
作者&投稿:时光 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Heathcliff despotic is tyrannical,Despairs to the life constrains;The Catherine contradictory pain as well as really loves to Heathcliff;Linton weak is sickly and so on the character individuality all through completely displays to the geography and the time descriptionAnd enable the reader character\'s thoughts and feelings to have a more profound understanding to the book inWind and rain,Storm snow,Dark night,The natural fondness of countryside and the character surge the mood gets on well together reflects 彰,The bleak wilderness profound is changeable,Dreary is filled with griefHas revealed the character disposition suddenly,Unfolds comes from the human nature deep love,Let the leading character be variable like the nature same fondness of countryside,Profound boundless love sink deep into the hearts of the people,Intense is shaking human\'s soul

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马萨诸塞州的剑桥-哈佛大学毕业生的学生是不遗余力的可能性终身监禁,不得假释作为一个陪审团清理他的第一一级谋杀罪被定罪,但他自愿误杀,在被刺死亡,今年1 8岁的父亲。

亚历山大pring -威尔逊, 26 ,出现了灾区,但平静,因为他被判处六年到八年在监狱中的致命街争吵。他本来可以收到许多二十年或小感化。

家人和朋友的受害人,迈克尔colono ,明显感到不快的判决,并要求法官为严厉的判刑星期四下午。

“ pring -威尔逊可能是一个聪明的男子,但我觉得他作出了一个很大的错误采取了生活egotistical原因, ” colono的姐姐, damaris ,告诉法官。

受害人的女朋友,辛迪古兹曼说,每当她期待在该对夫妇的4岁女儿, leah玉器,她提醒该名男子的谁是“我一生的挚爱” 。

检察官声称, pring -威尔逊刺伤迈克尔colono的5倍,一旦在心脏,在深夜街头的斗争就2003年4月12日,因为他是在愤怒的青少年作的乐趣他,因为他偶然drunkenly过去在触发器和雨衣。

但pring -威尔逊声称,他在采取行动自卫后,被攻击的colono和Samuel罗德里格斯, colono的堂弟。

pring -威尔逊保持他误接触他们的车,因为他认为他们欢呼他的方向。他说,他所达成的为4英寸spyderco刀片在他的口袋后,多次拳打脚踢,在头部由colono和罗德里格斯。

pring -威尔逊,一种荣誉,学生熟识,在几种语言,没有事先的刑事纪录,并计划参加法学院之前,他被警方拘捕。


damaris colono强调种族,教育和年龄的差异,该两名男子在一愤怒的恳求法官。

“的权力,白色,聪明的男子用金钱已是相当令人不安。据我所知,钱是权力,但金钱不应该界定正义, ” colono说。

但pring -威尔逊的律师,人工神经网络的考夫曼,炮轰的概念,认为该案是一个文化冲突。 “这不是种族或阶层或特权或财富或什么, ”她说。考夫曼sniffled和消灭她的眼睛,一旦比较,她的客户,以圣雄甘地,而要求法官不遗余力pring -威尔逊在监狱服刑。

被告的母亲,辛西娅pring ,恳求法官宽大处理,他说: “我很害怕,一个在监狱服刑,将罪犯被判处死刑缓期他。




罗德里格斯画被告作为一个持刀侵略者,谁恶毒的谋杀colono ,因为少年叫他的“ S -面对” 。他作证说,他是无法来其表弟的援助,直到最后一分钟因为他的车的故障乘客门处理。

但pring -威尔逊的辩护团试图3月,罗德里格斯的信誉,指出他的三个前被定罪的殴打,以及colono的事先定罪,药物费用。该burly bouncer ,谁举行了死亡的表姐在他的手臂分钟后,他们逃离现场,最初向警方说谎,约他参与了这场斗争。



她还嘲笑他屡有发生重演被攻击-“您所享有的代理在高校,没有你” ? -同时指出,他缺乏有形身体伤害,以外的其他世界报对他的前额,虽然他声称已摧残。


“他们失望的判决,我很肯定他们感到失望与句, ” coakley说。

coakley说,她的决定,推动第一年学士学位课程谋杀源于更从案件事实及被告的行为后刺伤比从种族或阶层的问题。 “基于医学证据的情况下,伤口colono遭受的是致命伤。被告知道他造成了致命的伤口, ”她说。


pring -威尔逊似乎有点somber和坚决,因为他被拘留。他将立即开始在服满徒刑,在马萨诸塞州刑事技术学院-雪松交界处,一个高度设防监狱。他将有资格获得假释,在六年。



