英语The girl ___ long hair is Tim's sister. 这种类似的题目什么时候用with 什么时候用in

作者&投稿:於平 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初二下英语期末试卷 人教版的~



1. A. nobody B. today C. open D. no

2. A. how B. now C. know D. brown

3. A. think B. math C. athletic D. father

4. A. white B. where C. what D. whole

5. A. take B. Canada C. America D. England

6. A. book B. foot C. look D. food

7. A. honey B. happy C. hour D. hello

8. A. back B. many C. hand D. have

9. A. machine B. much C. chair D. beach

10. A. result B. vocabulary C. junk D. yuck

11. A. babysit B. vacation C. gate D. camp

12. A. stay B. play C. day D. Thursday

13. A. house B. cousin C. loud D. sound

14. A. meat B. great C. sea D. reason

15. A. twin B. twice C. two D. twenty


16. --- ____ do you go to see your uncle?

--- Every week.

A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How soon

17. Do you think he is a ____ boy?

A. nine-year-old B. nine years old C. nine-years old D. nine year old

18. --- How far is it from your home to school?

--- ____ .

A. two o’clock B. once a week C. three minutes D. four kilometers

19. Did you go to school ____ bus or ____ foot?

A. by, by B. by, on C. on, by D. on, on

20. If tomorrow is fine, I ____ shopping.

A. am go B. will go C. went D. goes

21. Ruth is ____ more intellectual than Rose.

A. many B. a lot of C. much D. large

22. Paul is not as ____ as I. He always gets ill.

A. athletic B. more athletic C. athleticer D. much athletic

23. Both Li Lei and I ____ very popular in school.

A. am B. is C. do D. are

24. There is ___ “u” and ____ “s” in the word “use”.

A. an, an B. a, an C. an, a D. a, a

25. A small number of students ____ doing their homework now.

A. is B. was D. are D. were

26. He decided ____ Canada finally.

A. on B. in C. for D. at

27. Pierre wanted to do ____.

A.difficult something B.something different C.different anything D. anything different

28. --- When is he going?

--- He’s going ___ the 12th.

A. in B. or C. for D. at

29. --- ____ is he staying?

--- Just for four days.

A. How long B. When C. How much D. How far

30. I believe it’s important ____ eight hours a night.

A. to sleep B. sleeping C. slept D. sleeps

31. I have ____ rules in my house.

A. too much B. much too C. to many D. many too

32. I have to study _____ a test on Sunday.

A. for B. to C. with D. in

33. How do you often get ____ there?

A. to B. for C. / D. on

34. It ____ me an hour ____ my homework last night.

A. took, doing B. takes, to do C. took, to do D. take, doing

35. --- Would you like to study at school?

--- Yes, ___ .

A. I would. B. I would like. C. I’d love to. D. I love.

36. When the teacher came in, the students stopped ____.

A. to talk B. talked C. talking D. talk

37. I plan ____ a pen on my way home.

A..buying B. buys C. to buy D. bought

38. Miss King tells her students ____ interesting story every day.

A. an B. a C. the D. /

39. I like to have friends who ____ different ____ me.

A. is, from B. are, to C. has, from D. are, from

40. I don’t like to do ____ things as she ____.

A. same, do B. the same, does C. any, does D. many, is


“Come here, LI Lei!” said the mother. “ Give 41 your school report.” Li Lei gave it to his mother.

“Oh, you fail (不及格) 42 !” said the mother. “You aren’t good at your lessons. Why not study 43 at school?”

“I’m sorry, mum,” said Li Lei, “I’ll do well 44 my lessons after you buy me a computer.”

“Really?” asked the mother.

“Yes,” answered Li Lei, “My teacher says computer can make people clever.”

“ 45 right,” said the mother, “ Let’s go to the shop and buy one.”

When 46 came into the shop, the girl in the shop asked, “ What can I 47 for you?”

“Yes, please,” answered the mother, “I’d like to have a look at your computers.”

“There are 48 kinds of computers here,” said the girl, “What kind of computer do you like, madam? These are table computers and those are portable (手提式的 ) 49 .”

Li Lei looked at the computers and asked, “Do you have a computer that can do homework 50 me?”

