
作者&投稿:种耍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1,300 years after the Pevensie siblings left Narnia, a Telmarine prince, Caspian, is awakened by his mentor Doctor Cornelius, informing him that his aunt has given birth to a son and Caspian's life is endangered. Cornelius gives him Queen Susan's ancient magical horn, instructing him to blow it only at his greatest need. Knowing that his uncle, Miraz, would kill him to steal the kingship, Caspian flees. Pursued into the woods, Caspian hits a branch and falls off his horse. He is rescued by two Narnian dwarfs, Trumpkin and Nikabrik, and a talking badger named Trufflehunter. While Trumpkin acts as a decoy, Nikabrik saves Caspian. Confused, Caspian blows the horn to summon help.

In England, one year has passed since the Pevensie children returned from Narnia. En route to their boarding school, the London Underground station they are in collapses and the Pevensies are transported to Narnia. They discover the ruins of Cair Paravel and realize it was attacked.

In the Telmarine castle, the lords of the council learn that Prince Caspian is gone. Lord Sopespian blames Miraz, but Miraz blames the Narnians and tells the lords to fight them to get Caspian back, though Miraz actually intends to kill Caspian.

The Pevensies save Trumpkin from being drowned by two Telmarines; he quickly realizes that the four children are the Kings and Queens of Old and they continue on together. On the way, Lucy glimpses Aslan and tries to convince the others that she has seen him, but only Edmund believes her.

Nikabrik and Trufflehunter lead Caspian to the Dancing Lawn, where the old Narnians have assembled. Caspian convinces them to help him win his throne so he can return their land. Caspian and the Narnians steal weapons from the Telmarines. They also encounter the Pevensies and Trumpkin; they all journey to Aslan's How, a huge barrow built over the Stone Table. Peter decides they will attack Miraz's castle. Lucy suggests waiting for Aslan to return, but Peter thinks they have waited long enough.

The Narnians raid Miraz’s castle, but Peter calls a retreat when he realizes they are being overwhelmed by Telmarine soldiers. Peter, Susan, Edmund, Caspian, and half of the Narnians manage to escape, but the rest are slaughtered. When they return to Aslan's How, Peter and Caspian argue about the attack on the castle. Back at the castle, Miraz is crowned King of Narnia.

Nikabrik, with the aid of a hag and a werewolf, tells Caspian that they can help him claim his throne and guarantee Miraz's death. However Nikabrik tricks Caspian and the hag uses black sorcery to summon the White Witch. From inside a wall of ice, the Witch tries to convince Caspian to free her with a drop of blood. Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Trumpkin arrive. Edmund kills the werewolf and Trumpkin stabs Nikabrik just as he is about to kill Lucy. Peter kills the hag and then, seeing Caspian being manipulated by the witch, knocks him down and faces the witch. She quickly begins convincing Peter to release her. Before he can do anything, Edmund shatters the ice, destroying the witch.

As Miraz and his army arrive at Aslan's How, Caspian suggests Peter and Miraz duel one-on-one under the condition of surrender, to buy Lucy and Susan time to find Aslan. Miraz agrees to the duel. The girls are spotted by Telmarine soldiers, so Susan sends Lucy off alone, remaining behind to face the soldiers. A soldier on a horse runs into her, knocking her down. She is rescued by Caspian and they return to the battle. Peter wounds Miraz, but gives his sword to Caspian to finish him off. Caspian spares Miraz's life but says that he will give Narnia back to its people.

Sopespian kills Miraz with one of Susan's arrows and accuses the Narnians of shooting Miraz, leading to a battle between the Telmarines and the Narnians, with the Telmarines gradually winning. Lucy finds Aslan in the woods and he awakens the trees. The battle turns as the trees attack the Telmarines. Lord Sopespian orders retreat to a bridge, where they are confronted by Lucy and Aslan. Aslan summons the river god, who destroys the bridge, killing Sopespian. The battle is won with the surviving Telmarine soldiers surrendering.

