
作者&投稿:范朋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
大二英语专业 英语专业的进~


saturated coverage brought on by strategic alliances and mergers and acquisitions
routes/channels of new technology development
cost increase as a result of new rules of play/new game rules

In many countries, schools encounter problems caused by students’ bad behavior. Although actions such as punishing those students are taken, little effects have been seen. This essay aims to give several solutions to this problem. However, it is important to analysisthe causes of students’ bad behavior first.

Although a variety of factors attribute to bad behavior of students, in my opinion, it is mainly due to schools themselves. First of all, you could not simply blame on students, because they are too young to self-discipline. It is schools’ responsibility to teach students how to control themselves. However, most schools focus their educationonly on academic knowledge and ignore the more important aspects of education,such as morality and responsibility education. In addition to that, lots of students feel bored after school, which leads them to chase for their “excitement”or “entertainment”. But without proper guidance, these activities are usually causingsevere consequences to society.
According to what I reasoned above, schoolscan actually reduce or even eliminate this problem quite easily. Mostimportantly, school governors should realize that education includes allaspects of life, not just academic knowledge. Therefore, some lectures or courses related to morality and responsibility should be provided. Only when students have the concept of acceptable behavior, can they self-disciplinethemselves. In addition, school could offer proper guidance to students’ after-schoolactivities. For instance, school can offer recreational activities for students to take part in after class, such as sports leagues, dancing lessons, andpainting clubs. These activities would not only magnificently reduce students’bad behavior, but also allow students’ full development in all aspects of life.

Students go to school to receive propereducation, which should include all aspects of life. Therefore, schools shouldtake the responsibility of students’ bad behavior. Only when schools first realizethe importance of moral education, can this problem be solved.

In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.

What do you think are the causes of this?

What solutions can you suggest?

Recently, many fierce events at school hit the headline of newspapers, like violence, suicide even drug abuse. Why did so many severe problems happen at schools? What are the roof-causes of such the problems? Not only teachers, parents, but governments as well are more and more concerned about the problems. Regarding the issue, I would like to give my comments as follows.

Negative social impact, short of family love and too severe school competition may cause the serious behaviors of young students at schools. First of all, negative social impact, such as violence, crime even wars shown frequently in media, may affect the young people to recognize the real world. Sometimes, they experience what they learned from the media at school. Some school shooting accidents are proved that the children were motivated to fire due to the violence movies what they see. Secondly, short of family love is another key factors to impact the behaviors of students. Young children may loose the faith in the truth of love due to divorce, family violence in their family. Without love, they will feel that the world is grey. And then do not cherish what they have. Thirdly, too competitive environment at school make great stress on the youths. They just focus on the top 5 in their class ignoring friendship. Once they fail, they may hate others even revenge others, including the classmates or teachers.

From the above analysis, some solutions should be proposed to take. Firstly, healthy social environment should be built up for the children. It is the responsibility of the whole society to provide a clean window for the kids to learn the world. Also, as the parents, the adults should offer more loves to their children, teaching them how to love and respect each other. What’s more, school education should pay more attentions to create a free environment for the children to develop.

To sum up, young generations are the hope of the world; we need to bring up them healthy. Keep them away from the negative impacts from the society, family and the school as well.

oо○eileen 2008-06-30 22:15 麻烦你尊重别人的劳动成果。

What are the qualities of a good student? I think he or she should have the following qualities. First, a good student should have good behavior. He would like to help others. His behavior shows the good quality. People like to make friends with him because he is friendly. It's moreimportant than knowledge. Second, a good student should work hard and use the knowledge acquired to solve problems. Because our knowledge is to be used to bring benefit tothe mankind. Third, a good student should be in good health. If we aren't healthy, we can do nothing. Whoever has these qualities will be a good student. 好学生的条件是什么呢?我认为他应具有以下的品质: 第一,一个好学生应有良好的行为,愿意帮助别人。他的行为应表现出他的好品质。他应该对周围的人很友好,使得人们喜欢和他交朋友。这一点很重要,比起拥有渊博的知识还重要。 第二,一个好学生应努力学习,并且用学到的知识来解决问题。因为我们的知识是为了造福人类的。 第三,一个好学生应具有健康的身体。如果没有好身体,我们什么也做不成。 谁具备了这三种品质,谁将会成为好学生。 本文由贸院英语网整理收集 What are the qualities Of a good student? I think he should have three qualities: 1. A good student should have good behavior. He helps others and get others' respect and love. He wants to do something for others and for the society. 2. A good student should be diligent in study, and apply his knowledge to benifit the mankind. 3. Besides the two aspects, a good student should be healthy. Only when he is ingood health can he do many things for people. In my opinion, these are the qualities of a good student. http://www.cnicq.cn贸院英语 整理收集 一个好学生的条件是什么?我认为应有三个: 1.一个好学生应有好的行为,他用他的实际行动去帮助别人以获得别人的尊敬和爱戴。他愿意用他的实际行动为别人和社会服务。 2.一个好学生应努力学习并把所学到的知识应用于实践当中去,以造福人类。 3.除这两个方面,一个好学生应拥有健康的身体。只有具有健康的体魄,他才能为人民做事。 在我看来,这些就是好学生的条件

1、正确。广玉兰原产北美,大多分布在多瑙河和密西西比河一带,约在1913年引入我国,先进入广州,故名广玉兰。后在我国各地普遍栽培。2、正确。“凋谢”“浓烈”“万紫千红”都属于中性词,所以不属于褒义词。有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)...

意想不到的是,被推上前的project从第1结果成了第2 这真是令人惊讶啊。我们房间的朋友们都很安静 本来最后一天想一起喝酒的,结果最近体力跟精神状态都不好 结果都呼呼大睡了

1,満たない 満つ的否定。不足,不够的意思。2行ったり来たりする 来来去去,上上下下。可以当做固定用法来看。例如高値と低値の间を行ったり来たりする 高价和低价间,上上下下。

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一·绿荫不减来时路,添得(黄鹂)四五声。无可奈何花落去,似曾相识(燕)归来。二·(乱花渐欲迷人眼),浅草才能没马蹄。三·写出“幸福·舒服·渴望”的反义词。幸福---痛苦 舒服---难受 渴望---淡漠 四·一元复(始) 岁月如(棱) 芳草如(茵)五·给“黑”加偏旁组字。(至少...

2.(3)【Thinking (2){that you know (1)[what in fact you don't]}】 is not a good idea.【3】是全句主语 。Thinking 是动名词 后面{2}that...都是think的宾语,说【这样认为】可不是一个好的想法。{2}是一个that引导的名词性从句,也就是宾语从句。that后面是完整的一个句子,这个...

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