D-A-D的《Horizon》 歌词

作者&投稿:席萧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Heart Strings

It seems as good a day as any
To start my trek across the ocean
With no funds for ship or sail
I'll use my legs and my devotion.
An aqua bike will be my vessel
And high adventure the land I seek
So farewell friends who've come to gather
Waving hankies, tear on cheek, oh...
It's a long long way to go on a pedalo, a pedalo...
It's a long long way to go on a pedalo, a pedalo...

My joy was surging, spirit soaring
The sky was huge, the sea was placid
But soon my vim was somewhat dimmed
By bucketloads of lactic acid.
And then a ship took me aboard
Was full of whiskey and hearty sailors
I rested up, then pedaled onwards
Once I found out they were whalers
It's a long long way to go on a pedalo, a pedalo...
It's a long long way to go on a pedalo, a pedalo...

I saw a mermaid, thwarted pirates
Wrestled sea squids, this and more
But as I ponder that horizon
I fancy someone moved the shore,
Oh, Hope can come, and hope can go
But for the most part seems to go
But still I huff, and still I puff
On my yellow pedalo
It's a long long way to go on a pedalo, a pedalo...
It's a long long way to go on a pedalo, a pedalo...
It's a long long way to go on a pedalo, a pedalo...
It's a long long way to go on a pedalo, a pedalo...

It's a long long way to go

It's a long long way to go

It's a long long way to go

歌手:Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick Lamar - A.D.H.D
Fuck that
8 doobies to the face
Fuck that
12 bottles in the case
Nigga, fuck that
2 pills and a half, wait
Nigga, fuck that
Got a high tolerance
When your age don’t exist
Verse 1:
Man, I swear
My nigga trippin off that shit again
Pick him up, then I set him in
Cold water, then I order someone to bring him vicodin
Hope to take the pain away
From the feeling that he feel today
You know when you part of section 80
And you feeling like no one can relate
Cause you are, you are
A loner, loner
Marijuana, endorphins
Make you stronger, stronger
I’m in the house party trippin off
My generation sippin cough syrup like its water
Never no pancakes in the kitchen
Man, no wonder our lives is caught up
In the daily superstition
That the word is bout to end
Who gives a fuck? we never do listen
Unless it comes with an 808
A melody and some hoes
Playstation and some drank
Technology bumping Soul
Looking around and all I see
Is a big crowd, that’s product of me
And they probably relatives
Relevant for a rebel’s dream
Yep, the president is black
She black too
Purple label on her back
But that dap
Is like when she take it straight to the head
Then she look at me
She got ADHD
8 doobies to the face
Fuck that
12 bottles in the case
Nigga, fuck that
2 pills and a half, wait
Nigga, fuck that
Got a high tolerance
When your age don’t exist
Like woah oh oh woah
(Don’t got a limit just gimme some more with it)
(Don’t got a limit just gimme some more with it)
(They always told me ad-hd did it)
Verse 2:
And then she started
And then she started
Feeling herself like no on else in this apartment
Beg you pardon
Oh I rap baby, how old are you?
She say 22, I say 23
Ok then we all crack babies
Damn, why you say that?
She said where my drink at?
I’mma tell you later, just tell your neighbors
Have the police relax
I stood up, shut the blinds
Closed the screen, jumbotron
Made it to the back, where she reside
Then she said, read between the lines
Yep, hope that I get close enough
When the lights turn down
And the fact that she just might open up
When the new flow start to drown
Her body and I, know the both of us really deep in the move now
It’s nothing we can do now
Somebody walked in with a pound
Of that Bay Area kush
She looked at me then looked
At it, then she grabbed it
Then she said, get it understood
You know why we crack babies
Because we born in the 80s
That ADHD crazy
8 doobies to the face
Fuck that
12 bottles in the case
Nigga, fuck that
2 pills and a half, wait
Nigga, fuck that
Got a high tolerance
When your age don’t exist
Like woah oh oh woah
(Don’t got a limit just gimme some more with it)
(Don’t got a limit just gimme some more with it)
(They always told me ad-hd did it)
You can have all my shine
I’ll give you the light
Double cup, deuce, four, six
Just mix it in Sprite
Ecstasy, shrooms, blow, dro, hoes
Whatever you like
You can have all my shine
I’ll give you the light
Kendrick Lamar - A.D.H.D


