
作者&投稿:褒疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mr. Zhang is not at home today.
WangFang ,is that your purse?
Let (her) look at the book , please.
Tom and Peter are in the classroom.
I don't want to go there( )with him. 这句没有错啊 可能是加(together)
Everyone of the class (is) in the classroom now.
Bob is a (English) student in China now.
Excuse me ,(whose)eraser is this?
How (much) money do you have now?

两个或两个以上名词表示共同所有时,只在最后一个名词后加“ 's ”,
Lucy and Lily 's father;(露西和莉莉共同的父亲):

如果表示各自所有时应在每个名词后加“ 's ”
Japan's and America's problems(日本和美国各自的问题)。

因此,此题应改为 The house of my brother and sister-in-law 's was damaged in the fire.

the house of my brother and sister-in-law 's 哥哥和嫂子的房子(共同所有,一个房子) ,单数,所以与后面的was无冲突,也没有什么语法错误。

1、Please bring back the book in two week's(改为weeks') time.

2、You can find about(改为out) Chinese words in this dictionary.
解释:find out,查出。

3、I want to make a(改为an) e-card for Mum.

4、I drinked(改为drank) a bottle of juice last night.

5、Where(改为What) did you have for breakfast yesterday?

1 week's 改为 weeks'
2 find about 改成 look up
3 a 改成 an
4 drinked 改成 drank
5 Where 改成 What

1 week's 改为 weeks'

2 about 改为 out

3 a 改为 an

4 drinked 改为 drank

5 where 改为 What

1.week's改为 weeks'
5.for 去掉

1.高中20个英语句子改错 1.Whose that boy over there?>>Who's that boy over there?2.It's the time of a year for the rice harvest>>It's the time of the year for the rice harvest.3.Water runs'along channels to every part of the garden>>Water runs along channels to e...

1.My mother doesn't care on her health at all.care on(无此搭配)-->care about担心 2.Will you help someone in trouble?someone-->anyone 否定,疑问句用anyone 肯定句用someone 3.Grandpa,when shall little Ann come to our home?shall-->will will的用法比较广泛,第几人称都可以用 ...

这个句子的第一处错误:true是形容词,而the后面应当使用它的名词truth。第二处错误:entertained作为形容词不能用于修饰performance,所以这里应当改成entertaining。第三处错误:true是形容词,不能用于修饰形容词entertaining,这里应当使用它的副词truly。所以这个句子应当改为:To tell you the truth,his ...

为你解答。1.How soon does the doctor think you(改为your) mother will recover?2.He looks very tiredly(改为tired) .He must have gone to bed very late night.3.Kate was(把was去掉) used to go to church every Sunday but now she can't because she is ill in bed.4.I ...

英语改错 把错误的英语句子改正确 要速度,要快!!!
1)He has many ice cream for breakfast.“many”用词错误,He has much(数不清) ice cream for breakfast 2) The girl has two broccoli for lunch.因为是two ,所以用复数。The girl has two broccolis for lunch.3) I need some salad.some就要用复数,I need some salads.或 I need ...

1 那里没有是任何的雨有很长的一段时间。2 我虽然它是一个非常兴奋比赛,但是我的姊妹是不在那被它最没有刺激的。3 你听到他们在一个星期之后将会回来了吗?4 我被穿出我的裤子膝。5 姊妹的母亲买二件新的洋装给她每个。6 我们在去年底之前已经学习 2000个字。7 MM 小心地做家庭操作。她刚刚...

1. to 改成 for 为某人做蛋糕 2。Habe 改成have 3.are改is,noodles不是复数,而是一个单词 4。in 改成at 几点钟前用at作为介词 5。does改do,前面已经用does了,后面用动词原形

前后主语不一致,前一句的主语应该是bill,后面一句是教练,1. 把后面改成bill was removed by the coach from the game. (by the coach 也可以放在句尾)2. Since bill was reluctant to put all his weight on the damaged ankle, the coach removed him from the game.3. damaged 换做 ...

应该改作 take off the fur from 【解析】take … from 只是指“从…表面拿取,而 take off from…指“从…剥离下来”,比如:take off the coat from a sheep(从羊身上.剥下皮)take off the wheel from the carl.(从车上卸下轮胎)。这里的意思是“猛烈的旋风可能会把猫和鸡身上的皮毛...

I nearly made one thousand dollars in last summer vocation.把in删掉,last summer vocation 已经是状语了 I sat watching the boys playing football in front of the house.把 playing 改为 play, watch sb. do sth This pretty actress kept appraring in TV serials repeatedly.删掉repeatedly...

鱼峰区13720394253: 给句子改错 -
阮初舒眠: Now please give me a cup of milk.a cup of /a glass of milk 一杯牛奶

鱼峰区13720394253: 句子改错 -
阮初舒眠: 1、把“我校”和“光临”调换(词序颠倒)2、在“久”前面加“使他”(缺少主语)

鱼峰区13720394253: 给下面几个句子改错 -
阮初舒眠: What I want to be in the future is a guide. 改:become改为to be 或者to become I have been to China for two weeks. 把to 改为in 意思是我在中国已经两周了. How many times hasMr King been in China. How many times改为how long fly的名词、...

鱼峰区13720394253: 给下列句子改正错误 -
阮初舒眠: 1、五位壮士不怕牺牲的革命精神,永远激励着我们前进.(“勇于”显然不当,哪有战斗抢着牺牲的?迫不得已时,不怕才对)2、圆明园、颐和园、故宫都是北京有名的古迹.( 中华世纪坛虽有名,但非古迹)

鱼峰区13720394253: 语文句子改错怎么做 -
阮初舒眠: 辨析并修改病句 一、考纲要求: 辨析并修改病句,病句类型有:语序不当、搭配不当、成分残缺或赘余、结构混乱、表意不明、不合逻辑. 二、考点释要 本考点的考生主要立足于辨析与修改.从近年的高考试卷中可以看出本考点命题的主要方...

鱼峰区13720394253: 句子改错,怎样改? -
阮初舒眠: 语序有问题,“把除了荧屏上活跃着的那些人物给我留下印象之外”改为“除了荧屏上活跃着的给我留下印象的那些人物之外”

鱼峰区13720394253: 句子改错!!!!!
阮初舒眠: 首先,宁静是不能修饰神情的,其次,而表示转折,在这里就不对了.所以,最后的句子是:他们的神情沉稳或他们的神情很沉稳,因为感觉上加个“很”字比较通顺.

鱼峰区13720394253: 句子改错
阮初舒眠: People often because of procrastination and can not successfully complete the task, thus about their ability, losing self-confidence, and is unable to know themselves correctly.改为 :People often procrastinate and can not successfully complete ...

鱼峰区13720394253: 将下列句子改错: -
阮初舒眠: 1.去掉"a",因为music是不可数名词,不需要冠词.2.去掉"a",play是“打(球)”“弹奏(乐器)”的意思,而golf是一个球类运动的专有名词,不需要冠词修饰.3.去掉"some",因为milk被a box of修饰,已经含有了表示容量的多少(即一盒),再加some是无意义而且不正确的.4.去掉"an",因为be made of是“由……制成”的意思,后面直接跟制成的材料即可.且,iron是金属,属于不可数名词.5.去掉"an",因为experience在本句是“经验”的意思,是不可数名词.

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