31. A. mine B. me C. I D. my

32. A. away B. down C. again D. back

33. A. early B. fast C. right D. hard

34. A. in B. on C. with D. to

35. A. That’s B. All C. It D. Just

36. A. them B. they C. their D. theirs

37. A. am B. do C. does D. have

38. A. any B. much C. all D. lot

39. A. computer B. one C. them D. ones

40. A. for B. to C. with D. on


A. An Interesting Birthday Present
It was October 1. It was Tom’s birthday. He saw a card on the table when he came back home. It said, “ There’s a present for you, Tom. Look for it in your room.” Tom ran into his room. His parents were watching him and smiling. On his bed he saw a new red box. He thought his present must be in it. He opened it. There was nothing but a card in it. He took it out and read it. “ Dear Tom, I’m your present. My first letter is in the word ‘pear’ , but not in ‘bear’. My second letter is in ‘tell’ , but not in ‘tall’, and you can find my last letter in both’ bank’ and ‘ink’. What am I?” Yom thought hard and soon smiled, “Aha, I know, Mum. But where is it?” His mother told him it was in his schoolbag. What is it? Do you know?

41.Tom’s birthday was on ____.

A. October 2 B. October 1 C. October 3 D. October 4

42. Tom saw a red box ____.

A. on the table B. on his bed D. in his schoolbag D. in the box

43. The card in the red box told him ____.

A. where his present was B. who had given him present

C. What his present was D. when his birthday was

44. --- What did he find in the red box?

--- ____.

A. He found a new pen. B. He found a card.

C. He found nothing. D. He found a letter.

45. Tom’s present was ____ .

A. three letters B. a letter C. a pen D. a bag


Mrs. Brown’s grandfather lived with her. Every morning he went out for a walk in the park, and came back home at half past twelve for his lunch.

But one morning a police car stopped in front of Mrs. Brown house at a quarter to twelve, and two policemen helped her grandfather to get out. One of them said to Mrs. Brown, “ The old man lost his way in the park and telephoned the police station for help, so we sent (派)a car to bring him home.” Mrs. Brown was very surprised.(惊奇地). “But, grandfather,” she then asked, “you go to that park every day. How did you lose your way there?”

The old man looked very happy. He closed one eye and said, “ I didn’t quite lose my way, I just got tired and didn’t want to walk home.”

46. Mrs. Brown’s ____ lived with her.

A. Father B. mother C. grandfather D. grandmother

47. The grandfather often went out ____ in the park.

A. to work B. for a walk C. to play D. for lunch

48. One morning the old man ____.

A. walked home B. got home by car C. got home by bike D. didn’t get home

49. Mrs. Brown was very ____ when a policeman said his grandfather had lost his way.

A. surprised B. happy C. sorry D. tired

50. The old man didn’t lose his way. He just got ____ and didn’t want to walk home.

A. surprised B. happy C. angry D. tired


Tom’s father wants to know something about his son in school. One day he asks Tom some questions.

“Tom, are you good at your lessons? What place do you have in the class?”

“I…I’m the twenty-first in my class.”

“And how many students are there in your class?”

“Twenty-one, father.”

After a few weeks. Tom’s father asks him again. “What about your lessons now?”

“The twentieth.”

“Good, my child, you must study harder and harder.”

“No, father, one of the students left the class. His father and mother moved to another city.”

51. Tom’s father asks him some questions about his ____.

A. school B. teachers C. lessons D. classmates

52. Tom’s father wants to know if ____.

A. he is the worst student B. he is the best student

C. he is the twenty-first D. he is the twentieth

53. There are ____ students in Tom’s class after a few weeks.

A. twenty-one B. twenty C. twenty-two D. thirty

54. One student and ____ moved to another city.

A. Tom B. his parents C. his father D. his mother

55. Tom’s place is always ____ in his class.

A. the fires B. the second D. the last D. the twenty-first

V、补全对话 (10分)

It was Friday evening. Mike and Sue invited(邀请) many friends to their dinner party.

TIM: Hi, Sue!

SUE: Hi, Tim. 56 Tim, this is Jill, my good friend.

TIM: Hi! Nice to meet you. 57 .

JILL: I’m from Mebourne, Australia.

TIM: Oh, really? It’s summer in your hometown, 58 .

