曲婉婷os+John Mayer的《Believe》 歌词

作者&投稿:离儿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Elton John的《Believe》 歌词~

歌手:Elton John
I believe in love, it's all we got
Love has no boundaries, costs nothing to touch
War makes money, cancer sleeps
Curled up in my father and that means something to me
Churches and dictators, politics and papers
Everything crumbles sooner or later
But love, I believe in love
I believe in love, it's all we got
Love has no boundaries, no borders to cross
Love is simple, hate breeds
Those who think difference is the child of disease
Father and son make love and guns
Families together kill someone
Without love, I believe in love
Without love I wouldn't believe
In anything that lives and breathes
Without love I'd have no anger
I wouldn't believe in the right to stand here
Without love I wouldn't believe
I couldn't believe in you
And I wouldn't believe in me
Without love
I believe in love
I believe in love
I believe in love


  John Mayer出生于1977年10月16日,从小在美国的康涅狄格州听着音乐广播长大,13岁的时候邻居给了他一盘布鲁斯吉他大师Stevie Ray Vaughan的磁带,他开始拨弄手中的吉他,并且在当地的一些布鲁斯酒吧开始演出。尽管John Mayer的技术得到了很多观众的认可,但是后来他终于发现自己与真正的吉他鉴赏家的差距,是他即使倾尽一生都不可能追上的,于是他放弃了成为一名吉他艺术家的梦想,转而把更多的精力放到了作词和作曲方面,而这也成为了他日后成名的重要因素。 19岁时John Mayer进入了波士顿的Berklee College of Music学院进修。但是很快他就厌倦了在那里学习,而是更大程度的研究属于自己的音乐。不久之后他就离开了那所学校,在朋友的劝导下,他来到了亚特兰大继续自己的音乐梦想。John Mayer加入了一些词曲作者的俱乐部,他的词曲才华以及演唱水平在这里得到了充分的发挥。1999年,John Mayer有机会发行了第一张个人专辑《Inside Wants Out》,这是一张主要由大段的原声独奏组成的专辑,他的创作才能也首次展现在人们面前。亚特兰大的一些媒体迅速对John Mayer手中的吉他和出色的歌词唱起了赞歌,老道的民谣摇滚在原声吉他的伴奏下很快吸引了大量的歌迷。 2000年3月在美国德克萨斯州的西南部音乐节上的精彩表现使John Mayer进入了许多大唱片公司的视野,最终他和Columbia旗下的Aware唱片公司签约,他开始录制自己的新专辑《Room for Squares》。这张于2001年发行的专辑得到了曾经担任Dave Matthews专辑制作人的John Alagia的大力支持。在John Alagia的制作之下,新专辑一改首张专辑中原声吉他占主导的风格,电吉他成为了主要的乐器,同时John Alagia还进一步开发了John Mayer在其他乐器方面的才华,以及帮助提高了他的演唱水平,这使他在风格上更像Dave Matthews。这也是John Mayer到目前为止最为成功的专辑,不仅多次被唱片公司再版发行,而且还发行过一张双CD的限量纪念版。在贝斯手David LaBruyere和鼓手Nir Zidkiyahu的帮助下John Mayer展开了首次全美巡回演出,这次巡演为他赢得了更广泛的歌迷的支持,其中包括不少为他的俊朗外形所倾倒的女歌迷,John Mayer成为了最受欢迎的男歌手之一。这张专辑在2002年的每一天都在Billboard 200排行榜上稳居一席之地,专辑中的单曲《83》还入选了电影《Serendipity》的原声大碟。
  微温的歌唱情绪,年轻随性的创作文采,就跟The Wallflowers主唱Jakob Dylan、Dave Matthews这些深受美国Adult Rock音乐电台宠爱的歌手一样,John Mayer在麦克风前总是能自在的散发笔下的词曲文采,弥漫著高度的亲合力,瞬间解除听歌者的情绪武装,首支单曲“No Such Thing”自2001年夏季推出后,一年来依然高居美国成人摇滚电台的热门播放榜,在Billboard成人榜入主Top5及流行单曲榜Top13佳绩;第二支单曲“Your Body Is Wonderland”同样是缔造成人榜Top5及流行单曲榜Top18名次。
  首张专辑《Room For Squares》,在口碑的推波助澜下,跃升到Billboard流行专辑榜TOP 15,并且停留榜上40周以上,更在美国CDNow网站销售名列前10名,滚石杂志不但给予专辑4颗星的超高评价,还将他与凡妮莎、艾薇儿等人列为2002年最值得瞩目的新秀歌手之一,连乐坛前辈艾尔顿?强都对Mayer赞美有加,2002年夏季更获MTV音乐录影带大奖最佳新进艺人提名。2009年获第51届格莱美最佳流行男歌手,最佳摇滚歌手奖项
  John Mayer Trio -《Try! John Mayer Trio Live》
  01 Who Did You Think I Was
  02 Good Love Is On The Way
  03 Wait Until Tomorrow
  04 Gravity
  05 Vultures
  06 Out Of My Mind
  07 Another Kind Of Green
  08 I Got A Woman
  09 Something's Missing
  10 Daughters
  11 Try
  John Mayer -《Continuum》
  1. Waiting On The World To Change
  2. I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)
  3. Belief
  4. Gravity
  5. The Heart Of Life
  6. Vultures
  7. Stop This Train
  8. Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
