高中英语 完型 和 阅读

作者&投稿:允适 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

真正的像native speakers一样的语感,去区分foster和cultivate,区分triger和lead to,需要经年累月的阅读、学习和积累(以及经验)。很多人常举例说汉语没有语法,其实只不过是我们对通行的汉语太过熟悉了而已。
虚拟语气这块,标准的掌握了,马上就整理不标准的部分吗?并不是,还要考虑从学过到没学过,从简单到复杂的维度。比如接下来,立刻进入比如混合虚拟语气,就一下过度提升了复杂度,就不如在这个部分整理虚拟语气在名词性从句,即suggest、ask、desire等动词后宾语从句,以及主语从句表示惊奇、惋惜、必须的句子,如It is necessary、important、natural that…句型,当然还包括表语从句和同位语从句中的情况。因为这部分内容简单而且原则非常明确,所以很容易理解。在这个内容之后,由于虚拟语气在名词性从句的运用,句型都非常标准,所以,接下来的整理可以以更相关更类似为原则,整理虚拟语气在一些常见标志词、句型中的运用,比如wish、would rather、as if、 if only。至此,再回到混合虚拟的部分。
连接词:比如and、as well as、also等表并列的连接词;but、however、yet、though、nonetheless等表转折的连接词;since、so、therefore、otherwise等表因果的连接词。这些连接词反应的是文章内容的一个逻辑。在解题中,比如选项中出现并列的两项,则两个选项都错;选项中出现非此即彼的选项,则其它选项都错。代词:常见的代词包括it/its、he/him/himself、this/that/those等。代词不一定会是考点,但是遇到了一定要明白它指代的究竟是什么,同时要把代词it和形式主语,代词that和引导从句的连词区分开来。否定词:比如not、no、never、little/few、unless、hardly、seldom、barely等。出现否定词一定要高度警惕,将其醒目地标出。因为选项中往往采取偷偷去掉否定词的方式迷惑考生,但同学能够只要识破,这就是送分题。定语和定语从句:定语往往起到修饰、限定的作用,属于一类句子结构,比如only、every、always、immediately、largely,以及常见的定语从句。在选项中,定语这个句子结构时不时会被删去,如果删去定语或定语从句改变了作者原意,则选型就是错误的。引用/举例:文章在说理论证的过程中不可避免会引用某人的一句话或者一个事例(或实验),学生不仅需要尽力理解论据本身的意思,还需要结合上下文去思考作者引用这个论据是想论证什么论点/分论点。作者引用论据的目的往往反而是出题重点。转折句:文章的转折同样是需要高度警惕的,这意味着上下文表达的是两个方面。常见的转折句往往以but、however、on the other hand、on the contrary、nevertheless等开头。在分析文章主旨的时候,一定不能忽略转折句前后作者意思的变化。中心句:通常情况下段落的开头、结尾就是段落的中心句。即使一个段落中大量生词或长难句影响了阅读,也应当通过中心句去把握作者意思,才不至于糊里糊涂往下读或者直接去做题。把握中心句也是主旨题解题的一个关键。情感句:情感句是不少学生没有意识到的一点。文章中(多半是开头或结尾),作者会阐明自己对于某件事情的大致看法(positive、negative、objective),这对于归纳文章主旨、在选项不确定时揣度作者意思非常重要。