JILL: Right. It’s how in Melbourne now. But I like it very much.

TIM: 59

JILL: Because I like swimming and surfing(冲浪).

MIKE: 60

A: Why?

B. Welcome to my birthday party.

C. Where are you from?

D. isn’t it?

E. Would you have a seat please?


1.___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ____ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. ___ 9. ___ 10. ___ 11. ___ 12. ___

13. ___ 14. ___ 15. ___ 16. ___ 17. ___ 18. ___ 19. ___ 20. ___ 21. ___ 22. ___ 23. ___ 24. ___

25. ___ 26. ___ 27. ___ 28. ___ 29. ___ 30. ___ 31. ___ 32. ___ 33. ___ 34. ___ 35. ___ 36. ___ 37. ___ 38. ___ 39. ___ 40. ___ 41. ___ 42. ___ 43. ___ 44. ___ 45. ___ 46. ___ 47. ___ 48. ___

49. ___ 50. ___ 51. ___ 52. ___ 53. ___ 54. ___ 55. ___ 56. ___ 57. ___ 58. ___ 59. ___ 60. ___




1. We can borrow the book from the school l______________.

2. Our school has too many r________.

3. The weather in China is quite d_____________ from that in Australia.

4. There are many ____________ (不同点) between us.

5. They were a lot of ___________ / ѕka:νz / on their heads.

6. She visits her grandmother t_________ a month.

7. Lucy is more _____________ / ͺintə'lekt∫ uəl / than her sister Lily.

8. It often s______ in the north of China in winter.

9. You’ll be relaxed when you _________ (回来) from your vacation.

10. Don’t get stressed out. It will make you s_______ .

VII、句型转换 (15分)

1. She goes to see her friend once a week. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ does she _____ to see her friend?

2. It took me two hours to finish my homework. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ _____ it take you to finish your homework ?

3. I think that’s important for me. (改为否定句)

I _____ think that _____ important for me.

4. I think Rose should get the job because she’s more outgoing. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ you think Rose should get the job?

5. It’s two kilometers away from my home to the shop. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ is it from your home to the shop?

6. Sometimes we go there in the boat. (改为同义句)

Sometimes we ______ ______ ______ to go there.


1. ______ you usually ______ (walk) to school every day?

2. They really enjoyed ______ (work) on the farm.

3. Which skirt is _______________ (expensive), this one or that one?

4. --- How did you learn to drive

--- My father _______ (teach) me.

5. My best friend is as _______ (quiet) as I.

6. Don’t stop ________ (run) . The finishing line (终点线)is coming.

7. Bad weather makes Lily ______ (have) a cold.

8. I’m good at ______ (swim) , so ______ (be) my parents.

9. She’s ______ (leave) for Hong Kong on Tuesday.

10. I want ______ (ask) you about places _______ (visit) in China.


1. 我的妹妹比我体格健壮。

My sister is __________ ____________ than me.

2. 我和Holly之间有许多不同之处。

There are many _______ ________ Hollyy and _______.

3. Lucy 不同于她的双胞胎姐姐Lily.

Lucy _______ ___________ ______ her twin sister Lily.

4. 正如你所看到的,我们的城市比他们的更美丽。

______ you can see, our city is _________ _________ than theirs.

5. 在某些方面,他们看起来一样。

______ some ______ , they ______ the _______.

X、写作 (10分)

以My Best Friend **** 为题,写一篇50-60左右的短文,向你的老师和同学介绍一下你的好朋友。并在文中比较一下你们在那些方面有共同的地方,在那些方面存在差异。

