
作者&投稿:能贡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Do you want to be a good student?

If you want to be a good student, you can do like this.
Firstly, you should study hard at school. In the class, please listen to what the teacher says carefully and do your homework carefully. High IQ might be a gread advantage.
Secondly, please get on well with your calssmates and respect all the teachers. No quarrelling with others. And be honest.
Thirdly,it is also important to do something to keep our school clean. Don't forget to help classmates. To help others is to help yourself.
That's all.

A Good Student Must Have:Honest、Study Hard and High IQ
As a student,how can we became a good student?
First,you must be honest to everyone.A honest person will make everyone beleives you.Because they think you are worth beleiving.Second,you must do a hard work in your study.A student need studying and must study.We must go out through studying.And you must have high IQ.If you don`t have it,you can`t study well.
I hope everyone can become a good student!

What is good? Excellence is a habit, this sentence is the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said. Since we have a lot of habits, there are good, there are bad, it is those bad habits, it makes us feel unhappy, that led to today's many unhappy. For example, inferiority complex, such as laziness, procrastination, muddling along. So from now on, we will try to get rid of these bad habits, and, to become a good habit, become our second nature. Let us get used to creative thinking, habitual to do things seriously, to study hard, to help others, used to do a really good person should do. So how to make a good person? To be good is very simple, as long as they can beat. The world, equality, equality is the common development and survival of the fittest, and everyone has equal as a cattle without belief are their own forces, the other one is full of ideals and to represent the thought influence, stupid, lazy and clever and diligent, aspirant and decadence....... Get up at 8 every morning, ideological forces says to you "get up, things didn't do today...... Earlier do... Learn more.... And I say to you: "only 8 points, have a long way to go, go to sleep for a while...... It's cold outside... Rain... Sunday... " , or good, is what wins, the rubbish is always fallen of their defeat, ordinary people toss, outstanding people corrupt themselves often defeated, outstanding person good habit! No matter who you are, do, will face such a struggle, which wins? How long it takes to win? Directly determine the best from you how close, how to defeat her a good person? Very simple, choose what you want to do, don't talk yourself or not, to do or not to do, or do not want to, want to insist on or give up...... Remember, until the good habit, starting from today, you are a really good person! When you walk on the road, his chest, hold the head when you will feel no sense of oppression that is not as good as others of you, you have to be a new man, no one can make you feel inferior! When the class, you will be lazy sitting there? You don't attend to your teacher? You'll fall asleep? No, because you are a good man, a good man is excellent in all aspects. Study course, but you'll feel nothing to do? No, you are so clear goals, you will become the Tsinghua University, Peking University students, or the future of a successful entrepreneur, and now is the time for you to work, you will be a waste of the limited time? Encounter problems, do not do? You don't, you will be like a real man of action, from the start bit by bit, what knowledge is not clear that you will not do. You will work hard to learn, hard thinking, open-minded, unwilling to take no for an answer. To do a good man, a good habit to do everything people do, you are a good person, on the road to success, nothing can stop you! A good person, will get more opportunities and space, to do, to think and method of training is the most effective, in order to gain experience, so he can sleep until the outstanding, outstanding, because people can not solve the problem of waste of time. Of course, can also be hearty fart, because of outstanding person can be put into the art of fart, I absolutely believe that the front page, Bill Gates at the meeting. Meeting times reported that Bill said:. People in this life, a lot of things like I just farted, should dare to spit out the old Chen row, otherwise how to absorb new things". Bill: so, we have what reason not to beat myself!
优秀是什么? 优秀是一种习惯,这句话是古希腊哲学家亚里士多德说的。我们从小到大养成了很多习惯,有好的,也有不好的,正是那些不好的习惯,才使我们感到自己生活不愉快,才造成了我们今天的许多不如意。比如自卑,比如懒惰,拖延,得过且过。那么从今天起,我们就来试试,,去掉这些坏的习惯,把优秀变成一种习惯,变成我们的第二天性。让我们习惯去创造性思考,习惯去认真做事情,习惯去努力学习,习惯去帮助别人,习惯去做一个真正优秀的人应该做的事。 那么如何才能让自己做一个优秀的人呢? 要想优秀很简单,只要做到打败自己就可以。大千世界,众生平等,平等就是普通,事物发展又讲究优胜劣汰,于是每个人都存在平等得如猪狗牛马一般无追求信仰的天生自己的势力,另一个是充满理想和不甘心的思想势力,分别代表蠢和聪明、懒惰和勤奋、堕落和上进……。每天早上8点起床,思想势力对你说“起床吧,今天好多事没做……早点做……多学点……。而自己对你说“才8点,早着呢,再睡会儿……外面冷……下雨了……星期天……”,普通还是优秀,就在于哪个胜了,垃圾的人始终被堕落的自己打败,普通的人胜负各半,优秀的人堕落的自己经常败,杰出的人优秀成了习惯! 不论你是谁,做何事,都会面临这样的斗争,哪个胜?用多长时间胜?直接决定优秀离你有多近,如何打败自己成为优秀的人?简单得很,选择了自己要做的事,不要和自己商量起还是不起、做还是不做、想还是不想、坚持还是放弃……,直到优秀成了习惯 记住,从今天起,你就是一个真正优秀的人! 当你走在路上,挺起胸脯,昂起头颅的时候,你会感到那种不如别人的感觉再也不能压迫你了,你已经是一个全新的人,没有人可以让你感到自卑! 上课的时候,你会懒懒散散地坐在那儿吗?你会不注意听讲吗?你会打嗑睡吗?不会,因为你是一个优秀的人,一个优秀的人在各方面都是优秀的。 自习课上,你还会感到无事可做吗?不会的,你有那么明确的目标,你要成为清华、北大的学生,或者将来的一个成功的企业家,而现在正是你为之努力的时候,你会白白浪费这有限的时间吗? 遇到难题,不做了?你不会的,你会象一个真正的实干家那样,从一点一滴做起,看看是哪些知识不清楚而导致你不会做的。你会努力学习,勤奋思考,不耻下问,不达目的誓不罢休。 象一个优秀的人那样去做,习惯于做一个优秀人的所做的一切,你就是一个优秀的人,在通向成功的这条路上,没有什么能够挡得住你! 成了优秀的人,将获得更多更大的机会和空间,来思考和训练最有效的做事、做人的方法,以获得经验,直到杰出,于是又可以睡觉了,因为杰出的人可以不浪费时间解决问题。当然还可以酣畅淋漓的放屁,因为杰出的人可以将屁放成艺术,我绝对相信比尔盖茨在大会上放屁会上时代周刊的头版,报道称:比尔风趣的说“人这一辈子,很多事就象我刚才放屁一样,要敢于吐旧排陈,否则如何吸收新东西”。比尔尚且如此,我们有什么理由不打败自己!

