
作者&投稿:辉昌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急急急《我的体育收藏 》和《失物招领》英语作文 初一的~~~

My great sports collection
I have a great sports collection . I have three volleyballs,five basketballs,twelve tennis rackets,one soccer balls and nine baseballs.But i don't likeplay sports.I only watch them on TV.
Lost:my backpack Found:pencil case
It's red and yellow. Is this your pencil case?
My name is ......... Please call ...... at ......
Please call ...........

  Weather Forecast-天气预报
  Weather forecasts are of great help to us. In rural areas, farmers Wshow much concern about the weather. They want to know when it will rain, when it will snow and whether their crops may be injured by frost or hail. Usually the weather forecasts can help them to learn the information they need bef. rehand and enable them to avoid heavy losses. In cities, people benefit from weather forecasts. They will early umbrellas or raincoats with them as they go to work or to school. They will change their clothes when weather changes. And weather forecasts mean even more to pilots of airplanes, drivers of cars, captains of ships and military leaders.
  Usually weather forecasts are correct, and therefore they enjoy the trust of most people. But weather is affected by a lot of factors and is very hard to be forecast very exactly each time.
  We are grateful to those who let us know the weather in advance, for they work day and night to collect and analyze various data. Some of them have to do their job at observation posts in high mountains in terrible surroundings for working and living.

  1. School every year autumn period to hold the sports meet, very lively, recalled the last games, I through hard work won the first prize of high-jump. During the games, the classmates morning exercise, afternoon doing eye exercises, after class to play basketball or football, time arrangement is very regular.

  2.  Seasons are my friends        
    I have a lot of friends. Seasons are my friends too. Spring is the first season. It is warm and sunny, and sometimes it’s rainy. Spring is very beautiful. Look, flowers are nice. Listen, the birds are singing. Sometimes I catch butterflies in the garden. I like spring, spring is my good friend.      Summer is very hot. It comes after spring. I like to stay at home and eat icecream. But my classmates like to go swimming in summer. I don’t like swimming, because I can not swim. Summer in Wuxi is very hot, but it is also my good friend.      Many people like Autumn very much. Because the Autumn is the best season in Wuxi. Autumn is neither too hot nor too cold. It’s cool and sunny. Sometimes it’s cloudy. I wanted to pick up apples, but nobody has planted apple trees here. So I can’t do it.       Winter is the last season. It’s cold and sometimes it’s snowy. So I can make snowmen and have snowball fights with classmates. I think winter is more beautiful than spring. All the things are white. How beautiful!       Now can you guess who my best friend is?

    The weather is very nice in April, the temperature is around 15-20C,I think this is the best temperature through out the whole season. I feel very comfortable in this kind of weather. A lot of people start having outdoor activities. Young kids playing sports in the park, and also there are people taking their vacations during this time. People start putting on their nice light dresses instead of big heavy winter jackets, and waiting for the summer to come.

  3. Have the four seasons one year, years has cold hot weather, do not pass normally again it seems that. Although now and then also meet of exclaim days elapse, never experience off-season changes seriously however. Experienced only spring exuberant, great achievements of again and again; If not experiences the bleak respectful of hibernate to kill, how is the passion of meeting yearning summer insurgent? The step of the four seasons comes hurriedly, go hurriedly again. The memory of childhood is like bright and beautiful if spend, colorful world life blossoms, be like sweetly March spring breeze, be like fierily in June filariasis, the four seasons in nature is certain nevertheless more if the poem is picturesque. Spring day, on boundless and indistinct prairie, lanneret is in low come back, look for just the life of come to; Small grass is in sway, suck the timely rain of the earth, it is released spring blaze, this blaze is not aureate, however green -- that is the youth that never fades symbolizes. That is pale green grow long ribbon like, although be hit after many frost, inexorable still, from last year new bud appears below blasted branches and leaves, if brook Chan Chan is poured out of. Spring the footstep is in green in spread. Summer, if note,rain cats and dogs, fierce wind sheds water shake is erratically, wet and windy, arbitrary trample lawn. Rainwater from housetop one have diarrhoea and below, free gave drainpipe, keep momently douse is on the window, on the door, let a person whats look not clear. Have water only at the moment, such blotting out the sky and cover up the earth, rainwater how not can hurried? So tremendous weight, can cloud layer bear how? So violent concussion, how is the earth endured again case? Between instantly, to bang of ping-pong of the ping on housetop, the silver on the meadow bead fly violently, low-lying place spray 4 splash. Then, the catharsis of the footstep classics harships of summer, clean ground moves toward the autumn. Autumn day, just like heaven, weather is gradually cool, the leaf becomes yellow slowly. Though autumn the prelude that is a winter, but somehow, people always thinks the autumn is the most beautiful. Autumn footstep and Chun Xia are different, it changes a faint scent, from the trail in firewood furnace or fireplace; It changes a Gan Tian, be in harmony eats fruit and vegetable; It still hides stealthily in the melon and fruit of cropland edge stack, more in the cider that brews mellow beauty already. Autumn the results that the footstep is witnessing field. Wintry day, snow is soft like cotton, thick thick bespread window lattice, climb on glass full glacial grain, dim and of divine Mi crepuscular show a window and show, make become sweet and comfortable in the home. Although be in common single-page calendar, always appear with the figure of the old person in the winter, but I think however, winter should be a happy axman, or the youth that is a warm blood, exultation caper ground appears from chimney, rise happily up, was full of whole universe. The footstep of the four seasons has gone so namely, spring green, summerly rain, autumn wind, wintry snow, it is the mark that the four seasons has taken to stay. 

