Times New Viking的《No Good》 歌词

作者&投稿:马罚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
No time is a good time for goodbye这是一首什么歌的歌词~


Go now, don't look back, we've drawn the line
Move on, it's no good to go back in time
I'll never find another girl like you, for happy endings it takes two
We're fire and ice, the dream won't come true
Sara, Sara, storms are brewin' in your eyes
Sara, Sara, no time is a good time for goodbyes
Danger in the game when the stakes are high
Branded, my heart was branded while my senses stood by
I'll never find another girl like you, for happy endings it takes two
We're fire and ice, the dream won't come true
Sara, Sara, storms are brewin' in your eyes
Sara, Sara, no time is a good time, oh
Sara, Sara, storms are brewin' in your eyes
Sara, Sara, no time is a good time for goodbyes
('Cos Sara) Loved me like no one has ever loved me before
(And Sara) Hurt me, no one could ever hurt me more
(And Sara) Sara, nobody loved me anymore
I'll never find another girl like you
We're fire and ice, the dream won't come true
Sara, Sara, no time is a good time, oh
Sara, Sara, storms are brewin' in your eyes
Sara, Sara, no time is a good time, no
Ooh Sara, why did it, why did it, why did it all fall apart...




【Good Times - Cassadee Pope 好时光-卡莎蒂】

Somebody get me a guitar 来人给我拿把吉他
Cause I
got something to sing to you 因为我要给你唱些东西
Picked up a groove in my car 在我车里选张唱片
It's gonna get
in the soles of your shoes 它会让你全身放松
It ain't about lonely heart, did you wrong 那不是关于孤独的心,你猜错了吗?

Broken promise, leaving song 破碎的承诺,离别的歌
This ain't one of those nights 这不是那种伤感的夜
all had enough of those nights 那样的夜已经够多了

It's time to sing about the good times 该到唱唱好时光的时候了
Come on, let's rock it 来吧,我们摇滚
'til the sun shines 直到天亮
Now that you got it, don't you waste it 现在你得到这好时光,那千万别浪费了

Oh, can't you feel it? Can't you taste it? 哦 你感觉到了吗?你体验到了吗?
Oh yeah, I really wanna put a 哦 我真想在你唇上
smile on your lips 印上一个微笑
Like an eight grade kiss 就像初中生的吻
Put a
swing in your hips, come on move like this 让你的腰肢扭动起来,动起来就像这样
Let's sing about the good times, 让我们唱唱那好时光
good times, yeah 好时光啊

I need some crowd participation 我要所有人一起来
I wanna see you going 我想看你去到
wall to wall 那无处不在的
A revolution celebration 革命性的盛典
'Til we're all shining like a 直到我们闪耀得像
disco ball 迪斯科舞厅的反光球
Somebody grab a megaphone 有人拿起话筒
Shout it out, tell 'em that we're 大声喊出,告诉他们
all about 我们在做什么
Leaving our worries behind 让烦恼远去
Come on and put your hand in mine 来吧 把你的手放在我的手心

It's time to sing about the good times 该到唱唱好时光的时候了
Come on, let's rock it 来吧,我们摇滚
'til the sun shines 直到天亮
Now that you got it, don't you waste it 现在你得到这好时光,那千万别浪费了

Oh, can't you feel it? Can't you taste it? 哦 你感觉到了吗?你体验到了吗?
Oh yeah, I really wanna put a 哦 我真想在你唇上
smile on your lips 印上一个微笑
Like an eight grade kiss 就像初中生的吻
Put a
swing in your hips, come on move like this 让你的腰肢扭动起来,动起来就像这样
Let's sing about the good times, 让我们唱唱那好时光
(Good times, good times) 好时光,好时光

You know it's all about the good 你知道我们是为了这好——
(Good times, good times) 好时光,好时光

Yeah you know it's all about the 你知道我们是为了这——
(Good times, good times) 好时光,好时光
I wanna
sing about the good times 我想唱唱那好时光
I wanna scream about the good times 我想大叫那好时光
Come on, let's rock it 来吧,我们摇滚
'til the sun shines 直到天亮
Now that you got it, don't you waste it 现在你得到这好时光,那千万别浪费了

Oh, can't you feel it? Can't you taste it? 哦 你感觉到了吗?你体验到了吗?
Oh yeah, I really wanna put a 哦 我真想在你唇上
smile on your lips 印上一个微笑
Like an eight grade kiss 就像初中生的吻
Put a
swing in your hips, come on move like this 让你的腰肢扭动起来,动起来就像这样
Let's sing about the good times, 让我们唱唱那好时光
good times, yeah 好时光啊

