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第一句:If I were you, I would not smoke.
第二句:What can you make a person happy, in your opinion?
或者可以说In your opinion,........?
第三句:What about reading loudly for half an hour everyday?
what about是比较适合用来提建议的没意思是:...怎么样?
第四句:What do you think of Helen?
what do you think of 这是最常用的句型
第五句:Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth?

why not ...?
why don't you...?
would you like...?
i advise you to ...
you can ...

提建议的句子:What/ how about +doing sth.? 如:What/ How about going shopping? Why don’t you + do sth.? 如:Why don’t you go shopping?Why not + do sth. ? 如:Why not go shopping? Let’s + do sth. 如: Let’s go shoppingShall we/ I + do sth.? 如:Shall we/ I go shopping?

shoud suggest that

1. Can you give me a suggestion about buying present for sb. ?2. What present can I get for sb. ?3. Which present do you think is better for me to buy?

亲爱的约翰逊先生,自从我和你们开始上课以来,我一直很喜欢我的英语学习。然而,我个人认为,如果我们能在以下几个方面给予更多的关注,我们的英语课仍然可以提高。More situation dialogues are needed in classroom to help us understand the use of certain expressions;课堂上需要更多的情景对话来帮助我们...

优先考虑大象的福利,例如远距离的非侵入性观察和互动。)By implementing these suggestions, we can help protect elephants and ensure their survival for future generations.(通过实施这些建议,我们可以帮助保护大象,确保它们的生存,为未来的世代留下这些宏伟生物。)

83. 倒装句(为了强调)There he is.\/ Away he went. 84. with these words. 说完这些话,说着说着(伴随状语)。 85. I don’t know how to use it yet. 我不知道怎样使用它。 where to go. 我不知道该去哪里。 what to do. 我不知道该做什么。 86. wait for sb’s turn to do sth 等着轮...

12、英语提建议的句型 第一句if i were you,i would not smoke我要是你的话,就不抽烟这句话的意思直接建议对方不要抽烟,是一个非常好的提建议的句子第二句what can you make a person happy,in your opinion。13、动词有make,give,provide,present,put forward,bring等,后面跟名词有...

I suggest you play the cellphone at the right time.I suggest you play the cellphone properly.

1. 每天至少看 10-15 分钟的英语,早晨是学英语的最好时间。 keep working on. Speak English at least 10-15 minutes every day especially in morning.2. 记忆英语要结合上下文,不要孤立的记单词和短语,要把握句中的用法。 (Set up situation, (Connect up to down, don't make it...

英语语气助词包括:shall,will,can,may等。英语中的语气助词用来表达句子中的某种情绪或语气。它们通常出现在动词之前,用以表示请求、命令、建议、可能性等情绪。以下是对这些常见英语语气助词的详细解释:1.shall:表示建议或要求,用于提出个人的意见或建议。例如:“Shall we go for a walk?&...

Sincerely yours 建议信-开头段常用句子:* I am writing to express my views concerning…I would like to suggest that…I am writing in reply to …I am writing with my suggestion about…May I suggest that…In my opinion, I would say…建议信-结尾段常用句子:* I would be more ...

let's do 是祈使句 反义疑问句 必须用shall we 是固定的 Lucy didnt come to school yesterday 首先是过去式 lucy昨天每天学校 然后前面一句是否定的 所以后面要用肯定 就用did she 希望你能满意!不懂得可以再问我噢!

阜康市18363596479: 英语中提建议的句式有哪些? -
梅孙硅炭: 句型一: Would you like / love (to do) sth.? 这是一个很委婉的表示建议的句型,并带有与对方商量的意味,意为“你想要(做)……吗?”.如: —Would you like to go to the cinema with me? —Yes. I'd like / love to. 句型二:Shall I / we do sth....

阜康市18363596479: 提建议的英语句子? -
梅孙硅炭:[答案] 提建议的句子:What/ how about +doing sth.如:What/ How about going shopping?Why don't you + do sth.如:Why don't you go shopping?Why not + do sth.如:Why not go shopping?Let's + do sth.如:Let's go shoppingShall we/ I + do sth.如:...

阜康市18363596479: 想提个建议,可以用什么英语开头 -
梅孙硅炭:[答案] 用英语提建议的八个句型: A、用Shall we...?在表示建议或征求对方意见时,可用以Shall开头的一般疑问句.其肯定回答一般可用:All right, OK, Good idea等.B 、用Let's...?表示“让我们”(包括双方在内)做某事“这一建议时要用以Let's 开头的...

阜康市18363596479: 提建议 用英语怎么说 -
梅孙硅炭:[答案] 提建议 make a proposal make a suggestion give advice 提建议(suggest to make suggestions 提建议

阜康市18363596479: 造几个有关提建议的英语句子最好用到why not 或者why don't you -
梅孙硅炭:[答案] How about ... 去做...怎么样? I advise you to do .. 我建议你做...

阜康市18363596479: 英语中提建议的句型像Why don't you...Let's ...What about...How about...Why not...You'd better...You ought to...You should...You should...Hadn't you bet 这样的 越... -
梅孙硅炭:[答案] 第一句:If I were you,I would not smoke.我要是你的话,就不抽烟.这句话的意思直接建议对方不要抽烟,是一个非常好的提建议的句子.第二句:What can you make a person happy,in your opinion?在你看来什么可以使一个...

阜康市18363596479: 当你向别人提出建议时,使用什么样的英语句型? -
梅孙硅炭: why not ...?为什不...呢? You'd better (not) do sth. 你最好(不)做某事 why don't you do sth? 你为什么不...? advise sb (not) to do sth 劝告某人(不)做某事 Let sb do sth 让某人做某事 What do oyu think of doing sth? 你认为做某事....? shall we do sth?让我们一起......吧 用should ,ought to,have to,must等情态动词提建议时,用should和ought to语气比较委婉、客气;用have to, must语气比较直率.

阜康市18363596479: 英语作文中建议怎么做的句子 -
梅孙硅炭: 英语提建议的句型 第一句:If I were you, I would not smoke. 我要是你的话,就不抽烟. 这句话的意思直接建议对方不要抽烟,是一个非常好的提建议的句子. 第二句:What can you make a person happy, in your opinion? 在你看来什么可以使...

阜康市18363596479: 给.提建议用英语怎么说 -
梅孙硅炭: 提建议 make a proposal make a suggestion give advice 提建议(suggest to make suggestions 提建议 希望能采纳,谢谢了

阜康市18363596479: 整理“提建议的句型整理提建议”的英文句型谢~~~~~~
梅孙硅炭: 简单啊! 1.Shall we do sth. 2.How about doing sth. 3.Let's do sth. 4.Why not do sth. 5.Why don't you do sth. 例: 1.Shall we go shopping today? 2.How about eating some mooncakes? 3.Let's play football. 4.Why not call 110 for help? 5.=Why don't you call 110 for help? Do you understand?

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