小组(全体陪审员) 7名男子和五名女子商议约六小时前,周四是回家长周末。他们将重新开始,周二今天上午在上午九时

检察官说,亚历山大pring -威尔逊, 26 ,刺伤迈克尔colono , 18 , 5次,一次是在心脏,在深夜街头的斗争就2003年4月12日,因为他是在愤怒的青少年作的乐趣,他作为他偶然drunkenly过去在触发器和雨衣。

被告声称,他在采取行动自卫(正当防卫)后,被攻击的colono和Samuel罗德里格斯, colono的堂弟,谁了历史上被定罪的攻击和殴打(殴打) 。


昆兰花了约一个半小时就周四读指示陪审员。他们被控以达成一致的裁决之一, 4选择:无罪释放,首先是一级谋杀罪,二度谋杀或误杀有关(一般杀人罪) 。



pring -威尔逊面临终身监禁,不得假释,如果被定罪的最高负责。 1误杀罪的判决,带有句的范围假释至20年徒刑。



Jury convicts Harvard grad student of manslaughter in teen's stabbing

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — A Harvard grad student was spared the possibility of life in prison without parole as a jury cleared him of first-degree murder but convicted him of voluntary manslaughter in the stabbing death of an 18-year-old father.

Alexander Pring-Wilson, 26, appeared stricken but calm as he was sentenced to six to eight years in prison for the fatal street brawl. He could have received as many 20 years or as little as probation.

Family and friends of the victim, Michael Colono, were visibly upset by the verdict and asked the judge for a stiffer sentence Thursday afternoon.

"Pring-Wilson may be a smart man, but I think he made a big mistake taking a life for egotistical reasons," Colono's older sister, Damaris, told the judge.

The victim's girlfriend, Cindy Guzman, said that whenever she looked at the couple's 4-year-old daughter, Leah Jade, she was reminded of the man who was "the love of my life."

Prosecutors claimed Pring-Wilson stabbed Michael Colono five times, once in the heart, during a late-night street fight on April 12, 2003, because he was angry at the teen for making fun of him as he stumbled drunkenly past in flip-flops and a raincoat.

But Pring-Wilson claimed he acted in self-defense after being attacked by Colono and Samuel Rodriguez, Colono's cousin.

Pring-Wilson maintained he mistakenly approached their car because he thought they were hailing him for directions. He said he reached for the 4-inch Spyderco blade in his pocket after being repeatedly punched and kicked in the head by the Colono and Rodriguez.

Pring-Wilson, an honor student conversant in several languages, had no prior criminal record and was planning to attend law school before he was arrested.

Colono had recently achieved his GED and was a cook at a restaurant on the Charles River at the time of his death.

Damaris Colono highlighted the race, educational and age differences between the two men during an irate plea to the judge.

"The power that a white, smart man with money has is quite disturbing. I understand money is power, but money should not define justice," Colono said.

But Pring-Wilson's lawyer, Ann Kaufman, blasted the notion that the case was a clash of cultures. "This isn't about race or class or privilege or wealth or whatever," she said. Kaufman sniffled and wiped her eyes, once comparing her client to Gandhi, while asking the judge to spare Pring-Wilson a prison sentence.

The defendant's mother, Cynthia Pring, begged the judge for leniency, saying, "I am very frightened that a prison sentence would be a death sentence for him.

The panel of seven men and five women deliberated 21 hours over five days before unanimously reaching their verdict at about 10:00 a.m.

He said, they said

During three weeks of intense testimony, jurors heard vastly different interpretations of what happened between the two men during their 70-second encounter on that rainy spring evening.

Rodriguez painted the defendant as a knife-wielding aggressor who viciously murdered Colono because the teen called him "s——faced." He testified that he was unable to come to his cousin's aid until the last minute because of his car's faulty passenger-door handle.

But Pring-Wilson's defense team attempted to mar Rodriguez's credibility by pointing out his three prior convictions for assault and battery, as well as Colono's prior conviction on a drug charge. The burly bouncer, who held his dying cousin in his arms minutes after they fled the scene, initially lied to police about his involvement in the fight.

Possibly the most damaging blow to Rodriguez's credibility was the testimony of a former neighbor, Shawn Bates, who called police just hours before the stabbing incident after seeing Rodriguez beating up his own girlfriend in front of their apartment building. Rodriguez denied the accusations, and no charges were ever filed.

Assistant State Attorney Adrienne Lynch lobbied a tough cross-examination of the defendant, who took the stand for two and a half hours in his defense. She questioned him about his initial inconsistent statements to police, in which he claimed he was simply an innocent bystander who witnessed a stabbing.

She also mocked his melodramatic reenactment of being attacked — "You enjoyed acting in college, didn't you?" — while pointing out his lack of visible physical injuries, other than a welt on his forehead, although he claimed to have been brutalized.

District Attorney Martha Coakley said she was pleased with the jury's decision, but believed a higher sentence was justified. She also spoke briefly for the victim's family.

