De Kreuners的《Layla》 歌词

作者&投稿:迟荀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
De Kreuners的《Layla》 歌词~

歌手:De Kreuners
专辑:Het Beste Van

What'll you do when you get lonely
And nobody's waiting by your side?
You've been running and hiding much too long.
You know it's just your foolish pride.
Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.
I tried to give you consolation
When your old man had let you down.
Like a fool, I fell in love with you,
Turned my whole world upside down.
Let's make the best of the situation
Before I finally go insane.
Please don't say we'll never find a way
And tell me all my love's in vain.

歌手:De Kreuners
专辑:Dans Der Onschuld

{{Dj Bobo}}
I'm walking in the street and the moon shines bright
A little melody is spinning on my mind tonight
I gotcha it's the song about chihuahua
Yeah, that's cool alright ( Chihuahua )
It means fun - and a life without sorrow
Feels young - when you think about tomorrow
Say yo - when you're about to freak out
Just go, and then shout it out loud
Chihuahua here, Chihuahua there
Everybody wants it everywhere
Sing it loud and life can be so easy
What can make you move Chihuahua
Can you feel the groove Chihuahua
What can make you dance Chihuahua
Ohh, Chihuahua
What can make you sing Chihuahua
Take it and you'll you win Chihuahua
What can bring you joy Chihuahua
Ohh, Chihuahua
I'm driving in my car looking for a parking space
There it is my place, someone else wins the race
No, I give up, today is not my day
but then I take a deep breath and say
Calm down - when you're about to go crazy
Turn around - and feel as fresh as a daisy
Just run - because it's time to go
Have fun, and let the whole world know ( Chihuahua )
Chihuahua here, Chihuahua there
Everybody wants it everywhere
Sing it loud and life can be so easy
What can make you move Chihuahua
Can you feel the groove Chihuahua
What can make you dance Chihuahua
Ohh, Chihuahua
What can make you sing Chihuahua
Take it and you'll you win Chihuahua
What can bring you joy Chihuahua
Ohh, Chihuahua
What can make you move Chihuahua
Can you feel the groove Chihuahua
What can make you dance Chihuahua
Ohh, Chihuahua
What can make you shout Chihuahua
What it's all about Chihuahua
What can bring you love Chihuahua
Ohh, Chihuahua

歌手:De Kreuners
专辑:Er Sterft Een Beer In De Taiga

Layla (full version)
Derek & The Dominos
“layla (full version)”
What will you do when you get lonely,
Nobody waiting by your side?
You've been running and hiding much too long.
You know it's just your foolish pride.
Layla, you got me on my knees.
Layla, i'm begging darlin' please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind?
Tried to give you consolation
Your old man had let you down.
Like a fool, I fell in love with you,
You turned my whole world upside down.
Layla, you got me on my knees.
Layla, i'm begging darlin' please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind?
Let's make the best of the situation,
Before I finally go insane.
Please don't say we'll never find a way,
Or tell me all my love's in vain.
Layla, you got me on my knees.
Layla, i'm begging darlin' please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind?
Layla, you got me on my knees.
Layla, i'm begging darlin' please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind?

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鲁启斑蝥: 没完结呢 伸夫和百合在一起,不过还想着奈奈.莲死了,未来篇娜娜失踪了,现在娜娜颓废中.巧和奈奈未来篇分开住了,巧带着男孩莲住英国,LAYLA也在英国;奈奈带着皋住在日本.

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