part one
One day a crow found 1 . She picked
it up in her mouth and 2a tall tree.
She was 3to eat the meat when a
fox saw her. He came and stood
under the tree and said, “ 4beautiful
you are!”
The crow was very glad 5 hear that.
Then the fox spoke again, “I can see
your beautiful face, but I’ve not
heard your voice. Why 6 you sing a
The crow was very happy. She 7 her
month and 8 sing. When she
opened her mouth, she 9 the meat.
The fox picked up the meat at once
and went away 10 it.
1. A. meat B. a few meat C. a piece
of meat
2. A. flew to B. fly to C. flew
3. A. only B. about C. just
4. A. What B. How a C. How
5.A. to B. for C. about
6. A. not B. don’tC. didn’t
7.A.turned on B. opened C. closed
8. A. started B. began C. began to
9.A. dropped B. droped C. fell
10. A. bring B. to C. with
The first Olympics(奥林匹克运动会)
took place at Olympia(奥林匹亚) in
Greece in 776 BC(公元前), almost
3000 years ago. Many different
sports, such as boxing(拳击),
running, and throwing the discus(铁
饼), were played there, though(尽
管) there were fewer sports than in
the modem Olympics. People from
all over Greece came and watched
the Games at the foot of the Mount
Olympus(奥林匹斯山), and even
those at war stopped fighting and
went on with the games.
In April 6, 1896 the first new
Olympics were held in Greece. Only
50,000 people watched the Games,
but the rest of the world soon
become enthusiastic(热心的) about
them and from 1900 the Games
were held every four years in a
different country.
( )1.There are much more
sports in the modem Olympics.
( )2.The first Olympic games
were held 776 years ago.
( )3.If there was war the game
stopped at the time.
( )4.The first new Olympics
were held in 1896.
( )5.From the story we know
the Olympic Games were held every
four years since 1900 in Greece.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones don’t often go
out in the evening, b last Saturday,
Mrs. Jones sto her husband, “There
is a good film tonight (今晚). Can we
go and see it?”
Mr. Jones was quite happy about it,
s they went and both of them liked
the film very much. They came out
of the cinema at 11 o’clock, got into
their car and began to drive h .It
was quite dark (黑). Then Mrs.
Jones said to Mr. Jones, “Look! A
woman is running a the road very
fast, and a man is running after h .
Can you see them?”
Mr. Jones, “Yes, I can.” He drove the
car slowly near the woman and said
to her. “Can we hyou?”
“No, thank you,” the woman said,
but she did not stop r . “My
husband and I arun home after the
cinema, and the l one must do all
the housework.”
完形填空 1. C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B
8.C 9.A 10.C
A: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FB: 1.but 2.said
3.so 4.home 5.along 6.her 7.help
8.running 9.always 10.last
part two.
part 2
A professor told his students to go
into the city slums(贫民窟)to study
the life of 200 boys. He asked them
to 1 reports about each boy’s life
and future. Every one of the
students wrote, “He doesn’t have
any hope.”
Twenty-five years 2, another
professor read about the earlier
study. He told his students to 3
what had happened to the boys.
They tried very hard and found that
176 of the boys had become
successful 4 doctors, teacher and
The professor was very 5 and
decided to study it further. Luckily,
all the men were living near the
place and he was able to ask each
one, “ What made you 6 ?” Each one
answered ,”There was a teacher.”
The teacher was 7living there, so
the professor found her and asked
the old woman 8 she had used to
pull those boys 9 the slum, and
change them into successful
people .
The teacher’s 10 began to shine and
said with a sweet smile, “It’s really
very easy. I loved those boys.”
( )1. A. read B. study C. write D. take
( )2. A. later B. afterC. ago D. before
( )3..A search B. find out C. look for
D. see
( )4. A. for B. with C. as D. like
( )5.A glad B. angry C. surprised D.
( )6. A. wonderful B. successful C.
rich D. popular
( )7. A. already B. yet C. even D. still
( )8. A. what B. who C. which D.
( )9. A. out B. into C. away D. out of
( )10. A. face B. eyes C. hair D.
A lot of students are having all
kinds of sports on the sports field.
A ball game is going on right now
1Class 3 and Class 4. Can you 2me
which team is winning? Do you see
many people over there? Some
students of Class 1 are practicing
the 3jump. One of them is the best
high jumper in the school. He
practices 4every day. He wants to
5the school record at the sports
meeting next spring. Not far away,
some girls are getting ready 6a race.
Now on the corner of the field, you
can see another group of students.
Their teacher is telling them 7to
throw discus. We students love
sports. Sports8to keep people
healthy. They help people to live
happily, and 9games on the sports
field, it can 10people become good
( ) 1. A. in B. between C. among D.
( ) 2. A. tellB. speak C. say D. talk
( ) 3. A. long B. far C. high D. tall
( ) 4. A. hardB. fast C. quietlyD.
( ) 5. A. doB. take C. work D. break
( ) 6. A, to B. forC. with D. at
( ) 7. A. what B. thatC. whichD. how
