
作者&投稿:山园 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1Did have

1.The girl isn't singing in the classroom ./Is the girl singing in the classroom?
2.What are they looking for?
3.What are you doing now?
4.How many students are there over there?
5.Can you speak Englinsh?
6.Are you writing now?
7.He has a desk and a chair.

1. She can't see anything in the dark room.(改为同义句)
She _can_see_nothing_in the dark room.
2.The bag is so heavy that she can't carry it.(改为同义句)
The bag is _too_ heavy for__her_ __to_carry.
3.What's she doing that for ?(改为同义句)
_why is she doing__that_?
4.She gave me some apples yesterday ?(对some apples提问)
_what_did she give to me_yesterday?
5.Thank you vevy much . You asked me to come to your party.(合并为一句话)
Thank you vevy much for _asking me to_come to your party.
6.There is a bag tree in front of your school , _isn't__ there_?(完成反意疑问句)


1、小象从泥坑中拉出汽车。2、大雪笼罩了大地。3、明明做完了所有的作业。4、阳阳冒雨捆好刮倒的小树苗。5、红军征服了大雪山。6、灯光照亮了广场。(改为反问句)1. 你不能这样蛮横无理。2. 孙悟空的本领可真大。3. 听了老师的一席话,小刚脸红了。4. 我不会忘记我俩的友谊。5. 这场报告会...

根据要求改写句子。 根据要求改写句子,每空一词。
根据要求改写句子。1.Tom doesn't put his schoolbag on that sofa after school.2.Does my grandfather often sit on that chair?3.Who do Fred and Thomas play tennis with on Sundays?根据要求改写句子,每空一词。1.He practisess playing basketball every day.(用yesterday改写句子)He__pr...

1. -- My favourite is ollecting stamps.2. -- Collecting stamps is what I like best.4. My mother likes having eggs for breakfast.(一般疑问句)-- Does your mother like having eggs for breakfast?5. What your sister like?(写出答句)-- She is pretty 他很漂亮 (或者 slender...

肯定回答:Yes, I was.否定回答:No, I wasn't.对(I)提问:Who was short two years ago?对(short)提问:What were you like two years ago?对(two years ago)提问:When were you short?2.(They) (enjoyed Pop Music) (before).否定句: They didn't enjoy Pop Music before.一...

1.My father watches TV every night.一般疑问句:Does your father watch TV every night?肯定回答:Yes, he does.否定回答:No, he doesn't.2.I am going to park next Monday.特殊疑问句:When are you going to (the) park?否定句:I am not going to (the) park next Monday.3....

Ⅰ. 请根据括号中的要求改写下列句子。
Ⅰ. 请根据括号中的要求改写下列句子。1. They went home together after school this Thursday.(改为一般疑问句)( Did they go )home together after school this Thursday?2. He is a driver. (就划线部分提问)( What ) is he?3. There are thousands of people in...

按要求改写下列句子 1.He swims in the river every day ..(用 tomorr...
按要求改写下列句子 1.He swims in the river every day ..(用 tomorrow改写)He( is )( going ) ( to ) ( swim ) in the river tomorrow .2. They didn’t dance at the party yesterday .(用this evening改写)They ( is )( going ) ( to )( dance...

知识储备 生动,就是指具体形象、新鲜活泼,能使人感动。生动是在准确、鲜明基础上的升华。它要求做到:①恰当使用绘形绘声绘色等方面的动词、形容词;②运用比喻、拟人、借代、夸张等修辞手法,增强语言的形象性和灵动性;③注意句式的整齐匀称,讲究音节的和谐押韵,力求语言的声律美。

1.don't plays 2.old enough 3.should be allowed 4.don't think should be allowed 5.Does need he does 亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thanks!

高明区19536062079: 根据要求改写句子 -
徐贵金匮: 1、The book is (on the bed).(括号提问) Where is the book?2、She left the room quikly.(否定句) She didn't leave the room quickly. 3、My mother heard a loud noise last night.(一般疑问句) Did you mother hear a loud noise last night?4、...

高明区19536062079: 根据要求改写句子. 根据要求改写句子.   (1)沙滩上有贝壳.     扩句:___________________________________________________________ - ... -
徐贵金匮:[答案] (1)柔软的沙滩上有各种各样的贝壳. (2)乱砍乱伐难道不会遭到大自然的报复吗? (3)眼前浮现笑脸. (4)风把树叶吹的哗啦啦的响. 树叶被风吹得哗啦啦的响.

高明区19536062079: 按要求改写句子 -
徐贵金匮: 1.这是小强的书包.改为双重否定句:这不可能不是小强的书包.2.扩句 (1)喜鹊唱歌.————成群的喜鹊在美丽的树林里尽情的唱歌.(2)同学做游戏——六年级的同学们高高兴兴地在操场做着各种各样的游戏.

高明区19536062079: 按要求改写句子. 按要求改写句子.      1.祖国的河山如此壮丽.          改为感叹句:________________________________________ - 2.... -
徐贵金匮:[答案] 1.祖国的河山多么壮丽呀! 2.穿过这片小树林,就能到王凡家吗? 穿过这片小树林不就能到王凡家吗? 3.雪花飘飘洒洒地落下来.(答案不唯一)

高明区19536062079: 按要求改写句子. 按要求改写句子.(1)它是那么天真可爱,你见了,绝不会责打它.改成反问句:____________________________________________ - ... -
徐贵金匮:[答案] (1)它是那么天真可爱,你见了,怎么会责打它呢? (2)我非常喜欢活泼可爱的猫.(答案不唯一) (3)尾巴摇摆着.

高明区19536062079: 按照要求改写句子 -
徐贵金匮: 1. Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)Daniel doesn't watch TV every evening.2. I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)Do you do your homework every day? No, I don't.3. She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句...

高明区19536062079: 根据要求改写句子
徐贵金匮: 1、Are the wumen cooking at home? 2、I can't see any cars in the street.(疑问句中some 要改为any,这是初中知识,不懂没关系) 3、Where is the boy reading an English book? 4、Who is Mum looking after? 5、We don't a Chinese lesson every day(同2)

高明区19536062079: 按要求改写句子
徐贵金匮: 1.他跑得很快.(改为夸张句) 他跑得很快,一眨眼就不见了.2.洪水凶猛地吞没了小山庄.(改为比喻句)洪水像野兽一般张开血盘大口吞没了小山庄.谢谢采纳 拜托了

高明区19536062079: 按要求改写句子.
徐贵金匮: 有些战士灰心了,撅着嘴巴,说西瓜嫌他们岛艰苦,不愿在那里俺家 小然告诉爸爸:“姑妈打电话来,叫你明天到武汉去.”

高明区19536062079: 按要求改写句子
徐贵金匮: 1.没有林场工人的辛勤劳动,没有这几年大规模的植树造林,我观赏不到这鸟儿归林的壮观场面. 2.草原上的花,即使把它们直接移植到天堂上去,也毫不逊色.

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