.

CHANGED: Updated all location names for the worldwide Black 2/White 2 release.

蒲江县13650204739: 求口袋妖怪黑白2修改器完全汉化版下载 宠物种类也要中文!! -
李莲喜力: Pokegen 口袋妖怪-黑白2 存档修改器 3.1.13 完全 汉化版 (这是目前的最新版、旧版打开会提示更新的哦亲、~\(≧▽≦)/~) ———————————————————————————————————————3.1.13 - February 16, 2013 ...

蒲江县13650204739: 求口袋妖怪黑白2完全汉化版修改器? -
李莲喜力: 已发送 请查收 NDS天堂真诚为您服务! 压缩包里有一个文件和一个文件夹 文件夹里面是黑白2最新的pokegen 3.1.9修改器 另一个是黑白的pokesavbw 0.06b 同样能修改黑白2 鉴于 pokegen 3.1.9修改器修改物品金钱比较麻烦 可以用 黑白的pokesavbw 0.06b修改 但是保存存档后不能直接用黑白2读取 需要用pokegen 3.1.9修改器读取 选择游戏版本为黑白2然后保存存档才能被游戏读取 如有疑问欢迎追问 by NDS天堂.废柴俊

蒲江县13650204739: 跪求口袋妖怪黑2冰神柱修改器 -
李莲喜力: 可以直接用金手指获得解锁冰神柱房间的钥匙::钥匙系统全开52010494 5881008A020104CC 4804BD00020104C8 2001FFF3020104C4 F7FFB5000201049C 5880BD0002010498 2001FFF302010494 F7FFB500 D0000000 00000000

蒲江县13650204739: 口袋妖怪黑白2修改器怎么变中文版 -
李莲喜力: 这个就是口袋妖怪黑白2最新版本的修改器是3.1.13版本的最新的 本人有但是不知道怎么上传不好意思所以在别人的知道里面直接复制粘贴过来了 这应该不算抄袭吧...这是最好用的修改器了我下载之后打开就是中文版的 存手打求采纳谢谢 http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=35636348&uk=2015940176&app=zd

蒲江县13650204739: 【100超高悬赏】求口袋妖怪 黑2,白2 ROM文件 以及最新模拟器,所用的补丁(反烧录破解补丁),修改教程…… -
李莲喜力: 文件已发送,包含黑白2游戏文件以及模拟器,一二周目图文攻略,中文版修改器(一开始是日文,语言栏选择中文即可,千万不要升级!) 补丁已打好,附带DES和NOZOOMER模拟器(看配置选择哪款模拟器,两款都可以顺利运行黑白2!) 有疑问可以追问!

蒲江县13650204739: 口袋妖怪白2修改器中文版
李莲喜力: <p></p> <p>Pokegen 口袋妖怪-黑白2 存档修改器 3.1.13 完全汉化版</p> <p>(这是目前的最新版、旧版打开会提示更新的哦亲、~\(≧▽≦)/~)</p> <p>———————————————————————————————————————</p...

蒲江县13650204739: 口袋妖怪黑白2完全汉化版修改器为什么读取不了存档 -
李莲喜力: 不是DSV,是SAV(这是DeSmuME9.9模拟器)至于No$gba模拟器就不知道,DeSmuME9.9模拟器先进游戏仔按文件——导入备份记忆——选择第二个选择,之后按确定,至于怎样存档之前先把游戏存档(不是即时存档),之后按文件——导出备份记忆——随便存哪里和随便改名(注:实机要按顺序)就行了

蒲江县13650204739: 口袋妖怪黑白2修改器汉化版. -
李莲喜力: 口袋妖怪黑2/白2修改器下载以及图文教程:http://bbs.duowan.com/thread-27872615-1-1.html

蒲江县13650204739: 口袋妖怪黑白下载及修改器和模拟器 -
李莲喜力: 口袋妖怪黑白中文版下载参考(含模拟器):http://hi.baidu.com/328609821/blog/item/173aa218cd592617203f2ed6.html 运行方法说明:分别下载口袋妖怪-黑中文版、口袋妖怪-白中文版以及完美DeSmuME0.9.7模拟器;使用WINRAR进行完整...

蒲江县13650204739: 口袋妖怪黑白2修改器怎么改成中文 -
李莲喜力: 汉化版一堆http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gdijfuN 649的 http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?uk=2768663402&shareid=668&fr=715955243&fa=715955243 正常的

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