
作者&投稿:阿张 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2、Means pure,beautiful like flowers
3、My name means flowers
4、Nothing special
5、Like hua,fen,yan and zhen and so many!
6、My parents
7、Not sure.they given a name from many ways.
8、By the traditional family story or maybe by the season he/she borned.
9、I usually go shopping with my friends to spend the weekend
10、Shopping ,washing ,sleeping to noontime,and ...
11,It depends
12, In leisure time,i like playing badminton with my friends.
13,Many,like sleeping ,shoping ,playing games,etc.
14,Because they have big pressure in work or study life.it's necessary to have leisure i think.
15,For me i like watching news from TV.
16,Chatting with friends online.
17,I usually watch TV in evening
18,Window shopping
19/20,I often have a shower to relax myself or go out walking
22,Yes,i do
24,Yes, i do
25,Yes,i do
26,Do more sports make you stronger
27,Playing balls
28,Anyplace expecially free sports center
29,Yes,i know,there are many place like school playgrand
30,Yes ,it's important and of course good for helth
31,Yes,i like.i usually go to downtown visit with my friends
32,They may go to see a film,to play games,to visit friens,etc.

Thank you,but so many similar questions.

A pen.
Please cao Michael.
Thank you!

1.I think is fast music,it can make people excited.
2.Pop better.
3.Yes,I do.
4.Yes,because it can relax myself.
5.It depends.
6.I think no.
7.I think it's difficult to say,also it depends.
9.They want to care them.
10.Dogs,they can protect you and it every lovely as well as.
11.Yes,because pets are weaker than ourselves.
12.1).Yes 2)No because I think is evry cruel.
13.No idea.(sexy..)
15.Yes,I do.
17.I'm very glad to help you,but there isn't enough money in my pocket.
19.I dont't know.
20.Brand name.



真简单...= =
1、i think it is slow music,because slow music can relax ourselves and sounds more beautiful.
2 i prefer classical music ,it can last for a long time in my heart
3 of course music can.music can do lots of things for people in different cases .as what you said to calm people, to cheer them up, or to increase efficiency
4 yes i do,because i enjoy singing a lot.it can bring joy and confidence to me.
5 it's a really good question i think .well,
my opinion is that i am not interested much in the large amounts of money spent on ads for two competing products and i can't agree with them who do that
6 it depends.i think mostly we shouldn't buy things according to what ads say because the ads are not telling the truth.

1.what kind of music do most people prefer,slow or fast music?can you guess why>
It's hard to a difinite conclusion.. it depends. I think this has something to do with people's moods and personalities. A person in high spirits often enjoys quick-tempo music. When one feels blue,the choice is more likely to be slow, sad music to fit that mook. It semms to me that race may also play a role inour choice of music. Asians, like Chinese , Japanese and Koreans often enjoy melodies. The famous "Liang Zhu:, or "te romance of the butterfly, is a case in point. When we move westward, to India and Europe, for example, we can easily observe th e difference, for the musical rhythm there suddenly accelerates, and the music becomes more lively and upbeat.

2.what kind ofmusic do yu prefer, classical music or pop music?
personally, i prefer pop music, though i have no ovjection to classical music. classical mucic composed by such great musicians as Beethoven and Mozart is indeed brilliant, but few people can really appreciateit , let alone play or sing it. pop music is defferent. as the name suggests, it is popular with all people. we can easily understand pop songs. what's more anyone can sing pop songs without much difficulty sice they require little professional training. thus, the distance between the singer on the stage and the audience narrow. from time to time, the singer walks down to shake hands with fand, while the latter often sing along with their idols.

3. do you thin music can affect people's lives, for example, to calm people, to cheer them up, or to increase efficiency?
Generally speaking, i think so. at least this is true of most people. mothers tend to hum a soothing lullaby instead of a military march to their babies. at a sports meeting ,the music is often fast and vigorous. seldom is a painfully slow serenade played. with reapect to the issue of effciency, I'm afraid it is rather controversial. quite a few students prefer to listen to a walkman or a diskman while they are doing thier homework. ont the other hand, many demand absolute silence before they can concentrate on their academic work.

4. do you like singing karaoke? why?
i like to sing at a karaoke bar to relax. To my mind, this has at least two advantages. First, i can sing whatever i like to the accompaninment of the music from the TV. Second, after singing loudly or even screaming for a while, i often feel relaxed and forget my worries.

