
作者&投稿:卜党 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2012" is a disaster epic, the film of course, and ultimately, the Earth's destruction of many shocking scenes. When the earthquake coming, high-rise building blocks, like children's toys, like the collapse of a warm house for a blink of an eye Tanxian ruins. Rage in the face of the forces of nature, people seem so weak, a few seconds, or minutes, in the earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, floods in front of a super, all disappear without a trace. But I also saw the U.S. president in the disaster destined to come a time chosen to remain in the United States and their people together until the last moment, "the captain was unwilling to leave the sinking ship, it was his noble choice" In accordance with the Mayan prophecy, December 21, 2012 destruction of Earth Day. Although this is only a prediction, but it is worth our consideration. In the face of nature, we are all petty. The enormous destructive power of nature, we are powerless, the only way to save himself, in addition to the ark, but more importantly is that we ourselves, in the glorious nature of our humanity, to family and friends willing to give up everything and even lives heroic. When we can do all this, we also be able to save ourselves, we also be able to save mankind and civilization.

The Ugly Duckling withi ts poetic beauty and comedy humor toshow the unique artistic style.The Ugly Duckling is Anderson'snovels,fantasy elements ralative weakening,angmented reality component.The pusuit of better life,but also reveals the lack of confidence in the depression.The Ugly Duckling is famous around the world.Up to now many people still think The Ugly Duckling is perfect and unbelievable.
"This is a full of feeling,grand,beautiful movie.A real dream,a beautiful new world!"——global screen
Let's come into the Avatar."You're never seen CGI in a movie like this!""Just look like real!"The andience so evaluation.
IF the use of literature to compare,the Avatar is in fact the folk literature,is a fairy tale,but not too much——contemporary fiction movie audiences accustomed to fictional narrative.

2012" is a disaster epic, the film of course, and ultimately, the Earth's destruction of many shocking scenes. When the earthquake coming, high-rise building blocks, like children's toys, like the collapse of a warm house for a blink of an eye Tanxian ruins. Rage in the face of the forces of nature, people seem so weak, a few seconds, or minutes, in the earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, floods in front of a super, all disappear without a trace. But I also saw the U.S. president in the disaster destined to come a time chosen to remain in the United States and their people together until the last moment, "the captain was unwilling to leave the sinking ship, it was his noble choice"
In accordance with the Mayan prophecy, December 21, 2012 destruction of Earth Day. Although this is only a prediction, but it is worth our consideration. In the face of nature, we are all petty. The enormous destructive power of nature, we are powerless, the only way to save himself, in addition to the ark, but more importantly is that we ourselves, in the glorious nature of our humanity, to family and friends willing to give up everything and even lives heroic. When we can do all this, we also be able to save ourselves, we also be able to save mankind and civilization.



4部英语电影名字 和英语的还后感 三四句就好了 词不能太深 初二水平
《Forrest Gump 》it is a great movie and it means a lot to me because it brings me into the movie world.After I had watched Forrest Gump,I was very moved and Gump gave me faith to keep trying,made me believe that where there is a will,there is a way.《flipped》it's ...

经典好看的欧美电影。不要太血腥。适合初一初二的学生看的。 求~
《心灵冲浪》,今年的片,根据真人改编的励志电影。看完后这是有点感慨啊,强力推荐啊!!《弗莉卡》人和马的真挚感情 很好看的哦 《迫在眉睫》父亲为筹集儿子手术费而犯法,很感人,我都哭了 《弱点》讲 亲情的 励志片 《轮滑女郎》故事发生在德克萨斯州的一个小镇上。布雷斯是一个美丽而早熟的...

比较励志的电影 《阿甘正传》《小男孩》 《百万美元宝贝》《国王的演讲》都可以试着看看的,很不错的电影。




fulfill a promise to Jody and ends up falling in love with her. The only problem--well, it's not the only problem--is Jude has also come to London with news that the IRA is after Fergus and has a dangerous new mission in mind.只有这个水平的``用初2水平介绍电影比较难 ...

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乐东黎族自治县13869071942: 求英语400词观后感5篇如题,要用英语写欧美电影的观后感,最好是著名的,初中水准的,并把那部电影名字打出来.p.s:是400个字母左右,不是单词,不... -
芷弘碧洁:[答案] Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J.K.Rowling.The books chronicle the adventures of ...a gag that never stops running 这个杀手不太冷 This film was absolutely amazing.I have spent hours re-watching various scenes...

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芷弘碧洁:[答案] Saving Private Ryan(拯救大兵瑞恩) This movie tell us what are the most important things around world.They are life and cradit.Life is precious,in this movie the captain want to save Ryan's life.But the captain died at last.Before he died he told Ryan to ...

乐东黎族自治县13869071942: 3篇初二英语电影观后感,60字,英文 -
芷弘碧洁: 英语电影观后感今天,我们看了一部电影,这部电影的名字叫做:后天.这部电影讲的是:世界上发生了一场全球变寒的事件,电影中播放的是在纽约等地区温度急剧下降,几乎是每秒下降十几度.天上还在下可怕的冰雹,还有更恐怕的龙卷风...

乐东黎族自治县13869071942: 一个英语作品的读后感和英文电影的影评,要英语的,初二别太难,80词左右,急! -
芷弘碧洁: 读后感: The Ugly Duckling withi ts poetic beauty and comedy humor toshow the unique artistic style.The Ugly Duckling is...

乐东黎族自治县13869071942: 急 用英语写一篇50字左右的介绍电影作文 要求:初中水平 2.可以写观后感或介绍!!!!! -
芷弘碧洁: TitanicT film brought a love story between Rose and Jack. They met on Titanic and fell in love with each other.Four days after the Titanic set out, a very big accident happened.The ship was holed by an iceberg.Many people cannot be saved ...

乐东黎族自治县13869071942: 谁有英文电影的英文观后感呢、、、最好是初中二年级那种水平的...谢谢哦 -
芷弘碧洁: 歌舞青春观后感 This movie is really good. I'm a big high school musical fan, but from all the three movies this is the one i liked most and it's actually the best of the three, so i don't understand how it has less golden stars than the others. OK, it's not a ...

乐东黎族自治县13869071942: 求英文电影50字英语观后感,初中生能看懂的,电影最好不要关于爱情 -
芷弘碧洁: Today I go to see a movie ,and the name is Super Man.In this movie the man have very big power and his dream is to protect everyone who is in trouble.That movie teaches us that the life is not as bad as most people feel and don't give up no matter what happens.There is always someone who can help you as if you insist.

乐东黎族自治县13869071942: 求一篇英语作文,初中水平的就行100个词,是关于英语电影的观后感,随便的英语电影都行. -
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