Asie (Sheherazade, No 1) 歌词

作者&投稿:龙货 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Marry you

avril lavigne - complicated

Why you have to go and make things so complicated?你为什么让事情变的这么复杂?
I see the way you're acting 我能看出你在伪装
Like you're somebody else gets me frustrated 这让我烦透了。
Life's like this生活就是这样,
And you fall and you crawl and you break 你会跌倒,你会挣扎,你会崩溃,
And you take what you get 你想得到你想得到的
And you turn it into honesty 你要接受现实
You promised me你答应过我
I'm never gonna find you fake it
No no no

歌曲名:Asie (Sheherazade, No 1)
歌手:Kiri Te Kanawa& Orchestre De L O.N.B.
专辑:French Songs/Sheherazade Etc

Asher Roth - As I Em (Feat. Chester French)
Take me as I em my friends,
ain't gon' change, won't be no Em,
rock these songs, rock these shows,
only good life I know
I was in seventh grade when I heard the Slim Shady LP,
ya my mom brought it down when I was ironing, irony,
getting out the wrinkles, just a little kid in middle school,
sink my teeth in anything just to think I'm cool, riding the bus,
I feel the rush but I still don't give a fuck,
ya I wish I could agree but I've already had enough,
I've already given up from playing the same game,
every interview I feel like I'm saying the same thing, like,
Em was great, yea he paved the way for me,
he was inspiration for everybody from A to Z,
but they keep relating me, I can't get away,
chasing me, (all day long), I hear it, (all day long),
and now the masters thinks that asher wants to be a marshall mathers,
they say "ashers not a rapper, na hes actually just a actor",
cuz we have the same complexion and similar voice inflection,
it's easy to see the pieces and reach for that connection,
every minute, each hour of everyday,
I'm constantly on the fence defending my own name,
explaining we are not the same,
not much that I can say, except that I'm sick of it,
critics arrantly sparked up a flame, it's on
Take me as I em my friends,
ain't gon' change, won't be no Em,
rock these songs, rock these shows,
only good life I know... (AY!) (AY!)
Take me as I em my friends,
ain't gon' change, won't be no Em,
rock these songs, rock these shows,
only good life I know... (AY!) (AY!)
now don't get it twisted, I've definatley benefitted,
it's like suddenly everyone wants to hear what I've been spittin,
it's so different, the image they don't get it,
it's simple I'm just a kid who wants to rap to make a livin,
but Em was in it way before I committed ,
and his lyrics were the shit so I really gotta come with it,
but each critics been pickin apart my writins,
and if it's not up to par then ashers par is just a gimmick,
is it my fault must I be more convincing?,
ya'll talk all you want, never halt me from my mission,
using his ammunition, would you please keep dissin me,
(all day long), I hear it, (all day long),
and yea the haters wanna hate because I made it and I'm famous,
but until you take my place,
ya'll never know what it takes to make a record for respect,
take a second before you inspect,
when you look like someone else then what the fuck do you expect,
I just want to be accepted as the illest in the game,
but it's harder for an artist creating his own lane,
that's anonymous with his rhyming and combine with perfect timing,
all the time all that's declining and about to explode
Take me as I em my friends,
ain't gon' change, won't be no Em,
rock these songs, rock these shows,
only good life I know... (AY!) (AY!)
Take me as I em my friends,
ain't gon' change, won't be no Em,
rock these songs, rock these shows,
only good life I know... (AY!) (AY!)
so fuck it that's all I got, theres nothing else for me to say,
if I don't confront the problem it will never go away,
unless it is addressed there is nothing left for me to do,
its impossible rejecting an elephant in the room,
say goodbye to all the bullshit, notions preconceived
sworn to all the wrongs, coulda swore they knew me,
if you have no further questions and can't think of other thoughts,
then let me introduce you to asher paul roth.
Take me as I em my friends,
ain't gon' change, won't be no Em,
rock these songs, rock these shows,
only good life I know... (AY!) (AY!)
Take me as I em my friends,
ain't gon' change, won't be no Em,
rock these songs, rock these shows,
only good life I know... (AY!) (AY!)

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凉山彝族自治州17345159928: Sheherazade是什么意思?
项卖深索: 是《一千零一夜》(The Thousand and One Nights)里的一个女主人公~

凉山彝族自治州17345159928: 亚细亚是什么意思 -
项卖深索: 你好! 亚细亚洲(字源古希腊语:Ασία;拉丁语:Asia;法文:Asie;英语:Asia),简称亚洲,是七大洲中面积最大,跨纬度第一广,东西距离最长,人口最多的一个洲.其覆盖地球总面积的8.6%(或者总陆地面积的29.4%),人口总数约为...

凉山彝族自治州17345159928: Sheherazade是什么意思? -
项卖深索: 应该跟《一千零一夜》有关

凉山彝族自治州17345159928: 亚洲和欧洲的全名是?? -
项卖深索: 亚细亚洲(字源古希腊语:Ασ??α;拉丁语:Asia;法文:Asie),简称亚洲, 是七大洲中面积最大,人口最多的一个洲.其覆盖地球总面积的8.6%(或者总陆地面积的29.4%).人口总数约为40亿,占世界总人口的60%.亚细亚是一个非常...

凉山彝族自治州17345159928: 亚洲和欧洲名称来历,非洲的名称来历 -
项卖深索: 亚洲——亚细亚洲(字源古希腊语:Ασία;拉丁语:Asia;法文:Asie;英语:Asia),简称亚洲.欧洲——欧洲是欧罗巴洲的简称,“欧罗巴”一词据说最初来自腓尼基语的“伊利布”一词,意思是“日落的地方”或“西方的土地”.非洲——阿非利加洲(英文:Africa;字源拉丁文:Afri,迦太基人的名称),简称非洲,阳光灼热之地的意思

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