1. My ________(学生) like me and I like them.
2. Jim and David are my ___________ (同班同学).
3. These are my friends. ___________(他们的) names are Han Mei and Wei Hua.
4. Is Jim Kate' s ___________(兄弟) ?
5.--6. Those are _________(香蕉) and these are ___________(桔子).
7. These two ___________(妇女) are my teachers..
8. Is ___________(每人) here today?
9. That's my bird, ______________(它的) name is Polly.
10. What's this in English? It's a __________(钟).
11. That' s not your classroom, it' s _____________(我们的).
12. There are many ___________(动物) over there.
13. What's in the ___________(双胞胎的) bedroom?
14. What's your ____________(最喜欢的) colour?
15. Are Tim and Tom in different ___________(学校)?
16. --What's the time? --It's a _____________(一刻钟) to seven.
17. Are there any ___________(警察) in the room?
18. His ____________(衣服) are grey. What about yours?
19. Can you count from one to a ____________(百) ?
20. Whose ____________(女儿) are the girls? Mr King's.
21. There are many people in that ____________(市场)
22. Chinese is our first ___________(语言).
23. The teachers say we must do morning ____________(操) every day.
24. Those young men are ____________(士兵).
25. He __________(教) us English well, so our English is very good.
26. Walking after supper is good for our ____________(健康)
27. How much are the ________________(西红柿) ?
28. The Greens are going to London for their ____________(假日).
29. They are from Canada, so they are ____________(加拿大人).
30. I want to buy a _____________(字典) for my son.
31. We must do our homework ____________(仔细).
32. Are you _____________(渴) or hungry?
33. Their _____________(小刀) are all old, I want a new one.
34. Is that ___________(建筑物) a hotel or a shop?
35. There are many farmers in the ___________(田地).
36. Good morning, _____________(孩子), are we all here now?
37. Today is __________(星期二), February 18th. I'm on duty.
38. I'd like an ______________(空的) box.
39. How many ____________(动物园) are there in that city?
40. What ____________(别的) can you see in the picture?
41. My bike isn't ___________(坏的), it's OK.
42. Put your __________(书本) away, Lily and Kate.
43. Yon can eat the cakes if you are _____________(饿)
44. Do you want any ____________(水果)?
45. I have porridge and eggs for ____________(早餐).
46 There are some _____________(块) of bread on the plate.
47. Those boys are good at ___________(游泳).
48. Don' t _________(扔) the yo - yo like that.
49. Michael Jordan is one of the best basketball __________(选手).
50. Are the boys ____________(骑) bikes?
51. Jim is _____________(浇) the flowers.
52. The shop in our school ___________(关门) at 9 p.m.
53. We have a class ____________(会议) every week.
54. To many people, the meaning of a name is ___________(重要的).
55. I don't want to go to Gansu, because the weather there is too ___________(坏).
56. My grandpa often ___________(讲) us stories.
57. You can give him your best _________(祝愿).
58. Be quiet, the students are ________(上) lessons.
59. They are going to their _________(故乡) next week.
60. ________(或许) that man is a teacher; I think.
61. Would you like to go for a _________(野炊) with us tomorrow?
62. I'm very ________(累), and I want to have a good rest.
63. Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan are all big _______(城市).
64. I'm going to give my English teacher some ________(漂亮的) flowers for Teachers Day.
65. Beijing is very ________(远). We have to go there by air.
66. Let's go _______(划船) on the river.
67. The monkeys climb up the trees __________(快).
68. September is the ________(九) month of the year.
69. Let's meet ________(在…外面) the school gate.
70. Which month is hotter, _________(十月) or September?
71. We are going to have a party to ________(庆祝) Teachers' Day.
72. They are going shopping ________(一起) tomorrow.
73. Who' s _________(高), Lily or Lucy?
74. Who is the ________(年轻) in your class?
75. Our teacher comes into the classroom ________(拿着) a book in his hand.
76. I think his story is _________(有趣) of the three.
77. You must wait at home ________(直到) he comes back.
78. His door is closed, ________(没有人) is in.
79. The farmers ________(种) potatoes on this farm.
80. It's not a truck but a ________(拖拉机).
81. How many _________(星星) can you see in the sky?
82. Tom runs _________(快) than Jim.
83. 'John wants to ________(饲养) the animals on the farm,
84. Of all the animals, tigers are the _________(危险).
85. Tomorrow we are going to learn the _________(十二) lesson.
86. --Shall we go to the _________(电影院) this afternoon? --OK.
87. --How many _________(婴儿) deer are there? --Three.
88. Please ________(给…看) me your new watch, I' d like to have a look.
89. Why don't we meet a little ______(早)? Let's make it 1:30.
90. Sheep and rabbits just eat _______(草).
91. Shall we go and see the clothes _________(表演) this evening,9
92. He says we must keep our eyes _________(闭).
93. Can you show me the way to the _________(博物馆)?
94. My home is about three ________(公里) from our school.
95. You'd better ________(说) it in English.
96. I'm sorry he's not at home at the _________(瞬间,片刻).
97. I think it's very hard to travel _________(环绕) the big city.
98. There' s a lake _________(在…内) the park.
99. We can't help him, he has to ask a _________(女警察) for help.
100 In a few _________(月)time,it will be covered with green things.

