加勒比海盗中的Hoist The Colours的歌词是什么?有没有完整能听的,在那里?

作者&投稿:马夜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hoist the Colours 【扬起船旗】
Yo ho, haul together, hoist theColors high 唷吼 一起转航,扬起船旗
heave ho,thieves and beggars,never shall we die拉呀 小偷和乞丐,我们将永不死
The king and his men stole the queen From her bed and bound her in her
The seas be ours and by the powers Where we will well roam
我们拥有海洋和力量 我们该流浪何方
Yo ho, haul together, hoist theColors high 唷吼 一起转航,扬起船旗
heave ho,thieves and beggars,never shall we die拉呀 小偷和乞丐,我们将永不死
Some men have died and some are alive And others sail on the sea
with He keys to the cage and the Devil to pay we lay to Fiddler's Green!
有些人已安息 有些人仍活著 还有些人继续在海上航行
他的钥匙插入箱子里 恶魔将会实现我们航海者的梦!
The bell has been raised from it's watery grave do you hear it's sepulchral tone
钟声已从潮湿的墓地响起 你是否听到那阴森森的音调
We are a call to all, pay head the squall
我们召唤所有人 让啼哭声得到报偿
and turn your sail toward home! Yo ho, haul together Raise the colors high!
Heave ho!thieves and beggars, never say we die.
Hoist the Colours


歌词Yo ho, haul together, hoist theColors high 唷吼 一起转航,扬起船旗 heave ho,thieves and beggars,never shall we die 拉呀 小偷和乞丐,我们将永不死 The king and his men stole the queen From her bed and bound her in her Bones 国王和他的手下们从皇后的床上偷偷抓起并将她束缚在她的骨子里 The seas be ours and by the powers Where we will well roam 我们拥有海洋和力量 我们该流浪何方 Yo ho, haul together, hoist theColors high 唷吼 一起转航,扬起船旗 heave ho,thieves and beggars,never shall we die 拉呀 小偷和乞丐,我们将永不死 Some men have died and some are alive And others sail on the sea with He keys to the cage and the Devil to pay we lay to Fiddler's Green! 有些人已安息 有些人仍活著 还有些人继续在海上航行 他的钥匙插入箱子里 恶魔将会实现我们航海者的梦! The bell has been raised from it's watery grave do you hear it's sepulchral tone 钟声已从潮湿的墓地响起 你是否听到那阴森森的音调 We are a call to all, pay head the squall 我们召唤所有人 让啼哭声得到报偿 and turn your sail toward home! Yo ho, haul together Raise the colors high! Heave ho!thieves and beggars, never say we die. 改变你的航行航往家中吧!唷吼,一起转航.扬起船旗! 拉呀!小偷和乞丐,我们将永不死 Hoist the Colours 扬起船旗 下载地址: http://www.wramag.com/music/Pirates3/01.mp3

Hoist the colours的标准歌词带中文翻译 the king of his men stole the queen from her bed 国王和他的手下偷偷地把皇后从她的床上带走 and bound her in her bones 并把她束缚在她的骨子里 the seas be ours and by the powers 我们拥有大海的力量 where we were we'll roam 我们将流浪何方 yo,ho,haul together 哟吼~一起转舵 hoist the colours high 高扬旗帜 heave ho,thieves and beggars 拉呀,小偷和乞丐们 never shall we die 我们将永生 http://www.51t.com/ting/3CA7F2BC/C490D428/

勒比海盗Ⅲ, hoist the colours
www.520music.com里面搜索hoist the colours就有电影原声试听.点下载就能搜到下载

现在只能等电影院上影了才能看到 要是下载的话,暂时是不会有的。。。毕竟是新片嘛。。。

那肯定是试玩版本了 你下载的安装程序应该在300-500M之间 正版的加勒比海盗3世界尽头游戏 安装程序在1G左右 安装完了1.58G左右 这款游戏最早是psp上面的,后来才做了pc的 要玩还是在psp上爽 pc完整版下载:http:\/\/\/down?cid=A065D05A30002A6C00BDDFC433D66D30C726B42F&t=1&...

Kraken挪威语,音译就是克拉肯,北欧神话中游离于挪威和冰岛近海的海怪。在很多小说和电影里都有他 参考资料:http:\/\/baike.baidu.com\/view\/898182.html?wtp=tt

有没有像加勒比海盗的有好几集的电影 最好不要有太多露骨镜头


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榆林市19814403291: 加勒比海盗3刚开始的那个歌是什么 -
唱朗胃炎: 歌名:Hoist The Colours 扬起船旗作者:Hans ZimerYo ho, haul together, hoist theColors high 唷吼 一起转航,扬起船旗 heave ho,thieves and beggars,never shall we die拉呀 小偷和乞丐,我们将永不死 The king and his men stole the queen ...

榆林市19814403291: 加勒比海盗3开头那个小男孩唱的歌是什么? 有歌词吗? -
唱朗胃炎: hoist the colours --Hans ZimerYo, ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die.The king and his men stole the queen from her bed and bound her in her Bones. The seas be ours and by the powers ...

榆林市19814403291: 加勒比海盗3 那首hoist the colours 英文完整版 +中英歌词,小男孩唱的请另发. glasses - fox@163.com -
唱朗胃炎: Hoist The Colours 扬起船旗 Yo ho, haul together, hoist theColors high 唷吼 一起转航,扬起船旗 heave ho,thieves and beggars,never shall we die拉呀 小偷和乞丐,我们将永不死 The king and his men stole the queen From her bed and bound her in...

榆林市19814403291: 加勒比海盗3中那首海盗歌有什么特别意义吗? -
唱朗胃炎: 意义就是,它是海盗要反抗东印度公司的一个缩影,一个代表,一种精神的表达,也象征了海盗对自由的渴望

榆林市19814403291: 加勒比海盗3开头那首歌叫什么?
唱朗胃炎: 加3》开头那个小孩唱的歌叫《Hoist The Colours》 意为:召唤海之女神,歌颂海盗精神.传说中这首歌是在适当的时候用来呼唤所有海盗首领联手对付敌人... 可以到下面的网址下载(第一首就是) http://www.5see.com/download/ysinfo.php?id=509&type=

榆林市19814403291: 加勒比海盗里的Hoist The Colours的英文版歌词是什么啊?
唱朗胃炎: Yo, ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die. The king and his men stole the queen from her bed and bound her in her Bones. The seas be ours and by the powers where we will we'll roam. Yo, ho, haul...

榆林市19814403291: 加勒比海盗三中那个小孩开头唱得歌叫什么名字
唱朗胃炎: 叫hoist the colours Hans Zimer作曲 Hans Zimer的电影配乐都很好听,建议去听听看

榆林市19814403291: 加勒比海盗3歌曲hoist the colours是什么类型的歌曲? -
唱朗胃炎: 在戏里是海盗起义歌 如果只是音乐分类一般是分到影视原声,如果没有歌词当然可以算交响乐,但是他也不属于流行歌曲,所以只能是影视原声,大音乐网站都是这么分的!

榆林市19814403291: 加勒比海盗3中人们唱的歌谣
唱朗胃炎: Hoist the Colours 【扬起船旗】 Yo ho, haul together, hoist theColors high 唷吼 一起转航,扬起船旗 heave ho,thieves and beggars,never shall we die拉呀 小偷和乞丐,我们将永不死 The king and his men stole the queen From her bed and bound ...

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