Henry Nearly Killed Me (It'S A Shame) 歌词

作者&投稿:召月 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Henry Nearly Killed Me (It's A Shame) 歌词~

歌曲名:Henry Nearly Killed Me (It's A Shame)
歌手:Ray Lamontagne
专辑:Live - Fall 2010

Ray Lamontagne - Henry Nearly Killed Me (It's A Shame)
All my life I been poor boy son,
Scratchin' for my meat
I have been kicked in my teeth,
Till the blood run hot and sweet
I seen a lot of living my friend,
And this I will repeat,
Just because you knock a man down
Don't mean that you got hime beat
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
Henry nearly killed me,
'Fore they hauled his ass in jail
Slapped me right across my face
With a flour sack full o' nails
Nearly broke my head in two
with his steel-toed boots
Shovin' all that money
Down the laundry chute
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
Well, sweet little Mary Anne
With her make-up all a mess,
Picks herself up off the floor
Coughs and straightens her dress
Sayin' please,please daddy, can I
Have just a little bit more
I said sorry baby, but im headin' out
Somehow this town don't feel like home anymore
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
I've seen a lot of living my friend,
And this i will repeat
Just because you knock a man down
Don't mean you got him beat
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame


歌曲名:It's A Shame
歌手:Bruce Springsteen
专辑:The Promise

Bruce Springsteen - It's A Shame
Well I walk the way you want me to
And I'll talk the way you want me to
And I've tried to do all I can just to please you
Well I work hard every day for you
And I brought home all my pay for you
And I've cried my tears through the rain night and again
And oh whoa girl, it's a shame
Oh whoa girl, it's a doggone shame
We worked so hard, but it's all in vain
Oh whoa girl, it's a shame
Now I bought your gold and diamond rings
And I brought you home your pretty things
And I thought I'd shown all the love I had for you,
yes I did
But as hard as I try it all falls through
Well maybe I was born to be just your fool
Trying to satisfy your every desire,
each need you require
Well oh whoa girl, it's a shame
Oh whoa girl, it's a doggone shame
I worked so hard, but it's all in vain
Oh whoa girl, it's a shame
Someone now!
Whoaaa, whoa-hoo
Oh whoa girl, it's a shame
Oh girl, it's a doggone shame
We worked so hard, but it's all in vain
Oh whoa girl, it's a shame
Oh whoa girl, it's a shame
Oh girl, it's a doggone shame
I worked so hard, but it's all in vain
Oh whoa, girl it's a shame


歌曲名:Henry Nearly Killed Me (It'S A Shame)
歌手:Ray Lamontagne
专辑:Gossip In The Grain

Ray Lamontagne - Henry Nearly Killed Me (It's A Shame)
All my life I been poor boy son,
Scratchin' for my meat
I have been kicked in my teeth,
Till the blood run hot and sweet
I seen a lot of living my friend,
And this I will repeat,
Just because you knock a man down
Don't mean that you got hime beat
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
Henry nearly killed me,
'Fore they hauled his ass in jail
Slapped me right across my face
With a flour sack full o' nails
Nearly broke my head in two
with his steel-toed boots
Shovin' all that money
Down the laundry chute
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
Well, sweet little Mary Anne
With her make-up all a mess,
Picks herself up off the floor
Coughs and straightens her dress
Sayin' please,please daddy, can I
Have just a little bit more
I said sorry baby, but im headin' out
Somehow this town don't feel like home anymore
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
I've seen a lot of living my friend,
And this i will repeat
Just because you knock a man down
Don't mean you got him beat
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame
It's a shame,shame,shame
Baby it's a cryin' shame


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屈贩欣维: Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle, DL (22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930) was an author most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are generally considered a major innovation in the field of crime fiction, and for the adventures of ...

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屈贩欣维: 第一个帽子戏法: 2000年12月,是亨利从1998年8月3日,以1050万英镑转投枪手以来首个帽子戏法,阿森纳6:1大胜莱斯特城队,自此,亨利开始了兵工厂的辉煌旅程. 第二个帽子戏法: 2002年11月,亨利在罗马奥林匹克体育场再次上演帽...

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屈贩欣维: 约翰-W-亨利生平: 于1949年出生在美国伊利诺伊州,父母都是农民,小时候在伊利诺伊和阿肯色长大,因为哮喘症亨利居家搬迁到加利福尼亚的苹果谷.在高中毕业后进入加州的维克托瓦利学院深造,主修哲学,但是没有拿到毕业证书,因为...

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屈贩欣维: Short Biography of King Henry VIII Ruler as the King of England for nearly 40 years, King Henry VIII led his country during the English Renaissance and sparked the English Reformation. Famous for marrying six times, he always attempted to ...

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屈贩欣维: 世界上最贵的一款表,Henry Graves袋表便出自1930年代的百达翡丽表厂,拍卖价1100万美元,完全成就了一个天价神话. 在它的客户名单中,共有100名国王,54名王后,更不乏如爱因斯坦、居里夫人、夏洛蒂·布朗特、柴科夫斯基等显赫人士.

伊金霍洛旗15940601122: 谁有模范棒棒堂的助教亨利的详细资料. -
屈贩欣维: 基本资料: 本名:Henry 小名:小亨利 生日:1985. 04. 20. 星座:牡羊+金牛座 生肖:牛 出生:台北 身高:175 cm 体重:63 kg 血型:O型 语言:中、英、台语 收藏:照片、CD 喜欢的music:alternative rock, rock, RnB, Rap, Jazz, hip pop, etc...

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屈贩欣维:[答案] Arthur Conan Doyle,the son of Charles Doyle and Mary Foley,was born in Edinburgh on 22nd May 1859.Arthur's father was ... a passenger ship bound for West Africa.On this voyage Conan Doyle nearly died of typhoid. On his return,Conan Doyle set up ...

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屈贩欣维: 我想你说的是帕特里克·亨利(Patrick Henry)吧,他是一个美国律师、政治家.曾经说过:“不自由,毋宁死(Give me Liberty, or give me Death! )”,你也应该是看到这句话才问的他吧.下面是百度百科的资料,可以帮你更详细地了解他,希望对你有帮助. http://baike.baidu.com/view/673994.htm?fromenter=Patrick+Henry

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屈贩欣维: 《花样姐姐第二季》中,二胖姜妍和刘宪华(Henry)都是单身.Henry喜欢二胖,这也许是节目的梗,说不准.二胖挽Henry的插曲:歌名:说吧! 做什麽?(口哨歌) 歌手:K .Will(韩国) 韩剧《太阳的后裔》OST Part 6.

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