avalization 是什么

作者&投稿:乾闸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Convertible Promissory Note Purchase Agreement是什么意思~

你好,意思为 可转换本票购买协议
Article 74 the drawer of a promissory note shall have a reliable source of funds for paying the amount of the promissory note and ensure payment.


  英 [ælkəlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 美 [ælkəlaɪ'zeɪʃn]

  n.碱化; 碱性化;

  [网络]碱化酌; 成碱性; 加碱;

  [例句]This soil has the salinization and alkalization characteristic


  [其他]形近词: focalization vitalization arealization

Avalizing Party
I heard this term
recently and searched for a good explanation - here it is:

What Does Aval
A guarantee added to a debt obligation by a third party who ensures
payment should the issuing person default.

The debt obligation could be
a note, bond, promissory note, or draft. The third party providing the aval is
usually a bank. Since avals can be forged, caution should be taken when
accepting these notes. Banks usually only provide an aval to issuers with very
good credit ratings.

The process of avalizing is performed mainly in
Europe. In the United States, banks have restrictions as to what instruments may
be provided an aval.

What Does Avalize Mean?
The act of having a
third party (usually a bank or lending institution) guarantee the obligations of
a buyer to a seller per the terms of a contract such as a promissory note or
purchase agreement. The bank, by "avalizing" the document (usually "by aval"
will be written on the document itself), acts as a cosigner with the buyer in
the transaction.

Investopedia explains Avalize
To avalize means "to
give one's accord". It is a rarely used but is an effective method of securing
the rights of the receiving party in the transaction. This is an obligation that
a bank will only take on with lucrative customers. It is seen as an act of good
faith by both parties.

In Sweden you will find the rules about “aval” in
the 4th chapter of the 1932 Draft Act and in the same chapter of the 1932 Check

裕安区13354578188: avalization 是什么 -
郑泄复方: 好象是一种向(保证买方一定对卖方付款的)第三方交付的费用.详情见下:Avalizing Party I heard this term recently and searched for a good explanation - here it is:What Does Aval Mean?A guarantee added to a debt obligation by a third party ...

裕安区13354578188: avalization 是什么 -
郑泄复方: 任务占坑

裕安区13354578188: Virtualization是什么? -
郑泄复方: Virtualization即虚拟化技术,虚拟化是一个广义的术语,在计算机方面通常是指计算元件在虚拟的基础上而不是真实的基础上运行.虚拟化技术可以扩大硬件的容量,简化软件的重新配置过程.CPU的虚拟化技术可以单CPU模拟多CPU并行,...

裕安区13354578188: CPU virtualization 是什么意思 -
郑泄复方: 1. CPU virtualization 释义:中央处理器的虚拟化技术. 2. VT技术带给我们的最大改进是可以同时运行多个系统, 有了VT技术,就可以在一台服务器上运行多个操作系统,从而大幅降低成本.3. CPU简介: 1. 中央处理器简介. 2. 是电子计...

裕安区13354578188: valorization是什么意思 -
郑泄复方: valorization 英[ˌvælərə'zeɪʃən] 美[ˌvælərə'zeɪʃən] n. 物价稳定措施; [例句]From the result, we can see that most medical services costs are higher than thevalorization. 结果表明,大部分项目的测算成本高于现行收费标准.

裕安区13354578188: bios里有个virtualization选项,这个是干什么用的啊,大侠们给小弟解惑下. -
郑泄复方: virtualization是虚拟化, 这个字段指定是否在虚拟机监视器(VMM)可以利用Intel提供额外的硬件(R)的虚拟化技术能力.这个字段指定是否在虚拟机监视器(VMM)可以利用Intel提供额外的硬件(R)的虚拟化技术能力. 在下认为好像是在一个操作系统上,虚拟另一个系统吧

裕安区13354578188: 法国农科院有个valorization部门,请问中文什么意思?谢谢各位大虾! -
郑泄复方: 这个是制订政府稳定物价措施的部门,主要是农业方面的

裕安区13354578188: virtualization是什么意思 -
郑泄复方: virtualizationn. [计] 虚拟化 虚拟化硬件虚拟化虚拟化技术虚构化 短语 File Virtualization 文件虚拟化 ; 档案虚拟化 OS Virtualization 虚拟化 ; 虚拟操作系统技术 ; 操作系统虚拟化 ; 虚拟操作系统 virtualization software 虚拟化软件 ; 虚拟软体

裕安区13354578188: virtualization是什么意思 for direct i/o -
郑泄复方: virtualization 英 [vɜ:tʃʊəlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 美 [vɜ:tʃʊrlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 虚拟化;虚拟功能;虚拟整合;虚拟化技术;虚拟技术 virtualization for direct i/o 意思是:用于直接i/o的虚拟化(技术) 分析:i/o 计算机术语,指input/output即输入输出

裕安区13354578188: pch dxe initialization是什么意思,华硕m5g主板,开不了机 -
郑泄复方: 重装系统后,开机进不了系统的原因可能是还未设置硬盘启动. 进入bios,将启动盘改成硬盘启动即可.

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