advise sb. to do; advise doing ;advise that sb. (should) do有什么不同

作者&投稿:仲长岚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
suggest sb do和suggest doing的区别~

没有suggest sb to do用法。suggest重要用法有下面两种。

1.suggest+doing sth
He suggested going out for a walk.
★注意:suggest 不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写:
He suggested to go out for a walk.

2.suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth 其中的should 可以省略
He suggested that you should go there tomorrow.
=He suggested you go there tomorrow.
★注意:不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow.

advise 后可以直接跟人称代词作宾语, 如: advise sb. to do sth.; advise sb. against (doing) sth.; advise sb. on/ about sth.; 而 suggest 后一般用 suggest to sb that … 形式。
如:他建议我们改天 再来。
[ 正 ]He advised us to come another day.
[ 误 ]He suggested us to come another day.
[ 误 ]He suggested us that we come another day.
suggest 还有 “ 暗示、表明、指出(一个事实) ” 的意思。此时从句中用陈述语气,不用虚 拟语气。如: Her expression suggested pleasure. 她面露喜色。
His silence could only suggest disapproval. 他的沉默只能暗示反对。

advise sb not to do/suggest sb not doing
I advise you not to lie
I suggest you not lying
I advise/suggest that you should not lie


advise用法: advise sth."建议。。。" advise doing sth."建议做。。。" advise sb to do sth "建议某人做某事" advise sb against doing sth “建议某人不要做某事” advise that sb. (should) do sth."建议某人应该做。。。"(虚拟语气) advise sb. on sth."给某人某方面的建议" advise sb. +what/how 从句“建议某人该。。。”,“通知某人。。。” advise sb. of sth."通知某人某事" advise sb. that 从句“通知某人。。。” advise +what/how 从句“通知。。。”

advise sb to do sth "建议某人做某事" advise doing 建议做什么advise that sb. (should) do sth."建议某人应该做。。。"(虚拟语气) 考生的交流论坛,看名字就该支持了吧?呵呵,是今年毕业生建立的,完全属于学生自己,不收取任何费用的~想说什么和高考有关的就说什么,嘿嘿

伊川县13159193723: advise do sth.和advise sb.doing sth.的区别请说用法上的区别,再举几个例子 -
出点氯喹:[答案] 只能说advise do sth,而绝对不能说advise sb.doing sth. advise的用法搭配有两种: advise do sth建议某人做某事 advise doing sth.建议做某事 如:He advised going to the movie.他建议去看电影. He advised us to go to the movie.他建议我...

伊川县13159193723: 建议做某事 英文怎么说 -
出点氯喹:[答案] advise sb to do sth suggest sb doing sth

伊川县13159193723: advise do sth.和advise sb. doing sth.的区别 -
出点氯喹: 只能说advise do sth,而绝对不能说advise sb. doing sth. advise的用法搭配有两种: advise do sth建议某人做某事 advise doing sth.建议做某事 如:He advised going to the movie.他建议去看电影. He advised us to go to the movie.他建议我们去看电影.

伊川县13159193723: 关于advise的语法都写出来,准确性...例如:advise do sth. -
出点氯喹:[答案] advise 几种常见用法归纳如下. 1. advise + 名词 / 代词 例如: Li Ming advised a swim after school. 李明建议放学以后去游泳. She will advise you about the right thing to do. 她会帮你出主意该怎么办. What would you advise ? 你有什么建议? 2. advise ...

伊川县13159193723: advise to do 还是doing -
出点氯喹: advise doing中间不能有宾语,例:不能说advise sb doing. 而advise to do可以,如advise sb to do .两者的意思都是建议做某事. advise sb of sth.意思为“把某事通知某人”. 这就是advies的所有短语词组.

伊川县13159193723: 表示建议做某事的5种用英语怎么说? -
出点氯喹:[答案] advise sb to do sthsuggest sb to do sthadvocate sb of doing sthrecommend sb to do sthpropose sb to do sth

伊川县13159193723: suggest和advise用法上有何不同 -
出点氯喹:[答案] (1).advise和suggest均为"建议"时 advise sb to do (不定式作宾补) advise+sth. / doing(动名词作宾语) advise/suggest +that sb. (should) +do(虚拟语气) suggest+sth./ doing(动名词作宾语) 例如:He advised me to buy a computer.(他建议...

伊川县13159193723: advise to do和advise doing有什么区别 -
出点氯喹:[答案] advise doing中间不能有宾语,例:不能说advise sb doing.\x0dadvise to do可以说advise sb to do .两者的意思都是建议做某事.\x0d没有advise sb with sth这种用法.\x0dadvise sb of sth.意思为“把某事通知某人”.\x0d这就是advies的所有短语词组.

伊川县13159193723: advise sb - (doing还是do)?那advise - (是do还是doing)? -
出点氯喹:[答案] advise 后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不用不定式;但若其后接的动词前有宾语,此动词用作宾语补足语时,则此动词要用不定式.即说 advise doing sth (建议做某事)或 advise sb to do sth (建议某人做某事).类似情况的还有 allow(允许),...

伊川县13159193723: advise sb to do sth.中的to do 作状语呢?还是宾补呢? -
出点氯喹: 宾语补足语, advise sb to do sth. 建议某人去做某事.sb.为宾语,to do 这个动作是sb.发出的,是对宾语sb.的一个补充说明.因此to do 是宾语sb.的补足语.希望可以帮到你.`(*∩_∩*)′!

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