Before the Pevensies depart Narnia, Peter and Susan are told by Aslan that they have gained everything they could from their experiences in Narnia and will never return. Caspian invites the Telmarines to remain in Narnia if they will coexist peacefully with the Narnians; but if they wish, they can return to the human world, from whence they originally hailed. Some agree to do so, and Aslan creates a portal for them and the four Pevensies. Susan and Caspian kiss, knowing they will never meet again. The Pevensies return to England, leaving Caspian as King of Narnia.


Reepicheep: We were expecting someone taller!
Trumpkin: You're one to talk.
Reepicheep: Is that supposed to be irony?

Reepicheep: We've anxiously awaited your return my liege.

---------------------------------------------------------------Prince Caspian: Two days ago, I didn't believe in the existence of talking animals... of dwarves or... or centaurs. Yet here you are, in strengths and numbers that we Telmarines could never have imagined. Whether this horn
[raises horn for all to see]
Prince Caspian: is magic or not, it brought us together... and together, we have a chance to take back what is ours!

Lucy Pevensie: They're so still.
Trumpkin: The trees? What did you expect?
Lucy Pevensie: They used to dance.

Doctor Cornelius: [wakes Prince Caspian]
Prince Caspian: Five more minutes.

Lucy Pevensie: I wonder who lived here.
Susan Pevensie: [picks up a small gold statue] I think we did.
Edmund Pevensie: Hey, that's mine! From my chess set!
Peter Pevensie: Which chess set?
Edmund Pevensie: Well I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?

Telmarine Soldier Killed by Reepicheep: You're a mouse.
Reepicheep: You people have no imagination!

King Miraz: Tell me, Prince Edmund...
Edmund Pevensie: King.
King Miraz: I beg your Pardon.
Edmund Pevensie: It's King Edmund, actually. Just King though. Peter's the High King.
[awkward pause]
Edmund Pevensie: I know, it's confusing.

Prince Caspian: I am not the one who abandoned Narnia.
Peter Pevensie: No, you invaded Narnia.

Lucy Pevensie: What happened?
Peter Pevensie: Ask him.
Susan Pevensie: Peter!
Prince Caspian: Me? You could have called it off, there was still time.
Peter Pevensie: No there wasn't thanks to you. If you had kept to the plan those soldiers might be alive right now.
Prince Caspian: And if you just had stayed here as I suggested they definitely would be!
Peter Pevensie: You called us, remember?
Prince Caspian: My first mistake.
Peter Pevensie: No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people
Peter Pevensie: [turns around and begins to walk off]
Prince Caspian: Hey!
Peter Pevensie: [Peter turns to look at him]
Prince Caspian: I am not the one who abandoned Narnia.
Peter Pevensie: You invaded Narnia. You have no more right leading than Miraz does.
[Caspian pushes past Peter]
Peter Pevensie: You, him, your father! Narnia's better off without the lot of you!
[Caspian and Peter draw swords intending to attack each other]

[Edmund walks in after helping Peter out of a fight]
Edmund Pevensie: You're welcome.
Peter Pevensie: [Peter stands up] I had it sorted.
Susan Pevensie: What was it this time?
Peter Pevensie: He bumped me.
Lucy Pevensie: So you hit him?
Peter Pevensie: No, after he bumped me they tried to make me apologize. That's when I hit him.
Susan Pevensie: Really, is it that hard to just walk away?
Peter Pevensie: I shouldn't have to! I mean, don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?
Edmund Pevensie: We are kids!
Peter Pevensie: Well I wasn't always.

[after destroying the ice wall, which summons the White Witch]
Edmund Pevensie: [to Peter] I know, you had it sorted.

[Miraz strikes Trumpkin across the face]
Trumpkin: And you wonder why we don't like you.

Trufflehunter: Enough, Nikabrik! Or do I have to sit on your head again?

Lucy Pevensie: Oh my gosh, he's so cute.
Reepicheep: [Reepicheep draws his sword and looks around] Who said that?
Lucy Pevensie: Um, sorry.

Lucy Pevensie: I wish you would all stop trying to sound like grown-ups! I didn't think I saw him, I did see him.
Trumpkin: I... *am* a grown-up.

Edmund Pevensie: I left my new torch in Narnia.

Edmund Pevensie: [after helping Peter in a fight with couple of boys from school] You're welcome.
Peter Pevensie: I had it sorted.

