Who in the hell is that?

作者&投稿:蒋研 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Who in the hell is that?~


1. 见鬼,那是谁呀?
2. 那到底是谁呀?


waht the hell is that?

Who in the hell is that ? >>那家伙到底是谁? >>在美式口语中,hell是一个绝对的高频词,一般用来表示诅咒、惊讶、不耐烦等口气,还可以用来表达强调的语感,这是大家在今后的交际中会经常用到的一种方式。类似的用法如“the hell”、“in hell”,更为人常见。>>1. What the hell are you doing here? >>你到底在这儿干什么? >>2. what in hell did you say to her? >>你究竟对她说了什么? >>3. A/one hell of 表示强调:极好的\极糟的 >>He is a hell of a good soldier. >>他绝对是一个出色的士兵。>>What a hell of nice photo! >>这张照片真是棒极了! >>4. go to hell(粗)去你的,见鬼去吧 >>If you don’t like the color, you can go to hell! >>你不喜欢这颜色?去你的! >>5. feel/look like hell(感觉/气色)很差 >>After the operation, I looked like hell for a long time. >>手术之后的很长时间我的气色都不好。 >>6. what the hell 表示破釜沉舟的决心时使用 >>What the hell! We only live once and life goes on. >>管他呢!我们只活一次,而生活还得继续。 >>7. as hell表示强调,非常>>Look at the girl there, she is pretty/cute/ugly as hell. >>瞧,那个女孩儿漂亮/可爱/丑陋极了。>>I’m sure as hell not gonna do that. >>我当然决不会做那种事情了!>>8. Hell! I don’t know! 见鬼!我不知道!>>

池州市13438299681: Who in the hell is that?
字翁复方: Who in the hell is that ? >> 那家伙到底是谁? >> 在美式口语中,hell是一个绝对的高频词,一般用来表示诅咒、惊讶、不耐烦等口气,还可以用来表达强调的语感,这是大家在今后的交际中会经常用到的一种方式.类似的用法如“the hell”、“...

池州市13438299681: who the hell is her?求翻译!!急!! -
字翁复方: 应该是 who the hell is she 啊 她是谁?(语气强烈)

池州市13438299681: who - the - hell - you - are是什么意思 -
字翁复方: hell 属于感叹词,借用地狱的含义发出强烈的诅咒,相当于汉语的“他妈该死的”,所以这句话的意思是“你他妈的究竟是谁呀”.类似的感叹词还有fuck、damn、in the world、 onearth、under the sun、under heaven,等等.例如:I am damn well going to file chargesagainst him. 我他妈肯定要对他提出控告. How in the world did they manage? 他们他妈究竟是怎样办到的? Is there any justice under the sun? 这天底下他妈的究竟有没有公平?

池州市13438299681: 翻译两句英文. who the hell are you? we are meant to be. -
字翁复方: Who the hell are you? - 你特么的是谁?We are meant to be. - 含义很丰富,不同语境下有不同翻译.可以译为:我们注定如此.梦到某个人:dream of sb. dream作不及物动词.

池州市13438299681: 求艾薇儿最新单曲《what the hell》中英文对照歌词 -
字翁复方: You say that I'm messing with your head你说是我把你弄的超头痛(yeah yeah yeah yeah) All cuz I was making out with your friend全因我和你的朋友搞在一起了 (yeah yeah yeah yeah) Love hurts whether it's right or wrong不管对错爱本来就很...

池州市13438299681: Who the hell are you还是 Who the hell you are ?? -
字翁复方: 如果是简单句的话,就是Who the hell are you?是个问句!要是复合句的话就不是了!如果是你以为你是谁,那就是who the hell you are了!因为复合句的话,这句要改成陈述的语气,所以就是you are了!

池州市13438299681: 有一个歌的歌词听上去像what the hell -
字翁复方: 歌名:What The Hell 歌手:Avril Lavigne 所属专辑:What The Hell 中英文歌词:You, say that i'm messing up with your head (yeah-yeah yeah-yeah)你说 我扰乱了你的思绪 All cause i was making out with your friend (yeah-yeah yeah-yeah)因为我和...

池州市13438299681: 艾薇儿新歌《what the hell》歌词 -
字翁复方: You, say that i'm messing up with your head你说我让你你感觉很糟糕All cause i was making out with your friend因为我和你的朋友亲热Love hurts, whether it's right or wrong爱本伤人,管它对或错I can't stop, cause i'm having too much fun停不下来,...

池州市13438299681: what the hell 歌词+翻译,谢谢! -
字翁复方: 翻译:星空 第一次翻译…………语言不敢太暴露怕百度吃 You, say that i'm messing up with your head 你说我故意耍你 All cause i was making out with your friend 因为我和你的朋友暧昧 Love hurts, whether it's right or wrong 爱很伤人,不管它是对...

池州市13438299681: who the hell is gossip girl in the Gossip Girl?这个问句对吗? -
字翁复方: who the hell is gossip girl in the Gossip Girl?对the hell 没有什么意义,主要加强语气.


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