
作者&投稿:寿态 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
10 篇高一 英语作文 200词~

A Strange Dream
It was a sweet spring. How pretty it was! I sat on the green meadow and glanced over my book. The warm winds blew gently. I was very tired and lay down to rest for a little while. Very soon I went into a state of dreaming.
A little girl sleeps in a corner of the garden. She cries and cries until her sound is broken. Suddenly a bright figure appears before the child. A beautiful fairy stands in front of her. She had a wand in her hand. “Why do you cry? What’s the trouble? Perhaps I can help you”, the fairy says. “My mother is dead. I am lonely, and nobody loves me”, answers the girl. “I am a fairy, my home is in the moon. Do you see the light of the moon? How pleasant it is. Would you like to live with me in the moon?”
“Thank you, dear fairy, I want to go with you”.
The fairy leads the girl into a wood where there are many dwarfs. They look very busy. Every one of them has to dig the soil. They are trying to find varieties of seeds. They cultivate the fields with their hands. All day long though they are exhausted, yet they are forced to work on. Otherwise they will be whipped to death. I made up my mind to save all of those dwarfs. The sound of the bell suddenly came to my ears. I had to wake up.
Oh! This is no other than a dream. I will not let it trouble my mind. (264 words)

A Visit to My Uncle
I spent the winter vacation at my hometown last year. I went to visit my uncle on the following afternoon of my arrival, accompanied by my brother. The weather was bitterly cold. Drifts of snow were frozen up by the strong north wind. We wore fur gowns and walked closely together, but still shivered from time to time.
My uncle’s house was at the other side of the hill, near the city wall. It is a shorter way to go across the h1ll and down straight to his door. We went by that way to his house. When we got on the top of the hill, his house was already within our sight. Then we quickened our paces, excited with a sort of passion which was very dear to us from years pas? We forgot the cold already.
My uncle was still the same as I remember him. His laugh, his voice and his gesture, were all as familiar to me as if we had not parted even one day. He was still very healthy.
He treated us very kind. He asked to prepare tiff for us in spite of our protest. We said that we could eat only a little, since we had already taken much food, but his warm entreaties made us empty all the dishes.
I spent the whole afternoon with our cousins in the country. I was very happy to enjoy the fine scenery in the country, and to breathe some fresh air. When it was growing dark, we started for home. On the way back, we talked about the pleasure of the country people and the pain of the farmers. (275 words)
The Person I Admire the Most
Mrs. Fulmer is my English instructor. She comes from the U.S.A. Like most of my classmates, I think of her as a repeatable person. She is also very popular among us.
Mrs. Fulmer has many of the qualities that students appreciate in an instructor. First, she is cordial and patient. Whenever dealing with new teaching material, she tried hard to get every detail to all students. In addition, she understands our difficulties and does her best to help us get over them. Second, she has an expressive look and an impressive tone. So she always manages to make her lectures interesting and exciting. Finally, Mrs. Fulmer is a very capable organizer. All of us appreciate the schedules of assignments she gives us at the beginning of a term. They allow us to plan our time reasonably and efficiently.
Personally, I trust that as a dedicated woman. Mrs. Fulmer is believed to be a successful English instructor. (156 words)

Jim’s Birthday
Yesterday was Jim’s birthday. He got a lot of presents from his friends and family. All the gifts were wrapped in colored paper. Some of the packages were large, but others were very small. One square package was blue; there was a book in it. Another one was long and narrow; it had an umbrella in it. Jim’s sister gave him a big, round package. He thought it was a ball, but it was not. When he removed the yellow paper that coveted it, he saw that it was a globe of the world.
After that his brother gave Jim another gift. It was a big box wrapped in green paper. Jim opened it and found another box covered with red paper. He removed the paper and saw a third box; this one was blue in color. Everyone laughed as Jim opened the boxes. There were six of them! In the last one he found a small white envelope. There was a piece of paper in the envelope which said: “Go to bedroom. Look in the closet near the window. You will see three small boxes: a black one, a brown one and a gray one. Your birthday presents are in them.
Jim went in the bedroom and really found the boxes. He was very happy, but it was just three cakes for his birthday. (225 words)

This year's summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains and fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear. I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed much interest in English. They could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the countrysideThis year's summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains and fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear. I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed much interest in English. They could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the countryside

This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English, computer and word and I fall in the weekend exam. Many times I want to take today off, but my mother said to me:“go on, you must belive that you can do it.” So I have to try. Now my English is better than 2months ago. I must thanks my mother, she is good for me. Practices makes perfect.

How happy I am. Yesterday I finished all the work very quick, so I have a lot of time to do myself. Sometimes finish work early is a good thing, we can have more interests to do the next work. Because of this, I write English dairy eight in the morning. But I wrote it in the evening in the pass day. Everyone, if you can finish the work quickly, not lazy, just try your best.

Today i went to the museum.I met some robots. I think I am also be able to have a robot in many years.I think they can help me do some dishes .They also can help with my homework.A good robot can make me happy.When i am upset ,they can tell jokes for me.I will have more free time to have a relax.