101 Every day he _________(完成) his work at 5:00.
102 Mother is the _________(忙) in my family.
103 --Which lesson is the hardest? --The ________(五) lesson.
104 Let's meet at the shopping _________(中心) at 11 o'clock.
105 I'm going to _________(参观) the Great Wall next week.
106 He works very hard, and ___________(享受…的乐趣) his work.
107 There are going to be two football _________(比赛) tomorrow.
108 Is he good at ________(驾驶) a car?
109 You' d better ________(计划) your work carefully.
110. I think it's much _______(冷) today.
111. His friends are all __________(商人).
112. We sell the machines to many __________(国家)
113. Everything is ________(准备好了). Let's start.
114. Is the robot very __________(有用)?
115. Beijing is _________(干燥) than Shanghai these days.
116. --Who _________(发明) the telephone.? --Sorry, I don't know.
117. The robot listened to everything Mr Mott __________(说).
118. Mr Mott finished ________(打包) at 10:40.
119. Mr Li has a very bad memory, he often __________(忘记) important meetings.
120. The memory robot always watched Mr Mott _________(睡觉) at night.
121. We moved to France nine years ago because my father _________(找到) work there.
122. Edison was a __________(著名的) inventor in the world.
123. _______(千)of people are at the concert now.
124. The Reads enjoy __________(看) newspapers.
125. Which __________(部分)of Australia do you come from?
126. He has a friend _________(叫做) Li Ming.
127. It was _________(下雨) hard when I wanted to go home:
128. December comes after ___________(十一月).
129. What _________(发生) in the middle of the concert last night?
130. He didn't have breakfast and went to school in a ________(匆忙).
131. Look! The children are making some __________(雪人).
132. July is the _________(热) month of the year, we don't go to school then.
133. Did you help the farmers with the rice _______(丰收) last year?
134 My mother often does some _________(洗) on Sundays.
135 He _________(写) a letter to his penfriend last night.
136 It was ________(真的) cold yesterday.
137 The students are busy _________(帮助) the farmers with the apple picking.
138 I like _________(下雪) days because I like to play with snow.
139 The shop only sells _________(男) clothes and shoes.
140. Bruce is going ___________(远足) in the Blue Mountains with his father.
141 There will be a _________(强) wind in the northeast of China.
142 The weather here is very fine. We have a lot of ________(阳光) every day.
143 Thank you very much for ________(邀请) me to your party.
144 Sorry, he is not in at the moment. Can I take a ________(口信)?
145 Miss Zhan looked at me with a big _______(笑) on her face.
146 I'm _________(恐怕) I may be a little late.
147 December the twenty- fifth is _________(圣诞节) Day.
148 Spring ____________(节日) is the most important in China.
149 Where will you go __________(在…期间) the winter holiday?
150. They will have a big ________(聚会) on December the twenty - fourth.
Keys: A:
1-5:students ,classmates, Their, brother, bananas 6- 10ranges, women, everyone, its, clock 11- 15 urs, animals, twins', favourite, schools 16- 20:quarter, policemen, clothes, hundred, daughters 21 - 25 : market, language, exercises, soldiers, teaches 26 - 30 : health, tomatoes, holiday, Canadians, dictionary 31 - 35 :carefully, thirsty, knives, building, field 36 - 40 : children, Tuesday, empty, zoos, else 41 --45:broken, books, hungry, fruit, breakfast 46-50: pieces, swimming, throw, players, riding 51 - 55 : watering, closes, meeting, important, bad 56-60:tells, wishes, having, hometown, Maybe/Perhaps 61-65:picnic, tired, cities, beautiful, far 66-70:boating, quickly, ninth, outside, October 71-75:celebrate, together, taller, youngest, with 76 - 80: the most interesting, until/till, nobody, grow, tractor 81 - 85: stars, faster, feed, most dangerous, twelfth 86 - 90 : cinema, baby, show, earlier, grass 91 - 95 : show, closed, museum, kilometres, say 96 - 100 :moment, around/round, inside, policewoman, months' 101- 105:finishes, busiest, fifth, centre visit 106- ll0:enjoys, matches, driving, plan, colder 111–ll5:businessmen, countries, ready, useful, drier ll6-120:invented, said, packing, forgets, sleep 121 -125:found, famous, Thousands, reading, part 126-130:called/ named, raining, November, happened, hurry 131 -135:snowmen, hottest, harvest, washing, wrote 136-140:really, helping, snowy, men's, hiking 141 -145:strong, sunshine, inviting/ asking, message, smile 146-150:afraid, Christmas, Festival, during, get-togethe


