
作者&投稿:况养 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The first-grader walks on the pedestrian way;
The second-grader walks on the roadside;
The third-grader walks in the middle of road;
The fourth-grader walks against the traffic.

The first-grader is an idealist;
The second-grader is a romantic;
The third-grader is a realist;
The fourth-grader is a critical realist.


I uploaded an email that is not mine due to wrong operation. I don't know how to delete it. I'll upload my own emain ASAP to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. My apology again.

翻译:从昌邑来的群臣犯了纵容国王陷于邪恶不道的罪行,统统处死。一、原文 昌邑群臣坐陷王于恶不道,皆诛,死者二百余人,唯遂与中尉王阳以数谏争得减死,髡为城旦。二、译文 从昌邑来的群臣犯了纵容国王陷于邪恶不道的罪行,统统处死,共达两百多人,只有龚遂和中尉王阳由于曾多次劝谏刘贺,尽到...

我努力让自己真正体会那些我们需要展现给客户的情感。9, i work at developing the feelings inside of me that i need to show to clients\/customers 我正在学着培养我内心的感受,用来展现给客户。注:clients\/customers 为同义词,这里统一翻译为“客户”。这几句话本身就是问卷调查的内容(叙述的...

呵呵)、宝贝肌肤Babies’ Skins、浓妆艳抹Beautifully Make Up、美发宝典Treasury for Hairdressing、我的身体My Body、美容情报Hairdressing Information、男人健康Men’s Health、女人健康Women’s Health、运动健身Exercise and Fitness、身体处方Recipe for Body、心理调频Channel for Mentality、母婴育儿Mothers ...

You're gone to my heart and pain to my chest【你离我而去令我的心很痛 】You got to stop my end and stop my test 【我可以说出千言万语请求你回家】Comes to my peace when I'm lost plan【我记得你对我说的每一句话】It's like a bullet shut up right do my best【你表现...

When a person is a lack of confidence, life for you, as if in the way of the difficulty is, let you dare not do any attempt, so life if no confidence as the sky without the sun there are only a gray.Lack of confidence is because we too care about other people's ...

人类正在消灭动物。无论是用陷阱或者长矛,被困住或者用枪,人们以惊人数字的扑杀动物用于食用或者制成药品。6. Car-information sites have successfully brought buyers and sellers together ---and given them a link to car finance and insurance sites.汽车信息网站已经成功的把买家和卖家结合在了一...

汉译英在线翻译句子 急急急~~哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下啊~~ 谢谢了...
楼主,您好,很高兴为您解答 Low carbon under the sponsorship of the environmental protection With the development of the world, the progress of science and technology, human beings on the earth's pollution is more and more serious. Nature's trees reduce gradually, the urban greening ...

麻烦哪位高手帮我把这段中文翻译成英文,在线翻译工具复制的不要!!~翻 ...
management improvement, facilities and installation replacements and so on suggestions and countermeasures.关键词:温泉hot spring;珠海御温泉Zhuhai Imperial Hot Spring;温泉卫生管理hot spring hygienic management 已替你以人手工夫翻译好了,希望会对你有帮助,若满意请及时采纳,谢谢你。

推荐雅虎翻译:http:\/\/fanyi.cn.yahoo.com\/translate_txt 2.2 建立决定分析系统 主导产业应该有以下qualifications[2 ]:(1)巨大需求和收支弹性。主导产业应该有一个大市场以稳定的需求。 (2)巨大供应弹性。主导产业的发展要求充足的供应从其它产业和有一个好资源消耗量作用。(3)高生产效率支持...

existence from ninety thousand years ago, at that time our ancestors had already leant to hold a funeral for the dead. And animals will not do that definitely. Bury the dead consciously indicate that human has changed their attitude towards corpse and death.参考资料:个人翻译 ...

长丰县13118181639: 英语翻译麻烦英语高手帮我翻译以下句子.1.永远不放弃这段友谊.2.我会尽力挽留这段(我真的在乎的)友谊第二句希望用定语从句形式翻译,括号里的就是定... -
丹肾炎热:[答案] 1.永远不放弃这段友谊 I will never forget this friendship between us. . 2.我会尽力挽留这段(我真的在乎的)友谊 I will try my best to keep this friendship that I really care about .

长丰县13118181639: 英语翻译请问如何翻译下面的句子:“希望贵公司可以给我一个机会去施展我的才华.”ps:请高手翻译,只会用翻译软件或连语法都搞不明白的菜鸟就不劳... -
丹肾炎热:[答案] I hope your hornable company could offer me with this opportunity to show my talent.

长丰县13118181639: 请英文高手帮忙翻译一下以下句子:因为我姐姐开了一家贸易公司,人手很紧,我必须辞职过去帮忙!一直得到你的关照,希望我们能继续做朋友,保持联络... -
丹肾炎热:[答案] My sister has just started a commercial company,because she is so understaffed that i have to resign to give her a hand.I am very grateful for your constant favour.Hope that we can always be friends.P...

长丰县13118181639: “生生不息,冬春相继”的英文,希望有英语高手帮我翻译下面这个句子,“...给人以生生不息的奋斗精神,给人以冬春相继的乐观信念.”急. -
丹肾炎热:[答案] To give people a never-ending resilience,and the hope that spring always come after winter.

长丰县13118181639: 求英语高手帮忙翻译以下句子,万分感谢. -
丹肾炎热: 你在哪啊?我最最亲爱的老婆,为什么让我苦等了那么多年?我发誓,只要你不嫌弃我,我将用毕生精力去守护你直到永远.Where are you, my dear wife? Why did you let me wait for you for so many years?I swear to God, If you don't mind me, I will take care of you from now on until forever!很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!

长丰县13118181639: 希望英语高手帮忙用英语翻译下下面的句子.很着急、谢谢.
丹肾炎热: There are lots of dreams of the youth which could not be realized, so we have to work harder. Sometime, people should take it seriously to everything, so don't promise anything so easily. once you promised, you have to do your best to make it come true.

长丰县13118181639: 中译英:哪位高手可以帮我翻译下面的句子啊??
丹肾炎热: 1.Don't look down upon those who ask you for help,you should be modest. 2.Exchanging views is a good way to communicate. 3.I am looking forward to meeting you again. 4.Tom soon gets down to work. 5.She began to scream, as if she saw a snake. 你没有把人教版必修4的内容给出来,我也没办法参考,翻译有很多种版本,我用的都是较为简单的短语和表述方式,希望可以帮到你!

长丰县13118181639: 英语高手们能否帮我小弟翻译几个句子!拜托了各位!能否帮忙翻译一下句子:1.如果我有做的不对的,希望您第一时间提出,我会改正的2.以后就多多指教... -
丹肾炎热:[答案] 1.If I ever do anything wrong,please point it out to me.I'll surely correct it. 2.Hope I can learn more from you in the days to come. 3.If there are any mistakes in my spoken English,please help me correct and improve. 给个小建议:如果你是跟老外沟通,大...

长丰县13118181639: 哪位英语高手能够帮忙翻译一下下列句子? 谢谢了!!
丹肾炎热: "No matter how I always remember the forgotten Looked up the sun is still bright Told myself to get used to Then Rise Next the smile "希望对你有用

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