文章要有明确的主题,必须具备4个条件:准确、鲜明、深刻、集中。以作文“The English teacher I Admire Most”为例,文章的主题是关于记叙我最欣赏的一位英语老师,因而就不能泛泛谈论老师这一职业或自己的几位老师。2. 草拟提纲 文章布局要做好3件事:安排好层次段落,铺设好过渡,处理好开头和结尾。...

【篇一:如何做一个好学生】 作为新一代的我们,应该从小做一个胸怀大志,品学兼优的好少年,努力使自己成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律、爱祖国的无产阶级革命事业接班人。好好学习!用智慧和文化武装自己,长大后报效祖国。 争当一名新世纪的祖国好少年,犹有路标,使我从中找到自己的向导;犹如目标,使我从中找到...

你是不是对英语非常苦手,遇到英语作文就无处从下手非常头疼,没有写作思路呢?下面我就分享三篇关于如何做一个好学生的英语作文吧, 翻译也给出来了哦,希望能打开你的思路,让你下笔如有神!写作思路:分多点来写你对于如何做一个好学生的想法。记得适当用上关联词,比如说;首先、然后、其次、最后等等。 作文一: ...




“争取做一名好学生”作文的核心是什么呢?就是针对自己目前的状况,要反复思考,要打开思路,再加上有足够的语言表述,写作就会成为一种自我表达的乐事。譬如说,从社会的角度讲,一个学生没有偷盗(stealing),不讲粗话(badmouthing),远离说谎(lying),基本上是个好孩子了。我们可以这样写: As long as we avoid doing...

当她考得不好,她就静静地呆在那里,也许是在反省自己吧! XXX,她就是这样一个人,善解人意,为人正直,虚心向上。我为有这样一位朋友感到高兴。 作文四:《我的一位同学》500字 我的一位同学 有一位俊俏的小姑娘,漂亮的马尾辫上扎着蝴蝶结,两条黑黑的眉毛下闪动着两颗宝石般的眼睛,她的眼睫毛可漂亮了。她...

希望好的同学能变得更好,学坏了的同学要好好学习,天天向上,争取夺个第一名。 4. 以写一位勤劳好学的人为题写作文400字要举两个例子 在每个人的身边,也许都会有一些让你佩服的人。我的身边也有这样的一个人,她就是我的同学——小淇。她相貌平平,但勤奋好学。 记得在一个酷热难耐的夏天傍晚,小淇放学回家,...

学习实际上就是提高语文素质和语文能力的一个过程。那就是他们阅读量大、阅读范围广,而且一边读一边写,经常写读后感。 读,是提高阅读理解能力的一个有效途径。可以提高自己的阅读理解能力。也是一个积累语文基础知识和作文素材的手段。写出来的文章也不会空洞干巴,而是洋洋洒洒,言之有物了。 写,在作文方面。虽然说...

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孛启冠心: A Good Student Must Have:Honest、Study Hard and High IQ As a student,how can we became a good student? First,you must be honest to everyone.A honest person will make everyone beleives you.Because they think you are worth beleiving....

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