Today i took the bus to the park. Some people were waiting for the bus at the bus stop.When a young girl came,she spat a gum on the ground While she was waiting,she herself stepped on the gum.The gum stuck to one of her foot.When the bus came , she got on the bus. Then she discovered the gum stuck her foot all the time.

Today,I"m going shopping with my mother, We buy some
apples bananas and a big watermelon.I"m buying some new books ,because I like reading interesting books very much.Then we get home.I"m very happy!
Oh, my god. I finish this dairy at 12:00 in the night. I will write thirty passages three days later. It’s a good beginning. I remembered the word: practices makes perfect. If I can make perfect, I will smile in bed. Ha, ok, it’s time to make my homepage now, I must build my homepage because I paid my hobbies: play game and Ping pang ball for building homepage. If I can’t build it well, it’s worst for me.:

Oh,good. I've wroten thrity messages now. Everything is hard when it begin. The summer holiday will go away and I'm very hard think of it. Not every holiday could so full as this one. I think when I go to the high school, I can speak good english and write good word.|

Today I began to learn “Li Yang” English. At first I was very afraid because my English is not very well. But after ten minutes, I was not afraid it, the lesson is not as hard as I think. Instead, it is so easy that I can remember twenty sentences in fifteen minutes. After it .My mother ask me some English questions, I can answer it quickly except two of them. Now I am writing my first “English dairy”. I hope I can write it everyday. Why not write it with me, classmates?

Today I have to do much housework. First wash the clothes , then cook the meal、tidy the room。In the afternoon, I met a friend named dengyuming. We played computer game all the afternoon.
When all the things have been finished, I only want to go to sleep because it is ten now. But when I began to sleep, I remembered that the computer wasn’t close. So I could only stand up and close it. Then I was fall asleep. Now, I hope everything goes well!

“Why we must study all the day? We can only have free time when we have lunch and super. Sometimes I nearly have no time to go to sleep. In our life, there is only work. Nothing else.” Today I read the passage, I can only say:“that’s too bad”. Is it?
I think we should work for everybody, not ourselves. If we work for ourselves, we cannot work for long and good. For example: maozedong, zhouenlai and so on. I wish we could work as them.

Today I go to shopping with my friend. When we are walking in the street, a girl comes to us, and says to us: Could you help me? We feel amazed. Then the girl tells us she was walking with her mother just before, but she does not know where is her mother now. She looks like very anxious, and wears tear in her eyes. So we believe she at last. Besides, we lend her ten yuan to take a tax to home. We feel so good, because we can help someone. But a unacceptable matter is happen at last. When we are ready go back home, come out from a shop, we see a girl whom we meet before are saying the same word to another people.

I didn't get up until my brother came.Because last nighr I fell asleep too late.Last night,I saw the movie-"Bank of brother",so I fell asleep at12:40. My brother came here and played with me.We plaued the computer games from 9:30 to 11:30.We were very happy.After lunch,we watched TV.Aboule 3:00,we went to play basketball to playground.From 3:30 to 5:30.OH!I am very very tired now!I wanted to have a good rest.

Yesterday I had a cold , I just lay down and rest in bed . Today is morning , his mother take he to hospital to see a doctor . The doctor look over and gave some medicine . Then I have some medicine . At night I am better than yesterday . I can do my home work .

At last,I can keep a dog.It is from my uncle.It is white with black spots.I name it Angel.I walk it for about 15 minutes after supper everyday.I give it a bath every three days.I must keep it clean,or Mother says I can't keep it.

This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English, computer and word and I fall in the weekend exam. Many times I want to take today off, but my mother said to me:“go on, you must belive that you can do it.” So I have to try. Now my English is better than 2months ago. I must thanks my mother, she is good for me. Practices makes perfect.

How happy I am. Yesterday I finished all the work very quick, so I have a lot of time to do myself. Sometimes finish work early is a good thing, we can have more interests to do the next work. Because of this, I write English dairy eight in the morning. But I wrote it in the evening in the pass day. Everyone, if you can finish the work quickly, not lazy, just try your best.

Today i went to the museum.I met some robots. I think I am also be able to have a robot in many years.I think they can help me do some dishes .They also can help with my homework.A good robot can make me happy.When i am upset ,they can tell jokes for me.I will have more free time to have a relax.

Today i took the bus to the park. Some people were waiting for the bus at the bus stop.When a young girl came,she spat a gum on the ground While she was waiting,she herself stepped on the gum.The gum stuck to one of her foot.When the bus came , she got on the bus. Then she discovered the gum stuck her foot all the time.

Today,I"m going shopping with my mother, We buy some
apples bananas and a big watermelon.I"m buying some new books ,because I like reading interesting books very much.Then we get home.I"m very happy!
Oh, my god. I finish this dairy at 12:00 in the night. I will write thirty passages three days later. It’s a good beginning. I remembered the word: practices makes perfect. If I can make perfect, I will smile in bed. Ha, ok

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度融猕猴: This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English, computer and word and I fall in the weekend exam. Many times I want to take today off, but my mother said to me:“go on, you must belive that you can do it.” So I have to try. Now my ...

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