( ) 8. A. want B. hopeC. helpD. wish
( ) 9. A. inB. before C. after D. when
( ) 10. A. makeB. enjoyC. get D.
Baseball (棒球) Match
Mr Jenkins works in a middle
school. There he teaches his
students English. He works hard
and is very busy. After supper,
when his family watch TV, he
always reads some newspapers in
his room. At times Robert comes in
and asks him to tell him a story. He
likes his little son and does all what
the boy wants.
One Sunday Mrs Jenkins was doing
some housework and Mr Jenkins
was reading a newspaper.
Robert came in but he didnt say
anything. A bout ten minutes later
the boy showed a newspaper to
him and called out, There will be a
base ball match tonight, Dad!
Mr Jenkins was surprised. He said
to himself, The boy is only three
years old. How can he read the
He held up the newspaper and
began to look for the news. But he
couldnt find it. At last the boy
showed him an exclamation mark
on the newspaper.
( ) 1. Mr Jenkins is a ______. A.
doctor B. teacher C. driver D.
( ) 2. Mr Jenkins always reads
newspapers after supper because
A. hes very busy at schoolB. he
works hard at school
B. he wants to teach his sonD. he
wishes his family to listen to him
( ) 3. An exclamation mark in the
story means ____.A.逗号B.冒号
( ) 4. Robert found ______ and called
A. a baseball matchB. a piece of
good news
C. a todays newspaperD. an
exclamation mark
( ) 5. Mr Jenkins thought ______, so
he was surprised.
A. there was a baseball matchB. his
son bought a newspaper for him
C. his little son learned to readD.
his little son learned to write
Tom was going home at five
yesterday. He got on a bus. A
mother with her little boy was
sitting nearby. Suddenly the boy
cried. His mother tried her best to
make the boy stop crying But the
boy would not do so. At last Tom
said angrily, Oh, how that boy cried!
Why do you give him what he
want?I would if I could. Answered
the mother quietly. But he w your
( ) 1. What time was Tom going
home yesterday?
A. At fourB. At five C. At six D. At
( ) 2. Who was sitting near Tom on
the bus?
A. An old man with his little girl B.
A young woman
C. A woman with her little boyD. A
young man
( ) 3. The mother tried her best to
make the boy ______.
A. wake upB. go to sleep C. not talk
much D. stop crying
( ) 4. When the boy cried, Tom
A. was very angry B. was very
hungry C. was very happyD. did not
hear this
( ) 5. Why was the boy crying?
A. Because he wanted something to
eat. B. Because he wanted to get off
the bus.
C. Because he wanted to go home.D.
Because he wanted Toms capust
4. A. What B. How a C. How
5.A. to B. for C. about
6. A. not B. don’tC. didn’t
7.A.turned on B. opened C. closed
8. A. started B. began C. began to
9.A. dropped B. droped C. fell
10. A. bring B. to C. with
The first Olympics(奥林匹克运动会)
took place at Olympia(奥林匹亚) in
Greece in 776 BC(公元前), almost
3000 years ago. Many different
sports, such as boxing(拳击),
running, and throwing the discus(铁
饼), were played there, though(尽
管) there were fewer sports than in
the modem Olympics. People from
all over Greece came and watched
the Games at the foot of the Mount
Olympus(奥林匹斯山), and even
those at war stopped fighting and
went on with the games.
In April 6, 1896 the first new
Olympics were held in Greece. Only
50,000 people watched the Games,
but the rest of the world soon
become enthusiastic(热心的) about
them and from 1900 the Games
were held every four years in a
different country.
( )1.There are much more
sports in the modem Olympics.
( )2.The first Olympic games
were held 776 years ago.
( )3.If there was war the game
stopped at the time.
( )4.The first new Olympics
were held in 1896.
( )5.From the story we know
the Olympic Games were held every
four years since 1900 in Greece.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones don’t often go
out in the evening, b last Saturday,
Mrs. Jones sto her husband, “There
is a good film tonight (今晚). Can we
go and see it?”
Mr. Jones was quite happy about it,
s they went and both of them liked
the film very much. They came out
of the cinema at 11 o’clock, got into
their car and began to drive h .It
was quite dark (黑). Then Mrs.
Jones said to Mr. Jones, “Look! A
woman is running a the road very
fast, and a man is running after h .
Can you see them?”
Mr. Jones, “Yes, I can.” He drove the
car slowly near the woman and said
to her. “Can we hyou?”
“No, thank you,” the woman said,
but she did not stop r . “My
husband and I arun home after the
cinema, and the l one must do all
the housework.”
完形填空 1. C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B
8.C 9.A 10.C
A: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FB: 1.but 2.said
3.so 4.home 5.along 6.her 7.help
8.running 9.always 10.last
part two.
part 2
A professor told his students to go
into the city slums(贫民窟)to study
the life of 200 boys. He asked them
to 1 reports about each boy’s life
and future. Every one of the
students wrote, “He doesn’t have
any hope.”
Twenty-five years 2, another
professor read about the earlier
study. He told his students to 3
what had happened to the boys.