5.Both sides spend piles of money to produce cool ads, but in face they will only cancel out each other's effort. Neither side will gain. Eventually, the large sums spent on advertising will be passed on to consumers. Sounds bad, doesn't it? But we have no alternative. If we alow ads for one product but forbid ads for another, this means unfair competition. As a result, one product will turn out to be successful, while the other is sure to have a poor market.
should we baan ads altogether? This seems fair to all manufacturers. but consumers will not have enough information about products to make a choice. Worse still, they may not even know a new product has been turned ot, let alone buy it.
Perhaps we had better acfcept ads, but we can impose restrictions on them to protect consumers' interests. For exaple, an ad should not include an untruthful statement or exaggeration. also, advertisers should not claim that their products are superior to oters, Restrictions like these may partly compensate for the shortcomings of advertisements.

zi ji hui da,ni shi yi ge xue sheng ba,zhe me lan,yi hou zen me kao daxue


这么多才20分?Is too ``````````````````````


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宜要珍宝:[答案] 心水一版本 问题题号1 see to it that = see that = make sure that = ensure that 要注意使...;务必要... see to it that 中的to 是介词,后面不能加do. 形式主语、形式宾语it. (1) appreciate/dislike/hate/like/love/make+形式宾语it+由if或when 引导的宾语从句. ...

隆尧县18344679898: 谁能帮我回答以下英语题?不懂得不要乱答,谢谢.11.The mother - _ - the baby from his deep sleep.A.arousedB.roseC.aroseD.raised12.That's the ... -
宜要珍宝:[答案] A.arouse 唤醒 D.表原因 C.过去将来时 A.mind doing sth C.call off 取消

隆尧县18344679898: 急求!请帮我用英文回答下面的问题,谢谢!要回答的问题:tell us something about the book you like best.急求!有哪位热心的网友能帮我回答吗?万分感谢! -
宜要珍宝:[答案] It is very interesting.And it is of help and use to us. What's more,we can learn plenty of knowledge from it. In a word,we can improve ourselves through reading it.

隆尧县18344679898: 帮我解答以下英语问题 谢谢
宜要珍宝: 前提:我们也要做这个、 1.停车坐爱枫林晚 霜叶红于二月花. carriage:运输 sight:视力 maple:枫 frosty:霜冻 2. (1)年龄age 只有年龄从不下降一直都在上升 (2)He wants have a hot dog他想要一根热狗 (3)Mom,because dad is father,Ps :father 音近farther更远的 楼主、你没打出来的那个刚好就是我没有写的那个 我也想顺便问一下:What is the difference between the 南极和北极 南极和北极有什么不同啊、

隆尧县18344679898: 会英文的都帮个忙吧!!!!!帮我回答以下的几个问题.谢谢 -
宜要珍宝: when do you sleep.... ? about 9 to 10 PMhow often 问题可以用:quite oftennot so oftenwhenever I can (i.e. I do it very often).Once in a while (s...

隆尧县18344679898: 英语口语考试、帮忙给以下题目做个回答、谢谢 -
宜要珍宝: 1、What are the essential qualities to success?Patience combined with diligence is necessary to success Diligence is often the door to success2、What's your opinion on low-carbon life?Low carbon life means new healthy life for us.taking it will ...

隆尧县18344679898: 帮忙回答下英文问题!速度!来人. 谢谢啊.要求:1.全用英语回答 2.尽量能简单点 因为这是口试 3.要在10分钟以上1.自我介绍2.为什么要来国际部3.进来国际... -
宜要珍宝:[答案] 为什么要来国际部? 1,参加过那个夏令营活动,喜欢外国的教学方式,想出国 2,姐姐通过国际部出国了,让你看到了这条道路 3,国际部的教学方式 进来国际部之后的打算 可以从学习上 思想上 生活上啊等等来谈 也可以假定一个计划 比方说你打...

隆尧县18344679898: 请帮忙解答一个英语问题,谢谢! -
宜要珍宝: in order 整齐,秩序井然;按顺序;状况良好 in order to do 为了做某事 in order that + 从句 为了...

隆尧县18344679898: 帮忙解答一下英语题目,谢谢了..THANK YOU!
宜要珍宝: 1.D( asking for old tv sets表示some signs的状态所以ask用V-ing形式) 2.D(.Everything 是单数,用says) 3.B (The number of 应用单数)4.D(Not only... but 前面...处应用倒装)

隆尧县18344679898: 帮忙答一下下面的英语题
宜要珍宝: sells 主动表被动 stayed is / has been 固定句式 It is / has been +一段时间 + since +一般过去时

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