英语作文春夏秋冬四个季节。要写出来为什么喜欢。(英语 新起点 六年级 下册 U13)

作者&投稿:由炭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I like spring best. Spring is the first season in a year, spring warm climate is moderate, germination vigor of all things, the changing climate, cold. In the spring, I and my friends to fly a kite in the park. Spring is between winter and summer, when the climate in the South began to warm, while the north is cold in the north and south, large temperature difference, so the weather in spring is constantly changing. They say, a day in the morning, in the spring.

I want to introduce my favorite season called spring which is warm and beautiful.In the spring , there are a variety of colorful flowers in the garden and there also have many birds sing songs on the tree.
The main reason why I like spring best is that I will have a wonderful spring holiday in March.During the spring vacation ,I can travel to many beautiful places and have fun.Last spring holiday ,I went to Italy with my classmate.We watched an exciting volleyball competition at the gym.The volleyball player played the volleyball on the gym and fans shouted loudly.Besides,we also ate many local food in Italy.I think it was a nice trip. And the spring is a fantastic season that I can have a wonderful trip.

春:My favourite season is spring. It'swarm. i can see the baby ducks.there are flowers.
夏:i love summer.it'shot.i can go swimming.i can go swimming.i can wear shorts and sandals.
秋:i love artrmn.it's cool.the leaves fall from the tress. i can play with them.
冬:i love winter.it's cold.i can play with the snow.i can wear a cold and gloves.

spring is the best season in a year. I like spring very much. In spring, we can see beautiful flowers. They are very colorful.In spring, the weather is very good, not so hot and not so cool. spring is the best season for us to go around the world and visit some places we want to. And also,in spring, we can fly kites with friends, we can catch butterflies.In a word, it is a season full of happiness.




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项城市19797633116: 春夏秋冬的英语作文. -
卓玲福康: As we know, there are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter. Spring is the best season of the year. It's from March to May. The weather gets warmer, and the days get longer. Everything wakes up, the trees turn green and flowers ...

项城市19797633116: 英语作文春夏秋冬四个季节.要写出来为什么喜欢.(英语 新起点 下册 U13) -
卓玲福康:[答案] 春:My favourite season is spring.It'swarm.i can see the baby ducks.there are flowers.夏:i love summer.it'shot.i can go swimming.i can go swimming.i can wear shorts and sandals.秋:i love artrmn.it's...

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卓玲福康: 第一篇:一e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb931333335313731年四季(The Four seasons) A year has four seasons. Every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other. The life cycles of plants are ...

项城市19797633116: 描写四季的英语作文8o字带翻译 -
卓玲福康: 一年四季 Four Seasons in A Year In China, there are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is hot and winter is cold. Spring and autumn are comfortable. Spring lasts from March to May. Summers goes from June to ...

项城市19797633116: 描写四季的英语作文(130字) -
卓玲福康: The Four seasonsA year has four seasons. Every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other. The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons. The first season is spring. The three months in it are ...

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卓玲福康: Li Ruiqi Taiwan and South Model of the World Children growing up in the four seasons in

项城市19797633116: 四个季节写一篇英语作文 -
卓玲福康: There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,sunmmer,autumn and winter.The spring is warm.The flowers glow.The butterflies fly.The summer is very hot.The sun is shininng.The autumn is cool.The wind blow and blow.The winter is cold.The snow falling.

项城市19797633116: 描述四季的英语作文(30词) -
卓玲福康: Spring is a season with all flower bloom and beautiful scenery.Summer is a season with hot weather and full of all kinds of birds singing.Autumn is a season with falling leaves and trees going to become yellow and gold.Winter is a season with cold weather and snowing .

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卓玲福康: A year the four seasons, spring, all things recovery; In the summer, the scorching sun; Winter, snow. But I love the beauty of autumn that mature alone.The color of autumn is golden. Pieces of yellow leaves, like the beautiful butterflies dancing in the ...

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卓玲福康:[答案] springDo you konw what's my favorite season Oh ,it's spring .Why Spring is the best of four season .It's warm and sunny .I can fly kites ,plant trees and so on .I also go to spring outing with my clos...

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