
作者&投稿:皇凯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英文原文:Dr.sun yatsen was a famous historical person. He was born in Guangdong. Dr.sun yatsen was the father of modern China. He was a great leader, he was against the emperor. He tired to chang China and free the people.So, I think he loved the people and people loved him.


  Bruce Lee (1940 11.27 - 1973 07.20), generation of martial arts master, martial arts martial family, martial arts, philosophers, world-class martial arts master, kung fu actor, the founder of kung fu movies, the founder of Wu Daozhe school, the founder of Jeet Kune Do. He is the spread of Chinese martial arts to the world's first people, the first Chinese to break into Hollywood, he revolutionized the world to promote the development of martial arts and kung fu movies. Bruce Lee created a world record of China Association of fans of the world's largest martial arts world record. A total of more than 3.0 billion worldwide fans. He will Kung Fu (martial arts) to write the word in English dictionary. Americans call him the king of kung fu, Japan called him the Holy One of Wu. Extreme martial arts in Thailand called him. Run "Jun Fan Gung Martial Arts Museum", own Jeet Kune Do. 33-year-old and four he created the immortal half-Eastern film legend.

  李小龙(1940 11.27 - 1973 07.20),一代武术宗师、武术技击家、武术哲学家、世界级武术大师、功夫影帝、 功夫电影的开创者、武道哲学的创立者,截拳道的创始人。他是将中国功夫传播到全世界第一人,打入好莱坞的首位华人,他革命性地推动了世界武术和功夫电影的发展。李小龙创造了中国世界纪录协会世界最多影迷的武术家的世界纪录。全球共拥有30亿以上的影迷。他将 Kung Fu (功夫)一词写入了英文词典。美国人称他为功夫之王,日本人称他为武之圣者。泰国人称他为武打至尊。 他用33岁和四部半电影缔造了不朽的东方传奇

Celebrity People
Britney Spears is a popular America singer. I like her very much. She is

popular around the world. Her songs are familiar to the young generation. In

1999, she is known around the world by the song "Baby One More Time", and

reached the record of 25 million albums. Because of cute face and sweet

voice, she is called candycandy. However, her reputation is harm for too much

gossip scandal


写名人的作文一:邓亚萍 张一鸣 文盲只要谈论到乒乓球,就一定能够想到邓亚萍。她在中国是人人皆知,甚至在国外都大有名气。年纪轻轻的她已经获得了18个世界冠军。1997年以后,她先后到清华大学、英国剑桥及诺丁汉大学学习,并获得经济学博士学位。这么一位伟大的人,她的生命历程又会是怎样的呢?

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