They tried very hard and found that
176 of the boys had become
successful 4 doctors, teacher and
The professor was very 5 and
decided to study it further. Luckily,
all the men were living near the
place and he was able to ask each
one, “ What made you 6 ?” Each one
answered ,”There was a teacher.”
The teacher was 7living there, so
the professor found her and asked
the old woman 8 she had used to
pull those boys 9 the slum, and
change them into successful
people .
The teacher’s 10 began to shine and
said with a sweet smile, “It’s really
very easy. I loved those boys.”
( )1. A. read B. study C. write D. take
( )2. A. later B. afterC. ago D. before
( )3..A search B. find out C. look for
D. see
( )4. A. for B. with C. as D. like
( )5.A glad B. angry C. surprised D.
( )6. A. wonderful B. successful C.
rich D. popular
( )7. A. already B. yet C. even D. still
( )8. A. what B. who C. which D.
( )9. A. out B. into C. away D. out of
( )10. A. face B. eyes C. hair D.
A lot of students are having all
kinds of sports on the sports field.
A ball game is going on right now
1Class 3 and Class 4. Can you 2me
which team is winning? Do you see
many people over there? Some
students of Class 1 are practicing
the 3jump. One of them is the best
high jumper in the school. He
practices 4every day. He wants to
5the school record at the sports
meeting next spring. Not far away,
some girls are getting ready 6a race.
Now on the corner of the field, you
can see another group of students.
Their teacher is telling them 7to
throw discus. We students love
sports. Sports8to keep people
healthy. They help people to live
happily, and 9games on the sports
field, it can 10people become good
( ) 1. A. in B. between C. among D.
( ) 2. A. tellB. speak C. say D. talk
( ) 3. A. long B. far C. high D. tall
( ) 4. A. hardB. fast C. quietlyD.
( ) 5. A. doB. take C. work D. break
( ) 6. A, to B. forC. with D. at
( ) 7. A. what B. thatC. whichD. how
( ) 8. A. want B. hopeC. helpD. wish
( ) 9. A. inB. before C. after D. when
( ) 10. A. makeB. enjoyC. get D.
Baseball (棒球) Match
Mr Jenkins works in a middle
school. There he teaches his
students English. He works hard
and is very busy. After supper,
when his family watch TV, he
always reads some newspapers in
his room. At times Robert comes in
and asks him to tell him a story. He
likes his little son and does all what
the boy wants.
One Sunday Mrs Jenkins was doing
some housework and Mr Jenkins
was reading a newspaper.
Robert came in but he didnt say
anything. A bout ten minutes later
the boy showed a newspaper to
him and called out, There will be a
base ball match tonight, Dad!
Mr Jenkins was surprised. He said
to himself, The boy is only three
years old. How can he read the
He held up the newspaper and
began to look for the news. But he
couldnt find it. At last the boy
showed him an exclamation mark
on the newspaper.
( ) 1. Mr Jenkins is a ______. A.
doctor B. teacher C. driver D.
( ) 2. Mr Jenkins always reads
newspapers after supper because
A. hes very busy at schoolB. he
works hard at school
B. he wants to teach his sonD. he
wishes his family to listen to him
( ) 3. An exclamation mark in the
story means ____.A.逗号B.冒号
( ) 4. Robert found ______ and called
A. a baseball matchB. a piece of
good news
C. a todays newspaperD. an
exclamation mark
( ) 5. Mr Jenkins thought ______, so
he was surprised.
A. there was a baseball matchB. his
son bought a newspaper for him
C. his little son learned to readD.
his little son learned to write
Tom was going home at five
yesterday. He got on a bus. A
mother with her little boy was
sitting nearby. Suddenly the boy
cried. His mother tried her best to
make the boy stop crying But the
boy would not do so. At last Tom
said angrily, Oh, how that boy cried!
Why do you give him what he
want?I would if I could. Answered
the mother quietly. But he w your
( ) 1. What time was Tom going
home yesterday?
A. At fourB. At five C. At six D. At
( ) 2. Who was sitting near Tom on
the bus?
A. An old man with his little girl B.
A young woman
C. A woman with her little boyD. A
young man
( ) 3. The mother tried her best to
make the boy ______.
A. wake upB. go to sleep C. not talk
much D. stop crying
( ) 4. When the boy cried, Tom
A. was very angry B. was very
hungry C. was very happyD. did not
hear this
( ) 5. Why was the boy crying?
A. Because he wanted something to
eat. B. Because he wanted to get off
the bus.
C. Because he wanted to go home.D.
Because he wanted Toms cap6
The houses outside London are
cheaper. Even a ____1____ flat(套房)
in London without a garden costs a
lot of money. With ____2____
money, one can get a little house in
____3____ with a garden of one’s
own. In the country one ____4____
rest from the noise of the town.
Though one has to get up earlier
and spend ____5____ time on trains
or buses, he can sleep better at
night. If one likes to garden, he can
spend ____6____ time doing some
work there.
1. A.large B.nice C.small D.little
2. A.their B.more C.the same
3. A.London B.the city C.the town
D.the country
4. A.shallB.ca