  描述一个人的穿着时用in (The girl in the yellow jumper)
  特例:一个戴着眼镜的人要用with (The boy with glasses)

  with总是表示伴随,如write with a pen,walk with a stick,fight with a sword;
  而in通常表示运用(手段,方法),使用(语言等),如play in the rule that...,speak in Chinese。


  例如:write with a pen,用笔写字,write in ink用墨水写字。


用(身体方面)的特征描述一个人时用with (The girl with black eyes).
用穿着描述一个人时用in (The girl in the yellow jumper)

注意,要说一个戴着眼镜的人,也要用with (The boy with glasses)


云和县13857736432: 急急急 一道英语题: The girl is - ---------(lose).she is crying at the corner. -
斐秀噻吗: 填写 lost 在这里的意思是,女孩迷路了.她在转角哭泣.女孩不是主动要迷路的,是被动的,本意是她不想迷路.所以这里用被动词,LOSE的被动形式是LOST.

云和县13857736432: 英语中the girl为第几人称 -
斐秀噻吗: the girl是第三人称,谓语用三单 the girl是第三人称,谓语用三单

云和县13857736432: 那个女孩是谁翻译成英文 -
斐秀噻吗: Who's that girl? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

云和县13857736432: 爱你的女孩翻译成英文 -
斐秀噻吗: The girls love you

云和县13857736432: 1.The girl can speak English.(改为一般疑问句) - ------------the girl----------------English ... -
斐秀噻吗: 1.Can speak 2.doesn't study 3.Do clean they don't 4.parents are teachers 5.an box 6.What time does get 7.These are cars 1. 注意到原句中有个情态动词can,改为一般疑问句时只要将情态动词can提到主语之前,后面用动词的原形,故答案...

云和县13857736432: The girl is eating.中girl最后一个字母l与is是否连读成'雷'子? -
斐秀噻吗: 都有的,但是你举的例子不好,如果硬要这么说,也许可以连读,但是通常会说 The girl's eating. 可以举的例子是, “两个零”,通常是说double o(注意,是o,“欧”,不是0) 所以,这时的标准读法是“达博哦-欧” 但是,英语连读就成了“达博漏”

云和县13857736432: 生命中的那女孩用英语怎么说?
斐秀噻吗: 你好我很高兴能为你解答这个问题.英文是很多变的,所以有很都种说法,像 The girl of my life(我生命中的女孩) you are the girl in my life.(你是我生命中的女孩) the only girl in my life.(我生命唯一的女孩) the girl i'm waiting for.(我在等待的女孩) the girl of life.(生命的女孩)

云和县13857736432: 这个女孩在电影《哈利波特》中表演的很好.翻译英文,The girl - -- - ----- - in Harry Potter. -
斐秀噻吗: The girl__Good__ ____ performance__ ofHarry Potter.Good performance

云和县13857736432: 翻译:那个小女孩迷路了 The little girl - ---- - -------. -
斐秀噻吗: The little girl _got_____ ____lost___.考察固定词组:get lost迷路;固定搭配 迷路是过去时,所以用got 如有疑问欢迎追问.

云和县13857736432: 谁帮我翻译下:“我只知道我是爱你们那个的女孩”这句话用英语怎么说? -
斐秀噻吗: The girl is standing over thereI just know I'm the girl who loves you.那个女孩站在那儿. 这样就看明白了吧~~ . 这里要用the,因为是特指的,比如说: A girl is standing over there.有个女孩站在那儿

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