  9. Bold As Love
  10. Dreaming With A Broken Heart
  11. In Repair
  12. I'm Gonna Find Another You
  John Mayer -《Any Given Thursday》
  01. 3x5
  02. No Such Thing
  03. Back To You
  04. City Love
  05. Something's Missing
  06. Lenny/Man On The Side
  07. Message In A Bottle
  08. Love Song For No One
  01. Why Georgia
  02. Your Body Is A Wonderland
  03. My Stupid Mouth
  04. Covered In Rain
  05. 83 Medley
  06. Comfortable
  07. Neon
  John Mayer -《Inside Wants Out》
  1 Back to You
  2 No Such Thing
  3 My Stupid Mouth
  4 Neon
  5 Victoria Mayer
  6 Love Soon
  7 Comfortable
  8 Quiet
  John Mayer -《Room For Squares》
  1 No Such Thing
  2 Why Georgia
  3 My Stupid Mouth
  4 Your Body is a Wonderland
  5 Neon
  6 City Love
  7 83
  8 3x5
  9 Love Song for No One
  10 Back to You
  11 Great Indoors
  12 Not Myself
  13 St. Patrick's Day
  John Mayer -《Heavier Things》
  01. Clarity [4:31]
  02. Bigger Than My Body [4:26]
  03. Something's Missing [5:05]
  04. New Deep [4:09]
  05. Come Back To Bed [5:25]
  06. Home Life [4:13]
  07. Split Screen Sadness [5:06]
  08. Daughters [3:59]
  09. Only Heart [3:50]
  10. Wheel [5:32]
  John Mayer -《Where The Light Is (Live)》
  DISC 1:
  1. Neon (Acoustic)
  2. Stop This Train (Acoustic)
  3. In Your Atmosphere (Acoustic)
  4. Daughters (Acoustic)
  5. Free Fallin' (Acoustic)
  6. Everyday I Have The Blues
  7. Wait Until Tomorrow
  8. Who Did You Think I Was
  9. Come When I Call
  10. Good Love Is On The Way
  11. Out Of My Mind
  12. Vultures
  13. Bold As Love
  DISC 2:
  1. Waiting On The World To Change
  2. Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
  3. Why Georgia
  4. The Heard Of Life
  5. I Don't Need No Doctor
  6. Gravity
  7. I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)
  8. Belief
  9. I'm Gonna Find Another You

演唱:曲婉婷os+John Mayer
Is there anyone who
Ever remembers changing there mind from
The paint on a sign?
Is there anyone who really recalls
Ever breaking rank at all
For something someone yelled real loud one time
Everyone believes
In how they think it ought to be
Everyone believes
And they're not going easily
Belief is a beautiful armor
But makes for the heaviest sword
Like punching under water
You never can hit who you're trying for
Some need the exhibition
And some have to know they tried
It's the chemical weapon
For the war that's raging on inside
Everyone believes
From emptiness to everything
Everyone believes
And no ones going quietly
We're never gonna win the world
We're never gonna stop the war
We're never gonna beat this
If belief is what we're fighting for
We're never gonna win the world
We're never gonna stop the war
We're never gonna beat this
If belief is what we're fighting for
We're never gonna win the world
We're never gonna stop the war
We're never gonna beat this
If belief is what we're fighting for
We're never gonna win the world
We're never gonna stop the war
We're never gonna beat this
If belief is what we're fighting for
What puts a hundred thousand children in the sand
Belief can
Belief can
What puts the folded flag inside his mother's hand
Belief can
Belief can