Susan Pevensie: Who exactly are you doing this for, Peter?

Edmund Pevensie: [to Miraz concerning the proposed duel to the death] So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?

Prince Caspian: [gives Susan her horn back] Maybe it's time you had this back.
Susan Pevensie: [gives the horn back] Why don't you hold on to it - you might need to call me again.
[a pause while Susan and Caspian exchange a long glance]
Lucy Pevensie: [quoting Susan as they ride off] "You might need to call me again"?
Susan Pevensie: Oh, shut up.

Doctor Cornelius: [to Prince Caspian] Everything you know is about to change.

[the Pevensies are preparing to leave Narnia]
Prince Caspian: I wish we could have had more time together.
Susan Pevensie: We never would have worked, anyway.
Prince Caspian: Why not?
Susan Pevensie: Well, I am 1300 years older than you.

Peter Pevensie: What do you suppose happens back home if you die here?

Pattertwig the Squirrel: We could gather nuts!
Reepicheep: [sarcastically] Yes! And then throw them at the Telmarines!... Shut up.

Prince Caspian: [Caspian and Peter begin a swordfight. Peter's sword gets stuck in a tree, so he attempts to pick up a rock to hit Caspian]
Lucy Pevensie: No! Stop!
Peter Pevensie: [after seeing the Narnians gathering around] Prince Caspian?
Prince Caspian: And who are you?
[Susan and Edmund run over]
Susan Pevensie: Peter!
Prince Caspian: High King Peter?
Peter Pevensie: I believe you called.
Prince Caspian: I thought you'd be... older.
Peter Pevensie: Well if you like, we can come back in a few years.
Prince Caspian: No! No, it's alright! You're not exactly what I expected.
Prince Caspian: [locks eyes with Susan]
Edmund Pevensie: Neither are you.

Nikabrik: I told you we should have killed him when we had the chance.
Trufflehunter: You know why we can't!
Prince Caspian: If we're taking a vote, I'm with him.

Susan Pevensie: [referring to Peter] I wish he'd just listened to the D.L.F. in the first place!
Edmund Pevensie: D.L.F.?
Lucy Pevensie: Dear Little Friend.
Trumpkin: Oh... that's not at all patronizing, is it?

Reepicheep: Choose your last words carefully, Telmarine.
Prince Caspian: You are a mouse.
Reepicheep: I was hoping for something a little more original.

Lucy Pevensie: [holding up one of her old dresses] I was so tall.
Susan Pevensie: Well, you were older then.
Edmund Pevensie: As opposed to hundreds of years later, when you're younger.

Prince Caspian: [referring to the kings and queens of old] I thought you'd be older.
Peter Pevensie: Well if you'd like we can leave and come back in a few years.

[watching Susan kiss Caspian goodbye]
Lucy Pevensie: I'm sure when I'm older, I'll understand.
Edmund Pevensie: I'm older and I don't think I *want* to understand...

Susan Pevensie: Oh no! Pretend you're talking to me!
Edmund Pevensie: We *are* talking to you.

Edmund Pevensie: [to Peter] Keep smiling.

Trufflehunter: [after fighting with Nikabrik in Trufflehunter's house and knocking down a bowl of soup] Look what you made me do!
Trufflehunter: Spent half the morning on that soup...
Prince Caspian: What are you?
Trufflehunter: You know, it's funny that you should ask that. You'd think more people would know a badger when they see one.
Prince Caspian: No, I mean you're Narnians. You're supposed to be extinct.
Nikabrik: Sorry to disappoint you.

[Caspian overhears Trufflehunter arguing with Nikabrik]
Nikabrik: You said you were going to get rid of him!
Trufflehunter: No, I said I would take care of him.

Peter Pevensie: When Aslan bares his teeth, winter meets its end.
Lucy Pevensie: When he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again. Everyone we knew - Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers - they're all gone.
Peter Pevensie: I think it's time we found out what's going on here.

Edmund Pevensie: [after no one believes that Lucy had really seen Aslan] The last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid.

Edmund Pevensie: [after stabbing the ice wall, preventing Peter from resurrecting the White Witch] Yeah, I know. You had it sorted.