(Good times, good times) 好时光,好时光
I wanna sing about the good times 我想唱唱那好时光
(Good times, good times) 好时光,好时光
I wanna sing about the good times 我想唱唱那好时光

歌曲名:No Good
歌手:Times New Viking
专辑:Dancer Equired

by Vaetion Chin
I never feared the unexpected
Till I found myself in this peculiar place
Unaware of where I was headed
Turns out it was your footsteps I had chased
Well I should know so much better than this
But you've occupied the center of my universe
I'm moving in reverse
Under your mighty curse
I hate myself for loving you
I turn my head away
But my heart will remain
Till the day I learn you're no good for me
It's illogical and it's outrageous
The way I let you keep me hanging on
Your character is that contagious
I know I should have thought before I had done
I've gone and let my impulse be my guide
And on that note, I'll be defenseless for some time
Hey you there, keep your distance
Don't you come around here
Don't test my patience baby
Cause I ain't gonna let you off easy


大东区17282262906: 罗马新体是什么字体? -
湛宜胃膜: 新罗马体(Times New Roman),亦称泰晤士新罗马,可能是最常见且广为人知的衬线字体之一,在字体设计上属于过渡型衬线体,对后来的字型产生了很深远的影响.另外由于其中规中矩、四平八稳的经典外观,所以常被选为标准字体之一...

大东区17282262906: word中外文字体一律用times new roman ,该怎么设置 -
湛宜胃膜: ctrl+a全选文字 然后右键打开字体 将这里设置为time、.、、确定就可以了

大东区17282262906: 我的word里找不到Times New Roman字体,已在Fonts里安装了该字体,可在word字体下拉菜单里看不到 -
湛宜胃膜: 这种情况一般是字库文件遭到篡改,你需要打开字库文件看看它的样式是否是Times New Roman,如果不是的话,虽然名字叫Times New Roman,仍然不会显示你所需要的样式. 只有重新下载字体文件,安装覆盖原有的字体文件. 满意请采纳.

大东区17282262906: 每次在word里输入数字都默认的字体格式是Times New Roman -
湛宜胃膜: 一般的文档里,英文格式都是Times New Roman,比较好看,要改的话,用这种方法 点 格式--样式和格式,在左边出现的栏目里,点“正文”旁边的下拉箭头,点 修改--格式--字体,把西文字体改成“宋体”,就可以了.

大东区17282262906: 怎么将西文、数字等符号采用Times New Roman字体 -
湛宜胃膜: 分两部操作: 1.选中全文后,打开格式菜单下,字体对话框,在字体选项卡中的西文字体中选择“Times New Roman”,确定即可. 解释:这样做的效果是全文中西文和数字都变成了Times New Roman字体.但是括号没有变化,下面一步来做...

大东区17282262906: word文档英文字体打出来是宋体的想改成 Times New Roman 的 改不过来 怎么设置 -
湛宜胃膜: 改不过来是什么意思?你选中英文字体,然后改成 Times New Roman字体没用吗?那可以给你个万能大法:首先剪切英文字体,然后选择选择性粘贴,改为粘贴无格式文本,然后再设置成 Times New Roman字体

大东区17282262906: 我的word文档里面字体是times new roman的,我现在用的电脑打开时显示的这种字体,但是打出来这个字体 -
湛宜胃膜: 下载的字体直接放到c\windows\fonts文件夹中是不行的.应该打开“控制面板”--“字体”--在“文件”菜单里选“安装新字体”,在打开的添加字体窗口中找到你下载的字体文件安装以后,再回到word中就可以找到新字体了.

大东区17282262906: word中英文标点符号要求在全角下输入,要求字体times new Roman -
湛宜胃膜: 在word的字体中设置中文字体和西文字体,但是,不能用英文全角.否则所有的字都视为中文

大东区17282262906: 如何把Word英文默认字体设置成Times NewRoman -
湛宜胃膜: 以office2013为例,找开始菜单栏中的字体,点击右下的小箭头.如下图 在打开的字体窗口,西文字体选框中,选择Times NewRoman字体.然后点击下面的设为默认字体.如下图 在新窗口需要选择,是仅此文档更改,还是所有基于的模版的文档.所有的就选下面的.然后确定.

大东区17282262906: 我的word文档里有些字体是"times new roman"怎么换成带有加减乘除的正常字体? -
湛宜胃膜: ctrl+A全选后选择你要的字体就行了,一般是宋体或是ARIAL字体都可以显示正常的符号

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