just as 和just like的区别是什么?

作者&投稿:当涂庞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
just as 和just like的区别是什么~

just like 与 just as的区别
1、She is a fine singer,as her mother used to be.
2、There is as much water in this cupas in that one.
3、My sister isn''t much like me.
4、The robot can''t work like man.
5、All the plants and animals need air just as they need water.
6、Mary goes to school at seven every morning just like her brother.
7、The ship looks like a high building.
8、The sky was like ink over my head.
9、This ship is as long as that one.
as 在这样的句子里指全句所谈到的内容,引出非限制性定于从句,在从句中一般做主语或宾语.例如:
10、Metals have many good properties,as has been stated before.
11、As we said before,you have done a good job.
12、She,like thousands of others,is fascinated by this work.
13、Nobody loves you like I do,baby.
(2)在非正式的文体中,like,常被用来代替as if.
14、Duke said:"You feel like you could reach out and touch it (the space)."
四、as常用于下列词组:在as you know ,as we agreed,as you suggested 这些词组中,as的实际意义不是比较,也不是相似,而是同一事物或人之义.例如:
as you know 的意思不是you know somthing like this ,而是you know this.
15、As he knew,she wasn''t much at letter-writing.
16、As all his friends agree,he was unusually warm-hearted,loving and generous.

just like 与 just as的区别 做这种题就要去同求异. 呵呵. 区别开as与like就好了 as与like是英语中常见的两个词.他们的语义和用法很多.在语义上者两个词都可以当"像......"."正如......"讲.说明人与人.物与物.动作与动作.状态与状态之间的相似之处.但其语法结构却是不一样的. 一.当[像"讲时.语法结构的不同之处是: 1.as作连接词.她引导比较状语从句和方式状语从句.而且这两种从句通常为省略句.例如: 1.She is a fine singer. as her mother used to be. 2.There is as much water in this cupas in that one. 2.like作介词.例如: 3.My sister isn''t much like me. 4.The robot can''t work like man. 如果需要加强语气.再这两个词之前加上just之类的词即可.例如: 5.All the plants and animals need air just as they need water. 6.Mary goes to school at seven every morning just like her brother. 含义不同之处是: (1)like只是单纯表示比较.而且通常不是同类事物进行比较: 7.The ship looks like a high building. 8.The sky was like ink over my head. (2)as可表示同类事物比较. 9.This ship is as long as that one. 二.当[正如...."意义讲时.语法结构的不同之处是: (1)as作关系代词或关系副词.引导定于从句. as 在这样的句子里指全句所谈到的内容.引出非限制性定于从句.在从句中一般做主语或宾语.例如: 10.Metals have many good properties. as has been stated before. 11.As we said before. you have done a good job. (2)like作界词. 12.She. like thousands of others. is fascinated by this work. 三.as与like有时可以换用. (1)在非正式的美国英语中like可用作连词.代替as.例如: 13.Nobody loves you like I do. baby. (2)在非正式的文体中.like.常被用来代替as if. 14.Duke said:"You feel like you could reach out and touch it (the space)." 四.as常用于下列词组:在as you know .as we agreed. as you suggested 这些词组中.as的实际意义不是比较.也不是相似.而是同一事物或人之义.例如: as you know 的意思不是you know somthing like this .而是you know this. 15.As he knew. she wasn''t much at letter-writing. 16.As all his friends agree. he was unusually warm-hearted.loving and generous. 在非正式问题中.有时可以在这种词组里用like.但在受过教育的人所使用的英语中不多见.

just like 与 just as的区别

1.She is a fine singer. as her mother used to be.
2.There is as much water in this cupas in that one.
3.My sister isn''t much like me.
4.The robot can''t work like man.
5.All the plants and animals need air just as they need water.
6.Mary goes to school at seven every morning just like her brother.
7.The ship looks like a high building.
8.The sky was like ink over my head.
9.This ship is as long as that one.
as 在这样的句子里指全句所谈到的内容.引出非限制性定于从句.在从句中一般做主语或宾语.例如:
10.Metals have many good properties. as has been stated before.
11.As we said before. you have done a good job.
12.She. like thousands of others. is fascinated by this work.
13.Nobody loves you like I do. baby.
(2)在非正式的文体中.like.常被用来代替as if.
14.Duke said:"You feel like you could reach out and touch it (the space)."
四.as常用于下列词组:在as you know .as we agreed. as you suggested 这些词组中.as的实际意义不是比较.也不是相似.而是同一事物或人之义.例如:
as you know 的意思不是you know somthing like this .而是you know this.
15.As he knew. she wasn''t much at letter-writing.
16.As all his friends agree. he was unusually warm-hearted.loving and generous.