  4. ousework? Honestly speaking I never do houseworks. My mum does all of them. I hate doing houseworks because it is boring and tiring, and Learning English is boring and tiring enough for me. Whenever my mum ask me to wash dishes for her I shout to her "No Way! Study is already impossibly hard for me and more housework can only drive me closer to madness." That's all I know about housework.

  5. There is a library in our school. It is open from eight o'clock in the morning till half past five in the afternoon. We often go there to borrow books.We can borrow five books at a time and keep them for two weeks. If we can't finish reading them in two weeks, we can go and renew them. The librarian is always ready to help the students. If the book you want is out, she will help you to choose another one. We always take good care of the borrowed books. We can also look through newspapers and magazines in the reading-room, but we are not allowed to take them out of the reading-room.


体育活动,首先要考虑幼儿的需要,根据天气情况、幼儿身心发展特点和动静交替原则,以下是我精心收集整理的大班体育活动方案,下面我就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 大班体育活动方案1 活动主题的选择游戏是幼 儿童 年生活不可缺的一部分,已是孩子童年的快乐、自由和权利的象征,丰富多彩的游戏不仅可以促进幼儿身心健康发展...

3. 引导幼儿进行一物多玩的体育游戏活动。 三、引导幼儿进行小组游戏活动 引导幼儿根据想像出不同的玩纸球游戏进行小组活动,教师各别指导。 四、小组接力竞争游戏:运果子。 教师提出运果子的要求,不能用手可以自由结组。看哪组运的果子最多。 五、结束,集合进行做放松、整理活动,引导幼儿进行舒缓活动稳定幼儿激动情...


一、有计划的开展游戏和体育活动,天气正常时,要有充足的户外活动。要求每天提供至少2小时的户外活动时间。 二、充分利用阳光、空气等自然因素,有计划地锻炼幼儿,运动量和项目循序渐进,适合幼儿特点。 三、组织春游、秋游、召开运动会,使幼儿在多方面得到锻炼。 四、在幼儿园的户外体育活动中,教师、保育员必须对幼儿...

小学体育活动方案4 一、指导思想 为了全面贯彻国家 教育 方针,坚持“以人为本”的教育理念,树立“健康第一”的指导思想,认真贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》,使学生能在大自然中、在阳光下、在操场上体验活动的乐趣,调动师生积极向上的热情,促进学生综合素质的提高,激发学生对体育的...

4、体育基础差、身体素质弱,或动作要领掌握不正确,一时不能适应体育活动的需要,或不自量力,容易发生损伤事故。 5、不良的气候变化。如过高的气温和潮湿的天气,导致大量出汗失水;在冰雪寒冷的冬季易发生冻狎或其它损伤事故6.在天气情况恶劣下,不应勉强进行户外活动;在炎热天气下运动,应注意控制运动量和水分的补给...

回答:北京奥运气象服务中心分别对北京历史上8月和9月的降水、气温等多个气象要素的平均情况、极端情况进行了分析,特别对8月8日~24日奥运会期间北京地区的气候背景情况、历史上出现过的高影响天气进行了精细分析。 北京市气象局市气候中心主任郭文利说,北京历史同期气象资料分析结果显示,近30年北京8月的平...


四、游戏:采蘑菇 五、放松动作,结束。 教学反思: 通过这一节教学活动,我充分认识到在体育课中,要在“引导幼儿探索动作、相互交流,掌握动作要领”上下功夫,让孩子在探索中,互相学习中提高学习动作的积极性。能善于充分利用空间、大胆利用材料,教师的讲解要精炼、透彻,把握好幼儿活动的密度和强度,一节体育活动才能真...

4、值日组长要登记好各教师出勤情况。5、体育教师开发活动、游戏系列 6、英语教师开发每天一句英语 7、大队部、教导处组织进行评比 8、阴雨天气改在室内进行(如:眼保健操、棋类活动、智力游戏等)四、大课间体育活动内容 A、跳橡皮筋、踢毽子、呼啦圈、跳长短绳、小皮球、B、广播操、太极拳 C、各种...

