
作者&投稿:相扶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We regret that because we get confused with other customer orders so you receive the wrong product.
About size: because products are produced in different factories, each of them provides a different size, with the formal design of products, fully meet the standards we have done, the quality is the best.
Solve this problem:
1. We will give you a full refund, and you go back 6 or 8 pieces.
2. You accepted the eight pieces, to which we will give you a special discount, because transport costs are very high.
I hope you can accept such a solution, and forgive my mistake.

where to put my feet 是做wonder的宾语
It takes sb some time to do sth。 做某事花费某人多长时间 是固定句型
metal footrest 金属搁脚板

Because I just took over this work, a clerk to send you the inspection photos, 20 in the transition process said to send the inspection report with pictures, don't know because I've just engaged in this work caused the situation now, could you explain it with our customer, also my side with factory negotiate about the shipment as soon as possible

跪求成语翻译急急急急!只要后面简单的意思 但是要和字典上的一样,在线...
七手八脚 形容人多手杂,动作纷乱。无稽之谈 没有根据的说法。卓尔不群 指才德超出寻常,与众不同。洋洋大观 形容美好的事物众多丰盛。应有尽有 该有的全都有。形容很齐全。流光溢彩 光像在流动,色彩像要溢出来,一般用在形容车灯、霓虹等,有时也用来形容时装表演和珠宝。分庭抗礼 ...

急于求成,一心只想让庄稼按自己的意愿快长高,结果落得一个相反的下场。截竿进城 【原文】:鲁有执长竿入城门者,初坚执之,不可入;横执之,亦不可入。计无所出。俄有老父至,曰:“吾非圣人,但见事多矣!何不以锯中截而入?”遂依而截之。【译文】:鲁国有个人扛着根又粗又长的毛竹进城。到了城门口,他...

I don't care. 我不在乎。 哀 冬特 凯尔 None of my business. 不关我事。 娜恩 啊呜 买 比贼你死 It doesn't work. 不管用。 伊特 大怎特 沃克 Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。冬特 该特 密 如昂 You bet! 一定,当然! 由 拜特 It's up to you. 由你决定。以此 阿破 吐...

跪求韩语帝翻译!急 70 中韩产业结构阐述及分析——以韩国三星集团对中投资为例区域经济一体化在世界范围内的兴起及中韩自身经济的发展,改变了两国贸易的外部经济环境和内部结构。本文通过对中韩贸易整体概... 中韩产业结构阐述及分析——以韩国三星集团对中投资为例区域经济一体化在世界范围内的兴起及中韩自身经济的...


an niong ha se yo.우리는 vip이예요..wu ri nen vip yi ye yo 우리들은 영원히 bigbang을 지켜줄거예요.wu ri der en young wen ...


翻译是语际交流过程中沟通不同语言的桥梁。一般来说,翻译的标准主要有两条:忠实和通顺。忠实 是指忠实于原文所要传递的信息,也就是说,把原文的信息完整并且准确地表达出来,使译文读者得到的信息与原文读者得到的信息大致相同。通顺 是指译文规范、明白易懂,没有文理不通、结构混乱、逻辑不清的现象...

1、mañana hablamos ok.我们明天聊好吗 2、mañana voy de viaje a canton a una presentacion 明天我会去广东参加一个展销会 3、no se cuando pero eres mi buena amiga 不知道什么时候,不过你是我最好的朋友【女】4、el 15 de septiembre salgo al ecuador a la 4 de la...

意大利语的翻译 急!!!求高手!!!
broglione(-a) 骗子,Vergognati 你真不知羞耻 Brutta gente 这个人,真够呛 Che razza di gente 这算什么人 vaffanculo fxxk u figlio di buttana 婊子儿子 pastrado 畜生 testa di cazzo cazzo 这个不想翻译,哈哈 minchia 这个词语和CAZZO一个意思 merda 屎 其实就vaffancu就...

林芝县17188916491: 英语翻译急求英语句子翻译 -
尹厚寒湿:[答案] he raised his voice so that others could hear. he raised his voice so as to be heard

林芝县17188916491: 英语求翻译......
尹厚寒湿:Want to see who is a friend to accompany me to the last(想知道谁最后是朋友陪我到最后). You are the one that I most look forward to(你是我最期待的那一个

林芝县17188916491: 求英语翻译!急急急
尹厚寒湿: 1. was admitted to a school the ideal university, found satisfaction to work the 2. enhancement competitive power, found satisfaction work 3. to understand foreign culture study vanguard technology the 4. rich life

林芝县17188916491: 求英语翻译!急!!!!!!!!!!! -
尹厚寒湿: Nine years ago I was just a schoolboy, and now I'm already a senior high school student; and in the future I will be a useful person

林芝县17188916491: 求英语翻译........
尹厚寒湿: 翻译为:Do not be sad anymore,In fact I'm still all the time . 我想没有其他词比"still"更精准的了.看美国电影经常会出现的表示存在的单词,很口语化的.. 望采纳.

林芝县17188916491: 急求英语翻译~~~在线等!!! -
尹厚寒湿: 1. We completed the task in spite of all the difficulties.2. The soldiers are struggling through the snow.3. We expect him to carry out his promise.4. At that time, proverty re...

林芝县17188916491: 求英语翻译~~急 -
尹厚寒湿: Usually responsible for guest reception, leading spaces, and food. Occasionally make desserts and cocktails. Restaurants in the United States on Friday (China) bartender competition, is...

林芝县17188916491: 求英语翻译!急!!!!! -
尹厚寒湿: 首先,你没有收到时间和地址,那就不能知道面试的时间快到了.所以,你只能说你没有收到面试邀请.第二,“这样的话就算到时失败了,我也不会有遗憾,因为我已经努力了,”这句话完全没有存在的必要.所以,翻译如下 I hate to be so ...

林芝县17188916491: 急求英语翻译!急 -
尹厚寒湿: China is personal big country, the total population takes up 1/5 of the world around, have human resource total amount half of females, and the development of its human resource is...

林芝县17188916491: 英语翻译急求 -
尹厚寒湿: 1. have a great view of foreign views, you may find more opportunities for your business inadvertently, and to expand your business scope.2. the car sit move button is here, also you can move in other side3. this is the air-condition button in the car4. ...

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