"They were disappointed with the verdict. I'm certain they were disappointed with the sentence," Coakley said.

Coakley said her decision to push for first-degree murder stemmed more from the facts of the case and the defendant's behavior after the stabbing than from race or class issues. "Based upon the medical evidence, the wound Colono suffered was a fatal wound. The defendant had to know he was inflicting fatal wounds," she said.

Jurors declined comment to the media about the verdict.

Pring-Wilson appeared somber and somewhat resolute as he was taken into custody. He will immediately begin serving his sentence at Massachusetts Criminal Institute - Cedar Junction, a maximum security prison. He will be eligible for parole in six years.

Jury continues weighing fate of Harvard student who stabbed teen

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — A question from jurors and a motion for dismissal from the defense marked the second day of deliberations deliberation(商议)in the trial of a Harvard graduate student who killed an unarmed teenager.

The panel(全体陪审员)of seven men and five women deliberated about six hours Thursday before going home for the long weekend. They will start again Tuesday morning at 9 a.m.

Prosecutors say that Alexander Pring-Wilson, 26, stabbed Michael Colono, 18, five times, once in the heart, during a late-night street fight on April 12, 2003, because he was angry at the teen for making fun of him as he stumbled drunkenly past in flip-flops and a raincoat.

The defendant claims he acted in self-defense(正当防卫)after being attacked by Colono and Samuel Rodriguez, Colono's cousin, who had a history of convictions for assault and battery(殴打).

At about 9:10 a.m., Justice Regina Quinlan received a note from jurors asking for a copy of the jury instructions. Their request was denied.

Quinlan spent about an hour and a half on Thursday reading instructions to jurors. They are charged with reaching a unanimous verdict on one of four choices: acquittal, first-degree murder, second-degree murder or manslaughter(一般杀人罪).

Upon reviewing the question, defense attorney Rick Levinson motioned for a mistrial, citing the complex and confusing nature of the instructions. The judge denied the motion.

Jurors have 150 exhibits at their disposal, and were allowed to take notes during the nearly three-week-long trial, although the judge asked them to withhold from notetaking during opening statements and closing arguments. They may ask specific questions about the law, but have not done so yet.

Pring-Wilson faces life in prison without parole if convicted of the top charge. A manslaughter verdict carries a sentence range of parole to 20 years in prison.

By noon, jurors were still working, and court insiders say if they don't reach a verdict by day's end on Friday, they would likely not return until Tuesday after the long holiday weekend.

Court TV is broadcasting the trial live.

Murder of A Postgraduate at Harvard

Master murder case of Harvard

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金星在自己的出道作品—MBC最佳剧场的‘泰陵选手村’里饰演一名很有个性的体操少女‘郑马璐’受到了人们的强烈关注,之后出演电影‘多细胞少女’和‘山埂菜少女’正式登上了银屏。中文名: 金美善 外文名: 김별、김미선国籍: 韩国 出生地: 韩国 出生日期: ...

桂平市17787036369: 求助,心里的声音完整版是什么意思 -
阎满普贺: 完整版的意思是,出完10集短篇以后,会从第一集开始更新完整的版本,就是普通电视剧的长度.而不是现在看到的每集很短的那种.完整版就是电视版,从12月9日开始每周五晚播出,以四个故事共60分钟的方式播出五周

桂平市17787036369: 求助:英语高手请进.请问下面这句话要怎么翻译啊,《小王子》中的.看不懂 -
阎满普贺: 在我一生中遇到过很多关注结果的人.

桂平市17787036369: !高分求助!牛津初中英语8A课文录音 -
阎满普贺: http://www.xdrenglish.com/soft/showsoft.asp?softid=350去试知试道吧版权

桂平市17787036369: 求助:英语专业本科毕业论文(论电影名的英文翻译) -
阎满普贺: I have what u need. That is my final paper too. If u want, pls contact me by email. My adress is shuaifei219@163.com

桂平市17787036369: 谁能帮我翻译这篇英语文章我给谁50分!【速度】【急!!!!!!!!!!】 -
阎满普贺: 健康的生活方式,中国的方式 中医医生认为,我们的健康需要的阴阳平衡,例如,你你是否经常虚弱和疲累?也许你是阴盛.你应该吃壮阳的食物,如牛肉,吃党参,杨昂黄芪等药材对你也有好处,但是压力过大或愤怒的人可能阳盛.中医认为,他们应该吃滋阴的食物比如豆腐.中药现在在西方很多国家流行.让我们轻松地拥有一个健康的生活方式,重要的是要饮食均衡.

桂平市17787036369: 英文翻译 求助~ -
阎满普贺: Produced a cost of 80 dollars, there will be who pays?

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