n C.might D.should
5. A.more B.less C.little D.his
6. A.much B.one’s C.his free D.the
八. 阅读理解:10%
On April 1st, Mike decided(决定)to
fool(愚弄) his friends.
At lunch time he said to Tom, “I
think we’re going to have a test this
afternoon.” “Test?” said Tom,
“Yes, it’s quite true,” said Mike.
“When I was passing by Mr Green’s
room, he was talking with another
teacher about the test. Tell John,
Rose and Joan about it.”
Later Tom told them about the test.
Soon almost all the students knew
about it. “How foolish they are!” he
When class began, Mr Green said,
“Class, we’re going to have a test
today.” Mike was surprised (吃惊).
The test was too hard for him. After
class, all his classmates thanked
him very much. But he could only
smile. “How foolish I was !” he
It really was April Fools’ Day for
1. Mike decided to fool his friends
because ________ .
A. they were talking about the test
B. they began to prepare (准备)
their lessons
C. it was April Fools’ Day
D. they were foolish
2. ________ his classmates believe
(相信) him before class.
A. Almost all B.None of C.Only a
few D.Some of
3. Mike didn’t prepare his lessons
because _______
A. he didn’t like to B. it was his
C. he thought the test was easy for
D. he believed there wasn’t going to
be a test
4. Mike was surprised to see
________ .
A. the test was too hard for him B.
the teacher really gave them a test
C. Tom didn’t belive him D. his
classmates were so foolish
5. Which of the following is wrong?
A. Mike thought he himself was
B. All his classmates thanked him.
C. Mr Green was talking with
another teacher about the test.
D. Nearly everyone knew the test
before long(不久).
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C
1.C 2.A 3.D 5.B 5.C


