
作者&投稿:宦姚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Egg with tomato stir fry
I am always not a very good cook, but this dish that I often prepare was taught by my mother. I like to cook Egg with tomato stir fry. First I cut the tomato into thin slices and I beat the egg until the surface have a little bit bubbles. I then, add a pinch of salt inside the egg that I just beat. Now i heat up some oil in the pan. When the oil is hot enough I pour the egg in the pan and break the egg into smaller pieces. Then, I add in the tomatoes that i have sliced previously. I stir the egg and tomota together for about 5 minutes, then I add in a little bit of salt and chopped green onions. Egg with tomato stir fry is made with just these easy steps.
我一直不是很会做菜,可是这一道菜是是我妈妈教我的。 我喜欢做西红柿炒鸡蛋。 我先把西红柿给切成细条,然后打蛋,直到蛋表面有一点泡泡我就知道蛋打好了。然后我在蛋里加一点盐。现在我要把油给加热了。当油温够了我就把鸡蛋倒进锅里,然后用炒菜的铲子把鸡蛋给弄得小块一点。然后我把之前切过的西红柿倒进锅里和鸡蛋一起炒5分钟,然后我往锅子里加一点盐和葱。西红柿炒鸡蛋就做好了。

learning cooking

I like cooking from i was very young, i am always passion about making delicious dishes for my family which also can help my parents to reduce their stress from the work. Also when i watching the cooking program on television i think chef is a very interesting and creative job and brings people joy from their dishes. China has a wide range of food culture consist of many types and flavours. this is the trigger brings me to discover more interst in cooking.

1.Cabbage heart the root pares into a sharp form with the small Yin, on breaking two halfs cut into 7 Li rices long, the cabbage, ham of 0.6 Li rices breadth, the bamboo shoot cuts into a sparerib slice and each chestnut up slices 10, fill with water inside pot, put to cook the skin soft into the chestnut and take advantage o heat to peel off the chestnut skin.

2.Descend into the chestnut while going to the peanut oil into inside the pot, ascending fire to burn into 60% heat, cabbage, a little bit fry once, get to control clean oil.

3.Fry the pot set fire up, put is 30 grams into the lard, immediately next go into a cabbage, chestnut, ham slice, bamboo shoot slice, the salt monosodium glutamate refined sugar boils with the wildfires, use small fire Men again for 5 minutes, adjust starch to hang up Qian with water and light a scented ointment a pot then.

The hot flavor celery fries a meat end
1)the celery slice granule, and the garlic cut to pieces and the red and sharp Jiao is 2 and cut into a turn of son.2)pot hot oil, put to go into a spoon chop thin of the Pi county bean sauce and garlic end sharp Jiao turn son, pour into meat stuffing son after frying a flavor, continue to turn over to fry.The turkey end is more white, so, for wanting let the color of meat end become deeply at 1:00, pour a little old take out a sauce.3)fry the meat pours into a celery after change countenance ground, fry a celery to arrive to have no humidity like.

Note:1)I feel and the celery can also cut into granule to replace with other vegetables.2)I use of the meat stuffing son be a turkey of, what tail use is a beef of, I feel and can also use pork.3)fear hot words, the sharp Jiao can not put and the chili sauce can also not put.

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