郓城县19190405063: 记一次体育活动500字 -
呈味玉屏: 一次跳绳比赛 盼着,盼着,大家终于等来了跳绳比赛的日子. 活动课的铃声刚刚响过,各班就排着整齐的队伍来到了操场.今天的天气似乎也很帮忙,温暖的阳光把冬日的寒气驱散得无影无踪.比赛还没开始呢?几位迫不及待的参加小选手,...

郓城县19190405063: 体育锻炼的作文 -
呈味玉屏: 【你自己改改吧】每一个人都有曾经帮助过你、关心你的人,也会发生一些感人的故事,下面就来听听我的吧!体育课的各科达标内容是我的弱点,因此,每天晚上爸爸总是带着我出来锻炼,那可是非常累的,锻炼项目有:慢跑三圈、跳台阶...

郓城县19190405063: 请分别以<我最喜欢的体育运动>,<第一次做家务>,<一张老照片的故事>,<我的家庭>,<假如我会飞>,<用心...>,<我最喜欢的一句话>写一篇250字的短文,抄网上的也可以,发给我再给分 -
呈味玉屏: 我最喜欢听的一句话 作文 我最喜欢听的一句话 自古至今,“忠言逆耳利于行”这句话都是不变的真理.是阿,别人的意见与批评我是需要的,因为它可以让我清除前进道路上的阻碍.然后,我最喜欢听的一句话——妈妈的那句“孩子,妈妈...

郓城县19190405063: 冬季:运动会:作文 -
呈味玉屏: 【第一篇】:冬季运动会 星期三,是个美好的日子.天气格外晴朗,天空纯净明洁,宛如一匹硕大的蓝缎子.我们实验小学全体师生迎来了一年一度的冬季运动会.运动员们一个个生龙活虎,在充满欢声笑语的操场上摩拳擦掌,准备大显身手....

郓城县19190405063: 体育计划怎么写 -
呈味玉屏: 户外体育兴趣活动计划(小班) ——(08—09学年第一学期)计划说明:小班幼儿的神经系统支配能力和肌肉活动的能力有了一定增长,可利用体育器械和玩具发展他们的基本动作,如会手脚协调的曲线走,能在平衡木上走,推小车跑,会单手拍...

郓城县19190405063: 班级日志怎么写? -
呈味玉屏: 2010年10月10日 星期日早上迟到:王**,李**,陈**...... 中午迟到:无 上午:纪律较好,少许人上课睡觉 下午:体育课纪律散漫,少许人不听从指挥 晚自习:纪律较差 总结:我班纪律略显散漫,待有改进 值日生:韩**2010年10月11日 星期一早上迟到:无 (李**,王**,刘**,陈**未穿校服.周**仪表不合格) 中午迟到:***,***,*** 上午:学习积极性较高,学习气氛良好 下午:遵守校纪,文明参观*** 晚自习:因下午参加校组织的活动,晚上同学们略显疲倦 总结:今日我班纪律较好,有待坚持,忘同学们再接再厉! 值日生:孙** (其实,就是记载,你班上发生的那些破事,方便老师监视你们)

郓城县19190405063: 同学刻苦训练体育运动的事迹500字作文 -
呈味玉屏: “哒哒.”一阵阵跑步声在人耳边响起,此时你猜到了吧,我们在跑步,这并不稀奇,因为每个人都跑过,可是我们是天天跑,因为我们是田径的,要为学校争光彩的. 在晴空万里的天气,教室里清晰地听到了读书的声音,这将是多么美好的事...

郓城县19190405063: ...的作文! 不少于700字. 谢谢啦!每天我们都要坚持做到六个“一”每天都要做至少一分钟的家务每天坚持至少写一分钟的日记每天至少做一分钟的体育运动... -
呈味玉屏:[答案] 简单.你写怎样帮家长做家务【可以写起初家长不同意,你又怎样去做】;写日记的可以写你每天怎样写日记【如你每天都把发生的事情写好,到时候可以当成回忆,或者感受】;做体育运动【写起初想放弃后来又怎样,或者写体育运动的好处】;...

郓城县19190405063: 看中文写英语作文60字星期一下午天气晴朗,同学们在上体育课.大家正在参与不同的体育活动,有篮球,足球,排球,乒乓球等,也有一些同学正在休息.尽... -
呈味玉屏:[答案] It is sunny on Monday afternoon.Children are on a gym class.Some are engaged in various of items,such as basketball,football,volleyball,table tennis and etc.,while others are having a rest.It is quite warm,though,we are all having a nice time.

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