Prince Caspian: Minotaurs? They're real?
Trufflehunter: And very bad-tempered.
Nikabrik: Not to mention big.
Trufflehunter: *Huge*.

Susan Pevensie: [aiming her bow and arrow at the Telmarines] Drop him!
[they toss Trumpkin in the water and run away]
Trumpkin: [to Susan, after being rescued] Drop him? Was the best you could think off?

[Miraz and Peter are preparing to duel]
King Miraz: There is still time to surrender.
Peter Pevensie: Well, feel free.
King Miraz: How many more have to die for the throne?
Peter Pevensie: Just one.
[he attacks]

[last lines]
Edmund Pevensie: Do you think there's any way we can go back?
Edmund Pevensie: [the Pevensies all stare at him] I left my new torch in Narnia.

Queen Prunaprismia: [after Prince Caspian asks his Uncle if he killed his father] I thought you said your brother died in his sleep!
King Miraz: That was more or less true.

Peter Pevensie: [looking down a cliff over the water] Is there a way down?
Trumpkin: Yes. Falling.

Prince Caspian: [to Uncle] Tonight, for once, I want the truth! Did you kill my father?

[after rescuing Trumpkin]
Lucy Pevensie: Why were they trying to kill you, anyway?
Trumpkin: They're Telmarines. It's what they do.
Edmund Pevensie: Telmarines? In Narnia?
Trumpkin: Where have you been for the last few hundred years?
Lucy Pevensie: That's a bit of a long story.
[Susan hands Peter his sword, and comprehension dawns on Trumpkin]
Trumpkin: Oh, you've got to be kidding me. You're it? You're the kings and queens of old?

[after Lucy is nearly attacked by a bear]
Susan Pevensie: Why wouldn't he stop?
Trumpkin: I suspect he was hungry.
Lucy Pevensie: Thanks.
Edmund Pevensie: He was wild.
Peter Pevensie: I don't think he could talk at all.
Trumpkin: You get treated like a dumb animal long enough, that's what you become. You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember.

[the Telmarines learn their weapon stocks have been raided]
General Glozelle: There's more.
[Glozelle closes the cart door; a message is carved into the wood]
King Miraz: "You were right to fear the woods."
Lord Sopespian: "X"?
King Miraz: Caspian. The Tenth.

Doctor Cornelius: I will say this: if Caspian does know of the Deep Magic, my Lord would have good reason to be nervous.

Lucy Pevensie: [after Aslan roars in Trumpkin's face] Do you see him now?

Susan Pevensie: You see, over time the water erodes into the soil, then--
Peter Pevensie: Oh, shut up.

King Miraz: [as Peter holds a sword to his throat] What's the matter, boy? Too cowardly to take a life?
Peter Pevensie: [Peter puts down the sword.] It's not mine to take.

[searching the ruins of Cair Paravel, Edmund comes across a large boulder]
Edmund Pevensie: Catapults.
Peter Pevensie: What?
Edmund Pevensie: This didn't just happen. Cair Paravel was attacked.

Pattertwig the Squirrel: We could collect nuts.
Reepicheep: Oh yes, and then we can throw them at the telmarines.
[to Pattertwig]
Reepicheep: Shut up!

Trumpkin: And you wonder why we don't like you.

King Miraz: What do you know of Queen Susan's horn?
Doctor Cornelius: It was said to be magic.
King Miraz: Magic?
Doctor Cornelius: The Narnians believed it could summon their Kings and Queens of old.

Peter Pevensie: That's the trouble, girls. You can't keep a map in your heads.
Lucy Pevensie: That's because our heads have something in them.

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The Chronicles of Narnia/纳尼亚传奇英文字幕


全名: Skandar Amin Casper Keynes 生日: 9月5日 1991 出生地: 英国,伦敦 头发颜色: 茶褐色 眼睛: 褐色 星座: 处女座 身高: 5"5 ½\/ 5"6. (166cm\/167cm) (现在肯定不止了...据说有185,可我觉得大约只有177左右...)母亲: Zelfa Cecil Hourani 父亲: Randal Keynes 兄弟姐妹: ...

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