外国名著读后感,得英文,500字 ....

作者&投稿:栾肺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

谁拥有一个灿烂的童年,谁就拥有了世界,并可以让我们流连忘返而《汤姆索亚历险记》的主人翁汤姆就是一个典型的例子,他是一个聪明爱动的孩子,他足智多谋,富于同情心,对现实环境持反感态度,一心要冲出村庄,去当绿林好汉,过行侠仗义的生活。在姨妈眼里,他是个顽童,调皮捣蛋,鬼心眼儿多,可自己又不由自主的喜欢他;可在孩子们看来,他却是一个英明的领导者,是个英雄。从他们身上我们看到了自己想要的影子:聪明、勇敢、正直、乐观。 在第二章中,汤姆充分的显示了自己的聪明才智,为了能让别人帮他刷墙,他故意表现的很有意思,让他省了不少功夫,还让别人心甘情愿的给东西他,作为劳酬。 而就在他和哈克相遇的那天晚上,两人一起目睹了一起凶杀案,为了主持正义,不畏强暴的汤姆站了出来,揭发了印第安乔的丑陋面目,解救了波特。 终于有一天,为了摆脱枯燥无味的功课、虚伪的教义和呆板的生活环境,乔、汤姆、哈克一行三人决定追求冒险的经历。 逃到荒岛上以后,人们都以为他们死了,正在为他们举行葬礼时,可他们却回来参加自己的葬礼,让他们的亲人破涕为笑。 而为了寻找财宝,两人又跟踪印第安乔来到了山洞找到了财宝,成为了首屈一指的大富豪。 从他们在困难当中表现的正直和勇敢,在平时生活中聪明活泼,幼稚而又认真的言行,给我留下了深刻的印象,可以说是当时美国社会的一个缩影。 读了这本小说以后,我觉得遇到困难不要轻易气馁,而要努力奋斗,坚持下去。如果能够做到这点,就可以走向成功。汤姆在充满阳光的生活里告诉我们的只要有欢乐、有梦想,美梦便可以成真。终有一天,我们的天性可以自由自在的发挥,创造出一片我们自己的空间。 我觉得汤姆天真活泼,自由自在,但总有缺点,就是他太让别人操心了,特别是他的姨妈,为了他,经常担惊受怕,可汤姆却不明白,对一个妇女来说最重要的就是孩子要听话,这也是汤姆唯一不好的地方。不过我还是比较欣赏他对外面一切事武好奇心和想像力,而且大胆尝试,机智勇敢,向往自由,向往未来,这不能不让人赞叹。 我说童年就像一罐蜂蜜,越吃越甜。时隔越长,就越令人回味无穷。所以,童年时间十分宝贵。但只要我们生活过的充实、有意义,就一定不会虚度光阴。

  The Story of My Life
  The Story of My Life is a book which tells us a real and impressive story. It’s an autobiography which was written by Helen Keller---who was blind and deaf when she was only six months old.It teaches me a lot that I think it’s what a real life be.
  Even if Helen was such a poor girl,she never gave herself up.With the help of Mrs Sullivan and her amazing willpower,Helen could speak finally,and even spoke five kinds of languages in the end.What a strong girl Helen was!She did such an important devotion that she was respected by her compatriots,and even all the people around the world. A blind and deaf girl as she was,but Helen’s life was so colourful that it was like a beautiful flower.
  Why could a blind and deaf girl gain such a success?If Helen gave in to her unlucky destiny,then she would really be a poor thing who lived without knowledge and happiness.It would be much more comfortable,but it wasn’t a real life for Helen.I used to be a naughty and dependent girl who needed others to give me a hand about my study and my life.After reading the meaningful book,I changed my mind. What I learnt from Helen is that I should have a nice goal of my study which needs a quality of hard work.The most importantly,I need to be confident to face the troubles and difficulties in my life bravely.Then I will laugh as happily as Helen,”I find out that my life is so wonderful!” That’s what a real life should be.