玉树藏族自治州15899017451: 如何有效提高高中英语完形和阅读能力?我现在几乎是天天练习错的还是很多,问题没有得到改善,完形平均错7,8题,每次做下来在讲什么都晕忽忽的,阅... -
枝庞精制:[答案] 光练是不行滴,你要总结一下经验和教训. 一方面联系上下文,想一下为什么选那个答案合适,而用你填的就不合适,总结经验;再想想你当时怎么就选了那个不合适的,吸取教训. 另一方面背诵(熟读)一些经典的(错的多的)完形文章,练习语感...

玉树藏族自治州15899017451: 高中英语做一篇完型和五篇阅读大家都用多长时间?做得快的是经常练吗?还是真的有语感? -
枝庞精制:[答案] 基本上10分钟一篇,先做阅读,最后再完型填空,阅读得看仔细,完型基本差不多就好,阅读一个空2分,完型就算蒙和认真做差不了多少,所以阅读很重要,考试的关键

玉树藏族自治州15899017451: 高中英语怎样快速提高完型填空和阅读理论性的东西就别说了,请大家说说你们的经验,今天做一套卷完型15题错9题 阅读20题错10题,剩下离高考的时间... -
枝庞精制:[答案] 我说的只是我的经验.参加高考的时候我英语137分,不是为了shock你,只是想告诉你,高考英语真的是可以练出来的.因为它完全有迹可循. 1、买一套比较权威的英语卷子,每天给自己布置一篇卷子,只做完形和阅读.当然要在规定时间内完成. 2.、...

玉树藏族自治州15899017451: 高中英语每天一篇完形一篇阅读真的有用吗,会提高吗 -
枝庞精制:[答案] 嗯,有用,我当时也是这样训过来的,但是做题不是目的啊,主要是找感觉 现实就题论题掌握一些词汇和语法知识,然后记住错题,揣度出题人的意图,最后逐渐形成自己的答题习惯,驾轻就熟,提高语感 但是做题的心理负担不要太大,不要指望...

玉树藏族自治州15899017451: 高中生如何做英语的完形填空和阅读理解? -
枝庞精制:[答案] 你的老师说的很正确,首先你要抓住完形填空的第一句话,一般第一句话都是不设空的,为的是让你首先对于文章大概的了解.不要太急于完成填空的工作,先要了解文意,注意上下文的关联与暗示,毕竟要填的只有20个空,有好几百字...

玉树藏族自治州15899017451: 高中英语完形填空和阅读理解该怎么复习? -
枝庞精制:[答案] 中考英语阅读理解和完型填空,保分网 有 张可华 老师 的 中考英语冲刺阅读理解专项训练 中考完型填空专项训练,配合“五步循环法”一起记忆,保分网上有.

玉树藏族自治州15899017451: 高考英语阅读和完型的方法和步骤
枝庞精制: 建议:1、在做阅读题时,你不要心烦,要有耐心,仔细阅读文章,抓到主题句,帮助理解.2、先通读全文,再逐段细读,分析句义,特别当心小词的陷阱(例如:always、seldom、Mr\Mrs、hardly~~~)3、完型填空难度较大,不要急,通过上下文猜测句子意思,利用已学的词组和固定搭配来选择最佳答案.4、平时多进行阅读和完型填空训练.5、仔细检查答案,确认后才选.6、如果一时答不出,你就先做别的题,以免时间长了会没信心做.

玉树藏族自治州15899017451: 关于高中英语的完形填空&阅读技巧 -
枝庞精制: 高中英语完形填空技巧 不管是传统的英语教学还是近几年提出的英语新课程目标的教学中,英语的完形填空能力的培养和教学都是高中英语教学的重要组成部分,尤其是在高考中,英语完形填空能力的强弱是英语高考成功与否的关键.完形填空...

玉树藏族自治州15899017451: 高中英语阅读和完形怎么做正确率高?有没有啥专业蒙法... -
枝庞精制: 1. 完型首先放弃,全选B. 2.5分.系统四舍五入成3分.2. 阅读40分,是最重要的,一般而言(不是绝对的,但是绝大多数时候是这样),每一篇5个题目中,答案是A B C D X(顺序当然不同),但是A B C D至少出现1次,其中有一个出现2...

玉树藏族自治州15899017451: 高中英语的完形填空和阅读差是什么原因呢?该怎么提高呢? -
枝庞精制:[答案] 就是在阅读文章材料时要学会快速阅读.快速阅读是综合运用阅读技巧,在快速阅读时通过逻辑思维,获取尽可能多的信息.在整个快速阅读过程中,要高度集中思想,让大脑处于高度兴奋状态中.如果念得很慢,一词一词地读,往往念...

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