依安县17287495964: 求曲婉婷的英文歌 -
茶闸康均: Drenched 曲婉婷 Life Is Like A Song 曲婉婷 Hide Away 曲婉婷 Jar Of Love 曲婉婷 Everything in the World 曲婉婷 Hand Hold 曲婉婷 Anxiety 曲婉婷 《Star In You》曲婉婷 《Shell》曲婉婷 还有很多,建议自己搜搜“曲婉婷”,然后在自己选择

依安县17287495964: 同求曲婉婷的所有原创歌曲,谢谢!!!! -
茶闸康均: 看到你求助 希望能帮到你 以下是曲婉婷的原创英文歌:《Nobody's Fault》《Shell》《If Only Just》《Shine Over Me》《Everything In The world》《Anxiety》《Untied(黑白画面钢琴弹唱)》《Everything In The world》中文歌:《我的歌声里》《天黑了》

依安县17287495964: 曲婉婷的个人资料. -
茶闸康均: 曲婉婷,原创音乐人,签约于加拿大Nettwerk音乐公司的首位华人女歌手.曲婉婷的歌声悦耳动听,深受广大音乐爱好者的喜爱.外文名: Wanting Qu 别名: 婉婷 国籍: 中国 民族: 汉族 出生地: 黑龙江哈尔滨 出生日期: 1983年10月10日 经纪公司: Nettwerk 代表作品: 《承认》,《everything in the world》,《我的歌声里》星座: 天秤座

依安县17287495964: 求曲婉婷的所有歌曲,谢啦 -
茶闸康均: 曲婉婷 - 承认(电台版) 曲婉婷 - Anxiety 曲婉婷 - Damn I'm in love(LIVE) 曲婉婷 - Drenched 曲婉婷 - Everything In The World 曲婉婷 - Gary Go Brooklyn Cover 曲婉婷 - Hide Away现场版 曲婉婷 - If Only Just 曲婉婷 - Jar of Love 曲婉婷 - Life Is ...

依安县17287495964: 曲婉婷的资料? -
茶闸康均: 曲婉婷的艺人档案个人简介中文名:曲婉婷(Goodmorning)英文名:Wanting(婉婷)职业:Singer/Songwriter (原创音乐人,作词作曲演奏演唱.钢琴和吉他.)出生地:哈尔滨人.身高:165.5cm体重:45kg曲婉婷的音乐之路作为加拿大...

依安县17287495964: 曲婉婷都有什么歌 -
茶闸康均: 曲婉婷的原创歌曲:英文歌:《Nobody's Fault》《Shell》《If Only Just》《Shine Over Me》《Everything In The world》《Anxiety》《Untied(黑白画面钢琴弹唱)》《Everything In The world》 中文歌:《我的歌声里》《天黑了》 《今天》 因为喜欢她的原创歌曲 所以翻唱的就不写了

依安县17287495964: 求一首英文歌,曲婉婷的 -
茶闸康均: jar for love 应该是这一首. 还有猫叫 不过,不得不说真的很好听!

依安县17287495964: 曲婉婷的歌曲大全 -
茶闸康均: Jar Of Love 曲婉婷Kissing Paradise 曲婉婷没有什么不同 曲婉婷Kissing Paradise(JordanXL Remix) 曲婉婷没有什么不同 曲婉婷我的歌声里(Demo Version) 曲婉婷爱的勇气-(电视剧《离婚律师》主题曲) 曲婉婷爱的海洋 曲婉婷承...

依安县17287495964: 曲婉婷的哪些歌经典??? -
茶闸康均: 《我的歌声里》《我不能悲伤的睡在你身旁》《如何是好》

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