舍去长篇大论,总的来说,,just as后面接一个句子,just like 后面接名词或者句子都可以,例如The sentenses you want me to explain just like the words I give you.Thank you!

just like: adv. 正如(几乎与...一样) That baby looks just like her father! 那婴儿真像她父亲. But I like singing, I like to be on the stage, just like I have returned my home. 不过我自己也是蛮喜欢唱歌的,在舞台上面的感觉,就像回到家里。 just as 1. 正如;正像 2. 正在…的时候;正当…时Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the important of gases.空气是气体中最重要的一种,正如水是液体中最重要的一种一样。You should take an umbrella just as a precaution.你该带把伞,有备无患。 这两个后都可跟句子或词语,表示“正像、正如”时可互换。

just like:
adv. 正如(几乎与。。。一样)
That baby looks just like her father.
But I like singing, I like to be on the stage, just like I have returned my home.
just as:
Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the important of gases.
You should take an umbrella just as a precaution.

茶陵县18661249816: just as 和just like的区别是什么? -
撒肤车前: just as 就在什么什么的时候;at the same time as just like就像什么什么人/事/物as是连词,所以just as后面可加句子. 但like是介词,只能加名词,代词,动名词之类的.

茶陵县18661249816: just as 和just like的区别 -
撒肤车前: just as 就在什么什么的时候; just like就像什么什么人/事/物 as是连词,所以just as后面可加句子.但like是介词,只能加名词,代词,动名词之类的.

茶陵县18661249816: just as对还是just like对?为什么? -
撒肤车前:[答案] as 可做连词用,而like介词,因此JUST LIKE 后面直接接宾语

茶陵县18661249816: just as 和just like的区别是什么? -
撒肤车前:[答案] 舍去长篇大论,总的来说,just as后面接一个句子,just like 后面接名词或者句子都可以,例如The sentenses you want me to explain just like the words I give you.Thank you!

茶陵县18661249816: just as和just like的区别 具体一点最好还能举例 -
撒肤车前:[答案] as 后面是从句 可以充当成分 这时有点类似于定语从句中which的用法 like后面不能是从句,只能是短语 例如 The information is just as I have said before. she is a student just like me.

茶陵县18661249816: just as 与just like用法.(老师或者英语高手请进)我看到这么几个例子;That's just as it should be.just as 引导表语从句,be后面没有成分,那么just as 可以充... -
撒肤车前:[答案] just like = 好像,有如just as 有两个意思和用法:1. 正如2. 当,在.的时候,正在下面举一些例子:While vacationing in New York, I met my long-lost friend Mary. We spent a few afternoons togehter. It was just...

茶陵县18661249816: just as和just when有区别吗 -
撒肤车前: just as和just when是有区别的.as,when,while,虽都表时间,但是有区别的.一、as的用法.as多用于口语,强调“同一时间”或“一先一后”.如:As I was going out, it began to rain. 当我出门时,开始下雨了.(as强调两个动作紧接着发生....

茶陵县18661249816: as if 和just as的区别 -
撒肤车前: as if和just as均是引导从句的连接词,区别在于意思. 一、as if的用法. as if表示“好像”,“宛如”,后面的从句常常用虚拟语气,但也可以用陈述语气,时态必须往前退一格,如: He spoke English as if he were a native speaker. 他英语说得...

茶陵县18661249816: just as的用法.详细一点. -
撒肤车前: 1.正象;正当…的时候 综合辅导:大学英语常考词组(十) just as / / 正象;正当…的 2.正象;恰与……相同 九年级英语教案—英语教案-A doctor... just as… 正象;恰与……相同 3.恰如

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