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作者&投稿:秦雪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
(非常紧急) 中文翻英文 请高手进来帮帮我 可再大加分 拜托了 (禁止翻译软件) part 2~

In the baby to fall asleep the moment before, the best to be with him, given its security, rest assured sense [growth] baby baby sleep and sleep in the recovery of consumption of physical strength, and related with the growth of the growth hormone secretion during sleep, most sleep stage, growth hormone in the infant sleep release is waking up to 3 times or more, have enough growth hormone can promote the nervous system and brain development in sleep. In addition, sleep can strengthen the main hormone releasing muscle growth and repair, growth hormone can help the baby fat burning, and transformed into muscle energy, help the body to strengthen the ligaments and tendons, strengthen protein synthesis, therefore, growth and healthy sleep and the baby, can be said to be inseparable. [cognitive] baby infant sleep in bed, half the time the brain in order, reforming and cognitive day received data. Remind parents should pay attention to the baby's sleep quality, don't wake the baby, to develop good sleep habits. Research Report, lack of sleep baby, focus and concentration will be poor. [the baby sleep and immune resistance] reduced sleep or sleep deprivation, will cause the immune cell function decreased, the decrease of immunity. Baby sleep is not only to rest, sleep can also stimulate the different parts of the brain, the study is very important. Maintenance and development is directly related to memory and cognitive function of the quality of sleep. The baby to sleep, how sleep is normal? Every baby is different body, different sleep needs, different sleep mode. Eat sleep, sleep eating, is typical of the rest of the newborn babies, they eat sleep cycle is not day and night, respectively. After about six months old, ability of independent activity increased gradually, begin to try to explore the world around them, at the same time, more capacity and adult interaction, it gradually presents' activities during the day, sleep at night 'sleep mode. On average, the newborn's Day is about 2/3 more time in sleep, until the three year old children's day still need to sleep 12 hours. The baby to sleep in the physiological development. In general, the secretion of growth hormone peak at night, this time to have a good sleep, baby more grow up soon. The baby's brain is not mature, very small stimulus would make him feel tired. Sleep is the baby a important rest and recovery process. During sleep, the brain will secrete growth hormone, make the baby grow faster than awake faster. So, if the baby can sleep well, definitely beneficial to the healthy growth of

The author depicts the possible reactions of people when their fantasies vanish.
What is fantasy and what is real?
When the so-called fantasy and dream have disappeared, one must confront the harsh reality; this is what the author wishes to express.

Paragraph 1
What will you do when your fantasy is shattered ? How do you react? Are you willing to face the harsh reality?
The music box is the sustenance of her fantasy, and it disappears when the music box is lost.
The author uses symbolism to tell the story. He applies the music box to represent the girl’s naivety and fantasy; her father gives her a very beautiful fantasy with the gift of a pretty music box. When a fantasy vanishes, a sense of loss and feelings of unable to accept and face the reality are unavoidable.
For example, the girl keeps asking her mother the whereabouts of the music box, when she is told that it is broken, she is unwilling to accept and face the fact that her fantasy has been shattered.
Another example is that when the girl has found the fragments of the broken music box in the trash, she does not pick them up, but just caresses them and put them back and goes away. It shows that the girl has accepted the reality and given up her fantasy and dream.

Paragraph 2
When fantasy has gone, no more hope is held up, and the fantasy will vanish with the time. The author applies characterization to describe the protagonist’s personality. From this passage at the beginning of the story,”…………………….”, we can see that the girl has a naïve, romantic and dreamer character; that’s why she feels grieved and sad when she discovers the music box has been broken, so much so that she shouts at her mother and accepts nothing from what her mother has said. However, after sober contemplation and time has also shifted her focus, she gives up the music box; her love for it has been played down by time; this is why the family never again mentions this music box.

Paragraph 3
What’s your reaction when confronted with the harsh reality?
The author applies description to vividly tell the story details. He meticulously describes the dialogues, behaviors and emotions of the protagonists to allow us to imagine the development of the story.
For examples:
“…………………..”, This passage shows that the mother forces the girl to accept the harsh reality. Her mother keeps on telling her the fact of the broken music box; she does not want the girl to be indulged in her dream and fantasy, that’s why her mother tells her the truth straightforward.
“………………..”, This passage shows the girl’s reaction when her feelings suffer a big blow and has to face the harsh reality.
“………………….”. This passage shows that the rooftop of this house can represent the spiritual support and spiritual state of this family. Despite poverty-stricken, they still use a spiritual well-being to deceive themselves.

The author makes the story more complete by summing up the girl’s initial unacceptable reaction to her final receptive reaction which allows her fantasy to go away.