  The Old Man And The Sea
  The Old Man And The Sea was written in 1951 by a famous American writer, Hemingway. In the next year,1952,this moderate novel was published, which is one of the most excellent works of Hemingway’s.
  The Old Man And The Sea was a story of an old Cuban fisherman,Santiago,who went fishing alone on the sea.After an eighty four days fight, he finally caught a very giant marlin fish,was two feet longer than his boat.What he not only never saw but also never heard ,surprised him. In these days, he suffered from the extreme hardships ,which he hadn’t experienced before. However,he beat the fish , meeting the cruel sharks.So he had to desperate to fight with those sharks.As a result, the sharks ate out without bare bones when the old man was injured seriously.
  “man is not made for defeat, a man can be destoryed but not defeated.” The old man believed.Indeed, everyone has his own disadventages. If you find it, admit and try you best to defeat,then it doesn’t matter that whether you have sowed full marlin fish meat or not.Because your life value has reflected in the fishing.Thus whether the provocative is successful or lost,a brave man ,likes Santiago is worth respecting by human.
  While the prospects are bright,the road has twists and turns.On the way to succeed,I need stay with courage .So I will make up my mind, then stick on it.Whenever I think I have great confidence that I could walk alone to the end! I strongly believe that success is belong to me, I'll never give up!

  Robinson Cursoe
  Everyone has his dreams.The dreams belong to us.It plays an important role in our life.Maybe you want to know how the dream come true,what can we do for our dream.This novel Robinson cursoe wirrten by Danied Defoe can answer your question.
  Ronbinson was born in Britain.He had a peaceful and rich life.Robinson always wanted to travel around the world.As a matter of fact,his father didn’t permit he to take a risk.But this could’t change his mind.In 1651,he determined to leave his hone and started a tirp without his father’s permission. He sailed for 4 years .The first time ,he arrived in London after coming through some difficulty and he got some money from it.When he sailed the second time,he met the pirates.Robinson became a helot of the pirate and had to try his best to get the pirate’s belief.In a order for halieutics,he escaped from the pirate’s control.10 days later,he met a ship which headed for Brazil.,so he arrived in Brazil and lived there.He sold the black people to Africa with others in order to earn his living.Unluckily,he met a big storm in the way and his ship sank.Robinson was the only survivor.From then on,Robinson lead a formidable life in a desolate and uninhabited island.He could’t come back home until 10 years later. Finally,Robinson became a rich man and kept on sailing on the sea.
  Robinson Cursoe is not only interesting,but also meaningful.Robinson is a real man who can overcome the frustrations.I get many useful things from him.If you want to be a successful guy,you should have a dream.Once you have a dream ,you must work hard for it.Difficuty isn’t horrible,it can make us stranger,God closed the door while he opened a window for you.Even though that is a big difficult,we can’t give up our dream.When I felt tired of my dream, Robinson Curose reminded me of Robinson ,the strong-minded man who encourages me to face life and difficulty.It’s never too late for me to work for my dream.



Jane Eyre is a fantastic character – independent, honest, blunt and dignified. Even though the book was written over 160 years ago, and I’d expect women to be complacent and submissive (and for men to treat them that way), Jane is anything but. (‘I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you.’). I was rooting for her all the way, yet devastating things kept happening to her, and I wondered if she’d ever get to be happy. Mr Rochester is also one of the most interesting characters I’ve come across in a novel. I’m not sure if I ever really liked him — he is complicated, moody and sometimes patronising and belittling — but I found him utterly fascinating. I enjoyed his witty, quick banter with Jane! The unconventional romance between them was also enjoyable, even though I knew what was coming. In one way, Jane Eyre is a simple, straightforward story but in other ways it’s completely mad and dramatic. I think this contrast was why I was so absorbed and fixated with the story.

The beautiful, magnificent writing was also one of my favourite things about Jane Eyre. It’s just perfect; so eloquent yet not overdone (‘Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by education’). I admired the characters and their superior vocabulary, and the way that Jane addresses the reader. It’s so different — more complex — from the writing style I usually come across, but so easy to read, something I’m constantly surprised to encounter.

Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy the ‘after’ as much as I had expected to. I’m not sure whether it was because I had been reading the book for longer than I usually would and it started to make me fidgety, or whether I just didn’t find the situation as interesting, but it drew me back towards the end. It’s the reason why I couldn’t give the book the full five star ‘I loved it’ rating, although I desperately wanted to. I’m hoping that I’ll appreciate it more when I re-read it someday, and it has still made it to my ‘favourites’.

Jane Eyre was a surprising novel to me in every way and I adored it.

原创哦~ 希望可以帮到你!



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