句子改错谢谢老师 句子如下​it seems that children of America do such things like what this

作者&投稿:睢苏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
seems like seems like that seems that seems~

第2句不可以,这里不会同时用 like 和 that 。

the letter R!

It seems that children (in) America do such things like what this boy did very frequently, and their papa and mom rarely (apologize) for it. But in China despite the boy and his parents (saying) sorry for it, we can not forgive them because of their son's impenitent comments to his immoral conduct on microblog,before this sparks outcry (to happen). And as a result of that his behaviors (shame) us, we can not forgive (him) just for an oral (apology).



  • children of America 表示“属于美国的儿童”,即使不在美国,儿童的属性也不会改变。此处指的是“在美国的儿童”,也可能是其他种族的儿童。应该改为 in America。

  • their papa and mom 是复数主语,动词应该用apologize。

  • despite 是介词,不能跟从句the boy and his parents has said,改为动名词的复合结构the boy and his parents saying(the boy and his parents 在口语中是动名词 saying 的逻辑主语,正式用语为名词所有格the boy’s and his parents’)。

  • sparks(引起激发)是使役动词,后面带复合宾语,outcry是宾语,不定式to happen 是宾语补足语(happen是不及物动词,没有被动形式),意思是“引起强烈反对(的)发生”。

  • 本段指的是现在的情况,通篇用的都是现在时态,(his behaviors) shamed 也应该改为现在形式 shame

  • forgive he just for an oral apologize 应该是套用 forgive sb. for sth.短语,人称代词sb. 要用宾格,介词for 后应该用名词,改为forgive him just for an oral apology。

it seems that children of America
-children in America/ American children
do such things like what this boy did very frequently,and their papa and mom rarely apologies
for it.but in China
-in China,
despite the boy and his parents has said
-had said
sorry for it ,we can not forgive them because of their son 's impenitent comments to his immoral conduct on microblog,before this sparks
outcry happened.And as a result of that his behaviors shamed us ,we can not forgive he
just for an oral aplogize

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