During the life of people ,people spend about one third of time on sleeping, sleep is very important to the human body physiological live. If children doesn't sleep well, so it is easy to be agitated, inattention, what more ,even affect learning development. Especially for the newborn babies, which is one of an extremely important activities to their growth and development Sleep is an essential part of human life, for infants and young children who are growing which are more important and indispensable, the growth of the children is in day and night, minutes and seconds, always changing development, sleep strongly associated with babies' growth and development.
with a good sleep is very important for the babies, because only during sleepy can the human body provide the required growth hormone , especially in the stage of "deep sleep" children to grow smart, healthy, in addition to eating a balanced diet , absolute quality sleep is the best guarantee for baby to provide all-round growth.quiet is the most basic conditions. Leave a small light for the baby. The right temperature and soft music can help sleep
Whatever the type of the baby is , there are their own sleep habits and ways, for energetically and sleep little babies , during the months of one to twelve, it is the most painful time for all parentings,and it is also the most crucial period. If the parents can use the method effectively to adjust the babies'sleep time, it is not only beneficial to develop a good sleep habits in the future,also parents can easily be idle, makeing parenting way more easily.
during the 12 to 18 months, children gradually growing , it requires less sleep and the period is also for children's life work and rest squarely and should follow the key period, because the childhood development and learning very fast, with a stable, regular life is indispensable ,during the time 18 months to 3 years, the children sleep much less during this time, and after "rebellion period", therefore duly supplemented by some methods, it is very important to an appease;guide.
Especially for this period, because of the the separation with parents , start learning, sleep independently , which can cause the psychological anxiety, fear, so there are always suck their fingers,and hold the particular blankets, fixed toys until falling asleep.

People in life, spent nearly a third of the time on sleep, sleep is very important in the human body physiological live. If children sleep well, and easy to be agitated, inattention, even affect learning development. Especially the newborn babies, sleep is one of its development is extremely important activities. Sleep is an essential part of human life, for infants and young children who growing more important and indispensable, the growth of the children is day or night, minutes and seconds are changing development, sleep strongly associated with the baby's growth and development.Good sleep is very important for the baby, because in the human body to provide required for growth of growth hormone secretion only during sleep, especially in the stage of "deep sleep" children to grow smart, healthy, in addition to eat a balanced, absolute quality sleep is the best guarantee for baby to provide all-round growth. Silence is the most basic conditions. Leave small lights for baby. The right temperature. Soft music can help sleep

Whether that kind of baby, have their own sleep habits and ways, energetic sleep less children 1 to 12 months and it's all but parenting is the most painful period, which is the most important critical period.If can use the method effectively adjust the sleep time, children is not only beneficial to develop good sleep habits in the future, parents can easily be idle, make parenting way more easily.12 to 18 months, children gradually grow, require less sleep also slowly;This period is also children's life work and rest squarely and should follow the key period, because of the early childhood development and learning very fast, a stable, regular life work and rest is never lack of 18 months to 3 years old children sleep less at this time, and after "rebellion period", therefore duly supplemented by some method, it is very important to AnFu, guide.

Especially for this period and the separation, started learning independent sleep, can cause the psychological anxiety, fear, so there are always suck fingers, must hold a particular blankets, toys or fixed until fall asleep

In life, spent nearly 1/3 of the time in sleep, sleep is very important in human physiology. If the child did not sleep well, easy irritability, inability to concentrate, and even affect the study development. Especially the newborn baby, sleep is the growth pole important activities. Sleep is one of the an integral part of human life, more important, indispensable for a growing number of infants and young children, children's growth is not day and night, every minute changes in the development, associated with great growth and development of sleep and the baby. A good sleep is very important to the baby, because the growth hormone growth required in the human body, only the secretion during sleep, especially in the stage of "deep sleep" children to grow wise, health food, in addition to balance, the absolute quality sleep is to provide a full range of baby to grow the best security. Silence is the most basic conditions. Leave little light baby. A suitable temperature. The soft music can help sleep no matter what type of baby, have a sleep habits and ways of their own, be full of go sleep less child 1 - 12 months it is not only the child most painful period, key time is the most important. If we can apply the method to effectively adjust the child's sleep time, not only for the future good sleep habits, parents also easily enjoy free, make parenting easier road. 12 - 18 months of children grow up, the time needed to sleep is also gradually reduced; the period of children's life completely established and key period should do, because when the young children's development and learning is very fast, a stable, regular lifestyle is indispensable for 18 months to 3 years old then the children sleep less, and after the period of resistance ", therefore timely supplemented by some methods, to an auxiliary, guidance is very important. Especially this period as a result of the parents separate, started to learn independent sleep, will cause the psychological anxiety, fear, so often there will be sucking fingers, must hold a special blanket, or fixed toys to sleep

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