
作者&投稿:强古 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Everybody‘s heart has a hero live in. The hero in my heart is my father. He didn't has a lot of vigorous deeds, but he influence me at every detail. He can always save me in difficult and show me a new way again. He can give me an enough sense of security which can keep danger away from me. He say less but do more, he loves me and expected nothing in return. I hope I can become a person like him, holding fast to the belief in the complex environment and never say no.

  Everybody‘s heart has a hero live in.The hero in my heart is my father.He didn't has a lot of vigorous deeds,but he influence me at every detail.He can always save me in difficult and show me a new way again.He can give me an enough sense of security which can keep danger away from me.He say less but do more,he loves me and expected nothing in return.I hope I can become a person like him,holding fast to the belief in the complex environment and never say no.

My father is the hero in my heart.He is an ordinary people, but he is very special in my heart.He is very brave, hard-working and responsible.

I am afraid of mouse; my father will stand out to help me drive it out.It is funny to watch him fighting with mouse.He is not only caring for me, but also looking after of my grandparents.

He is glad to do this and never complain.As for his job, he works very hard.Sometimes the uncle works with my father will praise him in front of me.My dad is the hero in my mind. I want to be a person like him when I grow up.




My Hero.
Everyone has his heroes,and they differ from people to people.My hero is Zhou Enlai,who was the first premier of new China.Zhou Enlai was a great revolutionary who had devoted all his life to the cause of the liberation of China.He took part in the War Against Japan and the War for Liberation of China.He fighted bravely against the enemies in order to save the people in great sorrow.After the foundation of new China,Zhou Enlai was elected premier. Zhou Enlai was such a man who cared much more about the people than himself.He
put all the people in his heart except himself.I admired him so much though he
has been away from us for a long time.I like him best and believe that he will
alway be alive on the minds of Chinese people.


先介绍你的英雄是谁,再写为什么ta是你的英雄(介绍一下其事迹,让你佩服的地方之类的),最后写你从ta身上学到了什么,表表态,要向ta学习之类的 Everyone has a hero in their heart.Maybe they do the different jobs.My hero is Blues Li.He is famous as a player,and he is good at ...

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A Hero in My Heart Have you ever seen the film"hero"?I think you have .You may like the people in the film.But I don't think they are the real heroes.In my heart,the Chinese astronaut,Yang Liwei is the real hero.He was the first to get to the moon in our country....

第一是我888 | 发布于2012-10-14 举报| 评论 1 0 为您推荐: 刘翔 英雄 我心中的英雄400字 刘翔是我的英雄 我心目中的英雄刘翔 英雄的故事 是我心中的英雄 我心中的老师 特战英雄下载 我心中的英雄300字 我心中的英雄作文医生 其他...

The story of lei feng At the beginning of December 1959, the New Year has begun to recruit, lei feng's urgently required to participate in the Chinese people's liberation army (PLA), but given the coking plant of recruitment quota is limited, and lei feng in the site's ...

What so-called hero? In earth's past whirly for thousands of years, with the hero's contain historical precipitation appear larger and vigorous Courage is to do big things tough foundation, a decision the success of the first premise. Courage is confidence, courage is an ...

帮我写一篇英语作文,要搞笑的题目是“我心目中的英雄”带翻译 速用_百...
我的英雄 我认为很多学生喜欢流行歌手名叫周杰伦。我也很喜欢他。当他发行了他的第一张专辑,我开始买他的专辑。和我从来没有错过任何他的专辑。你知道作为一个男孩,周杰伦被称为迟钝愚蠢。但他母亲叶惠美,注意到安静、害羞的男孩似乎西方流行音乐舞蹈几乎当他听到她过去玩。他的母亲把他送到一个钢琴...

英语作文 我心目中的英雄
Everyone's heart have a hero,maybe a person who save the people,maybe a animal who have got good spirit.So far,I can't forget a person who helped plenty of people.His name is Leifeng.I think he was a good person I can't understand why he was so friendly,but I really ...


Dong Cunrui sacrificed his 19-year-old life and opened a way for the troops.That's why I say Dong Cunrui is the a real hero in my mind.开头结尾是我写的,中间介绍部分摘自 http:\/\/www.chinadaily.com.cn\/china\/pla2010\/2010-07\/29\/content_11069486.htm 希望对你有所帮助!

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