Java Jive (Lp Version) 歌词

作者&投稿:扶惠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Hawaii (Lp Version) 歌词~

歌曲名:Hawaii (Lp Version)
歌手:Don Ho
专辑:Tiny Bubbles

Haley Bonar - Hawaii
Take me to Wai'ki'ki
And dance beneath the blistering sun.
Our love's been frozen by the northern sky
It's swallows everyone.
I laugh just like my mother did,
Throw stones just like my father did.
And they believed in love,
Yes they believed in love.
I say "Dateless,"
Taped his own wings on
And continued to
Fly towards the sun
As his father cried
They will come undone,
It's when he took the plunge
It's when he took the plunge.
Some warm hands
And warmer thoughts
Dance just like our parents did
With one arm wrapped around my hip
We soar towards the sun.
I say "dateless"
Taped his own wings on
And continued to
Fly towards the sun.
As his father cried
They will come undone.
It's when he took the plunge.
It's when he took the plunge.
Taped his own wings on.
2009.06.14 7

歌曲名:Zeroes (Lp Version)
专辑:Resident Alien

my reflection, dirty mirror
there's no connection to myself
i'm your lover, i'm your zero
i'm the face in your dreams of glass
so save your prayers
for when you're really gonna need 'em
throw out your cares and fly
wanna go for a ride?
she's the one for me
she's all i really need
cause she's the one for me
emptiness is loneliness, and loneliness is cleanliness
and cleanliness is godliness, and god is empty just like me
intoxicated with the madness, i'm in love with my sadness
bullshit fakers, enchanted kingdoms
the fashion victims chew their charcoal teeth
i never let on, that i was on a sinking ship
i never let on that i was down
you blame yourself, for what you can't ignore
you blame yourself for wanting more
she's all i really need
she's the one for me
she's the one for me
she's my one and only

一下是Java Jive (Lp version)的歌词:
歌手:Manhattan Transfer

Manhatten Transfer - Java Jive
I love coffee, I love tea
I love the Java Jive and it loves me
Coffee and tea and the java and me
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup (Boy!)
I love java, sweet and hot
Whoops Mr. Moto, I'm a coffee pot
Shoot the pot and I'll pour me a shot
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup
Oh slip me a slug from the wonderful mug
And I'll cut a rug just snug in a jug
A sliced up onion and a raw one
Draw one -
Waiter, waiter, percolator
I love coffee, I love tea
I love the Java Jive and it loves me
Coffee and tea and the java and me
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup
Boston bean (soy beans)
Green bean (cabbage and greens)
I'm not keen about a bean
Unless it is a chili chili bean (boy!)
I love java sweet and hot
Whoops Mr. Moto I'm a coffee pot (yeah)
Shoot me the pot and I'll pour me a shot
A cup, a cup, a cup (yeah)
Slip me a slug of the wonderful mug
'An I'll cut a rug just as snug in a jug
Drop a nickel in the pot Joe
Takin' it slow
Waiter, waiter, percolator
I love coffee, I love tea
I love the Java Jive and it loves me
Coffee and tea and the java and me
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, boy!

歌曲名:Java Jive (Lp Version)
歌手:Manhattan Transfer

Manhatten Transfer - Java Jive
傲世堂 @ wind200808
I love coffee, I love tea
I love the Java Jive and it loves me
Coffee and tea and the java and me
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup (Boy!)
I love java, sweet and hot
Whoops Mr. Moto, I'm a coffee pot
Shoot the pot and I'll pour me a shot
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup
Oh slip me a slug from the wonderful mug
And I'll cut a rug just snug in a jug
A sliced up onion and a raw one
Draw one -
Waiter, waiter, percolator
I love coffee, I love tea
I love the Java Jive and it loves me
Coffee and tea and the java and me
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup
Boston bean (soy beans)
Green bean (cabbage and greens)
I'm not keen about a bean
Unless it is a chili chili bean (boy!)
I love java sweet and hot
Whoops Mr. Moto I'm a coffee pot (yeah)
Shoot me the pot and I'll pour me a shot
A cup, a cup, a cup (yeah)
Slip me a slug of the wonderful mug
'An I'll cut a rug just as snug in a jug
Drop a nickel in the pot Joe
Takin' it slow
Waiter, waiter, percolator
傲世堂 @ wind200808
I love coffee, I love tea
I love the Java Jive and it loves me
Coffee and tea and the java and me
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, boy!
傲世堂 @ wind200808

小河区19778983683: Jive是什么? -
笃荆诺迪: Jive是基于JSP/JAVA技术构架的一个大型BBS论坛系统 可到查看下载

小河区19778983683: 学好java应该先从哪里入手? -
笃荆诺迪: va有没有什么捷径,我说“无他,唯手熟尔”.但是我却很愿意将自己学习的一些经验写出来,以便后来者少走弯路,帮助别人是最大的快乐嘛! 要想学好Java,首先要知道Java的大致分类.我们知...

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笃荆诺迪: 一个是程序 一个是库文件

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小河区19778983683: 工厂模式的介绍 -
笃荆诺迪: 工厂模式是我们最常用的实例化对象模式了,是用工厂方法代替new操作的一种模式.著名的Jive论坛 ,就大量使用了工厂模式,工厂模式在Java程序系统可以说是随处可见.因为工厂模式就相当于创建实例对象的new,我们经常要根据类Class生成实例对象,如A a=new A() 工厂模式也是用来创建实例对象的,所以以后new时就要多个心眼,是否可以考虑使用工厂模式,虽然这样做,可能多做一些工作,但会给你系统带来更大的可扩展性和尽量少的修改量.

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笃荆诺迪: 工厂模式是我们最常用的模式了,著名的Jive论坛 ,就大量使用了工厂模式,工厂模式在Java程序系统可以说是随处可见. 为什么工厂模式是如此常用?因为工厂模式就相当于创建实例对象的new,我们经常要根据类Class生成实例对象,如A a...

小河区19778983683: java程序员需要掌握Dreamver吗? -
笃荆诺迪: 完全不需要,不过你要是学Java体系中的JSP的话,就可能要接触网站设计了,网站设计的话就要接触网页三剑客了,如果只是应用程序开发程序员就没有必要了

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