专辑:Horizon / The Dentist

Artist: 38th Parallel
Chanson: Horizon
By hjk
Another day burns away into darkness
Another blink of the eye of time
I am straining through the blackness
Ever searching for a sign
The days grow long and the days grow dark
And the days grow ever colder
The trust that I started with fades as I get older
Though the road is hard
It seems to me there is no way around this
From all you've done for me
I know you'll never break your promise(Chorus)
So here at the end of this day
Where the world is shaded in gray
I will look to the blue horizons and watch for you to come
When my hope is tattered and torn
When my faith is weathered and worn
I'll look to the blue horizons
I am still walking, evading the shadows
I am still running that narrow line
I'll go wherever you would have me go
Ever searching for a sign
The days grow long and the days grow dark
And the days grow ever colder
The trust that I started with fades as I get older
Though the road is hard
It seems to me there is no way around this
From all you've done for me
I know you'll never break your promise(Chorus)
So here at the end of this day
Where the world is shaded in gray
I will look to the blue horizons and watch for you to come
When my hope is tattered and torn
When my faith is weathered and worn
I'll look to the blue horizons
The days grow long and the days grow dark
And the days grow ever colder
The trust that I started with fades as I get older
Though the road is hard
It seems to me there is no way around this
From all you've done for me
I know you'll never break your promise(Chorus)
So here at the end of this day
Where the world is shaded in gray
I will look to the blue horizons and watch for you to come
When my hope is tattered and torn
When my faith is weathered and worn
I'll look to the blue horizons


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小题1:E小题2:A小题3:D小题4:C小题5:F 小题1:根据其后的一句话“它特别想要成为世界上最漂亮的马”,可知本句为E。小题2:根据其前面的一句话“你给以我美丽,你已经给以我其它好的品质”,可知本句为A,对上帝给予它的表示感谢。小题3:根据前后句可知,上帝问它在哪些方面需要改变。

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子车庆益他: 云(くも)の切(き)れ间差(まさ)す日(ひ)を この手(て)でまた握(にぎ)りしめている 果(は)てない地平线(ちへいせん)のその先(さき)に 谁(だれ)が待(ま)ってる 何(なに)が待(ま)っている 戦(たたか)いつづけ...

迎江区13989246529: 头文字D的歌(动漫 ) -
子车庆益他: 主题曲rage your dream http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=rage+your+dream&lm=0

迎江区13989246529: B A D有什么好听的歌 介绍一下 -
子车庆益他: 还有,B.A.D的专集我都有听.个人觉的他们还是比较不错.推荐《不安静》《我想醉》《粗心》《到此一游》《我的错》《皇后之歌》《爱有你》《OH,I》郁闷,我刚刚想给LZ一一介绍的,可无奈的是机子在我的绝望中死机.可怜我打了那么多字,现在没有心情了.就推荐几首吧.PS:如果各位喜欢下载MP3 MTV 望加入10093608 群一起交流共享.!~

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子车庆益他: Do the D.A.N.C.E1234, fight!Stick to the B.E.A.T Get ready to ignite You were such a P.Y.T Catching all the lights Just easy as A.B.C That's how we make it right (x3) Do the D.A.N.C.E Stick to the B.E.A.T Just easy as A.B.C Do the Dance (Do the ...

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子车庆益他:[答案] 答案:因为a≦b≦c≦d ︳a-b︳﹢︳b-c︳﹢︳c-d︳+︳d-a︳=b-a+c-b+d-c+d-a=2(d-a) d最大9,a最小1, 最大值为16

迎江区13989246529: 已知ABCD是四个不同的整数已知A.B.C.D是四个不同的整数,且满足A+B+C+D=5,若M是关于X的方程(X - A)(X - B)(X - C)(X - D)=204中大于A.B.C.D的一个... -
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