用and, boots ,i,now,have,my,umbrella,raincoat 造句话

作者&投稿:隗贾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Who likes to play the piano? 谁喜欢弹钢琴?
2.Jenny can play the guitar. 珍妮能弹吉他?
3.How many lines make a square? 多少边能围成一个正方形?

1.The rain is falling from the sky. 天下雨了
2.The rain is falling, but I am dry. I have my raincoat and umbrella. I like a sunny day.

Outside is rainning now, I need to buy an umbrella in the mall.

Now ,I have my umbrella ,raincoat and boots.


I have my raincoat ,boots and umbrella now. 有用请采纳

I= have= my =umbrella, raincoat= and= boots= now.

鄂州市15628475250: 用and, boots ,i,now,have,my,umbrella,raincoat 造句话 -
潮洪博爽: 您好!Now ,I have my umbrella ,raincoat and boots.现在,我有自己的雨伞,雨衣和靴子.望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

鄂州市15628475250: either of,either or,neither of,neither nor,both and,no one,none的用法和区别
潮洪博爽:一、either……or……either……or……意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意.表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分.例如:When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances.那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳.(此句中...

鄂州市15628475250: 什么情况用完全倒装句,什么情况用不完全倒装句? -
潮洪博爽: 常见的完全倒装结构 1.there be 句型.There is a mobile phone and some books on the desk. 桌上有一个手机和一些书. 引导词there 还可以接appear, exist, lie, remain, seem, stand, live 等词.There lived an old fisherman in the village. 村里住...

鄂州市15628475250: I have no brothers or sisters→I have no brothers and no sisters.为何要这么转换?(语法知识援助) -
潮洪博爽: 因为,用and连接句子的时候,and前面的或者后面的名词如果没有否定no,那么就表示是肯定的. i have no brothers and sisters. 意思是 我没有兄弟,有姐妹.

鄂州市15628475250: 否定句中什么时候用or,什么时候用and -
潮洪博爽: 否定句中,代替and ,表示\"和\",可以说是"也不"的意思.如: I don\'t like bread , rice or porridge.我不喜欢面包、米饭和粥. 一般情况下and用与肯定句,or用与否定句.但如果否定句要用and也是可以的,只是要重复否定词.例:He has no sister or brother.=He has no sister and no brother.Don't sing or dance.=Don't sing and don't dance.就这样了哇! 如满意请采纳

鄂州市15628475250: 我不喜欢苹果和香蕉.翻译: I don't like apples and bananas. I don't like apples or bananas 哪个对?why -
潮洪博爽: 第二句对 并列否定通常用or,也可以用and.那个"有的人"的意思应该是说or在否定句中可表示"和"的意思吧. 用or的方法很简单,跟肯定句中and一样的用法 I don't like apple or bananas.我不喜欢苹果和香蕉. I have no brothers or sisters.我没有哥哥和姐姐. 用and的话,要重复否定词,如: I don't like apple and I don't like pear. I have no brothers and no sisters.

鄂州市15628475250: I never catch anything - not even old boots甚至连old boots都没有 那为什么不是no而是not呢,no不是才表示“没有”吗 -
潮洪博爽:[答案] 这是讲抓鱼的.上文是Instead of catching fish,they catch old boots,rubbish and what not.I am not so lucky.I never catch anything – not even old boots.他们抓不到鱼,却抓到了旧靴子、破烂什么的.我没那运气,...

鄂州市15628475250: 用英文写一件浪漫的事
潮洪博爽: The Hippy Wedding and the Orange Dress by Kate Mehrer My hippy sister was planning the weirdest wedding ever. That was all I knew. There was something about a mandala; there was something about a giant cocoon; there was something about ...

鄂州市15628475250: I have no brothers - ---no sisters. 用and还是or?这里有no算不算否定句? -
潮洪博爽: 应该用and. and连接的是两种状态,不是两种选择

鄂州市15628475250: and什么时候不变成or -
潮洪博爽: 举个例子吧: I have no sisters and no brothers. 这里and 不需要改为or. I have no sisters or brothers. 这里必须用or.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)

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