
作者&投稿:兴聪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In most cultures, when you meet acquaintances for the first time during a day, it is normal to greet them. The main purpose of this greeting is to 56 a good relationship between the people 57 and each language usually has 58 set phrases which can be used for this purpose. Sometimes, though, there can be 59 differences in the type of phrases which can be used, and cultural misunderstandings can easily 60. The following is a true example.
  A young British woman went to Hong Kong to work, and at the time of her 61 she knew nothing about the Chinese culture of language. 62 her way to school one day, she went to the bank to get some money. 63, the bank clerk asked her if she had had her lunch. She was extremely surprised 64 such a question because in the British culture it would be 65 an indirect invitation to lunch. Between unmarried young people it can also 66 the young man’s interest in dating the girl. 67 this bank clerk was a complete stranger 68 the British girl, she was very much taken aback(生气), and hastily commented that she had eaten 69. After this she 70 to school and was even more surprised when one of the teachers asked the same question. By now she 71 why they asked it.73 the following days she was asked the same question again and again. Only much later 74 that the question had no real meaning 75 –it was merely a greeting.
  56. A. build on B. build up
  C. build into D. build out
  57. A. concerned B. concern
  C. concerning D. to concern
  58. A. a number of B. the number of
  C. the amount of D. an amount of
  59. A. considered B. considering
  C. considerable D. considerate
  60. A. raise B. raise
  C. arouse D. lead
  61. A. arrive B. arrived
  C. arrives D. arrival
  62. A. In B. To
  C. By D. On
  63. A. To her disappointment B. In her disappointment
  C. To her surprise D. In her surprise
  64. A. on B. at
  C. to D. with
  65. A. regarded as B. defined as
  C. looked as D. thought as
  66. A. reflect B. intend
  C. release D. indicate
  67. A. Since B. That
  C. Far D. With
  68. A. with B. by
  C. to D. at
  69. A. yet B. already
  C. too D. at all
  70. A. processed B. produced
  C. provided D. proceeded
  71. A. released B. relieved
  C. realized D. regretted
  72. A. with regards B. as to
  C. as if D. as far as
  73. A. In B. On
  C. At D. For
  74. A. she discovered B. she did discover
  C. did she discover D. does she discover
  75. A. above all B. after all
  C. in all D. at all
  标准答案:56-60 BAACB
  61-65 DDCBA
  66-70 DACBD
  71-75 CBACD

7D(so在句首的部分倒装)按题意 carelessly drive应是过去动作,故选D。
8B(全部倒装--early in the morning 位于句首,符合全部倒装的要求)后句用过去完成时故前句动词应为过去式,排除AC; 后句为以news为中心的定语从句,故连接词应用that,因此选B。
11D(not only在句首的部分倒装),前半句句意为“他被强迫留在家里”故选D
12C(not until在句首的部分倒装)
16D(hardly在句首的部分倒装) sat 发生在came动作前,故应用过去完成时;另,固定搭配:hardly……when,故选D。


正确答案:选D. clearly

即:Dr Watson wrote his name clearly and carefully at the top of the paper.

翻译:Watson 博士认真地清晰地在这张纸的顶端写下了自己的名字。

解析:A. anxiously 焦急地;B. attentively 认真地;C. obviously 明显地;显然地;D. clearly 清楚地,清晰地




B。 本题考查词义辨析
A.anxiously 焦急地,担忧地
B.attentively 聚精会神地
C.obviously 明显地,显然地.
D.clearly 清楚地

Dr Waston -------且仔细的将自己的名字写在这张纸的最上面

A,焦急的,B,聚精会神的 C,明显的 D,清晰的、清楚的



一般是用于 be excited at “在。。。的影响下而激动 be excited about “关于某事而激动”She is very excited about\/at winning the first prize.赢得首奖,她激动不已。PS:太多年没有用英语了,如有错漏,请原谅。还有,下次,要解释的话,还请给点分。敲字不容易呀。

1. 形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词,形容词或副词。本题第一空需要选择形容词来修饰名词cough, 故用terrible; seem 后确实是形容词ill. 但第二空正是需要选择一个副词来修饰这个形容词ill, 故用terriblely.2. keep doing表示坚持做...; keep+宾语+形容词:此时形容词作宾语补足语,keep your e...

【解析】此题容易误选A或B或C。选A的同学是由于草率做题造成的,因为这里空格后面是个复数名词,而不是单数可数名词,因此不能选A。选B或C的同学是由于汉语思维的影响引起的,汉语中说“另外两个”,但是英语中要说other two或two more,这与汉语的习惯不一样。正确答案为D。其实,another后面也可以接一些表示时间...

答案 C 原句的意思是 :这小孩太小,不能自己穿衣服。 dress在这里做动词 dress oneself 是自己穿衣服的意思。wear 是指已经穿好的 而这里这个小孩太小而不能自己穿衣服。强调的是过程。所以选C

你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案:选C. had arrived 即:If only the letter had arrived there in time!翻译:如果这封信能及时到达那里就好了!(实际上没有及时送到)解析:这是与过去事实相反的非真实条件句,用虚拟语气,形式是从句中用had + 过去分词,主句中用would + have + ...

你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案:选A 即:— What has made our city Dalian that she is taday?—It is the Party’s policy that has made it take on a new look.翻译:什么使我们的城市大连变成今天这个样子?是党的政策使它换了新面貌。解析:第一个空肯定用what,特殊疑问句...

而In quarter没有定冠词修饰,到底是一个一刻钟还是两个一刻钟还是多个一个钟我们就看不出来,意思表达就不完整了,所以我们得加一个定冠词修饰它 第二道选C A year and a half固定用法。连词只能用and而不能用with排除BD ,而A选项跟上一道题目相似,错在half前没有加出一个定冠词。

spend这个动词的用法就是这样的 花时间的话spend + ... + (in) doing sth spend \/ spend \/ ◙verb (spent, spent \/ spent \/ )1. ~ sth (on sth \/ on doing sth) to give money to pay for goods, services,etc.• 用,花(钱):▪[VN]»I've spent all ...

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91. The traveler drank up _ little water there was left in the bottle.a. in which b. that c. no matter how d. what 答:问者所说的C,是指原题中的C吧,就你现在的A,对吧?上面是我从别的网站拷贝来的类似题目。其实这个What并不是很好理的,既然你懂了,就不多说了。说说no ...

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