
作者&投稿:蓝咬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
简单的日常英语对话 要多一些~

Hi, Sweetie!
嗨, Sweetie!
Hi, Winni! What's up?
嗨, Winni! 怎么了?
Nothing special, hey, you changed hairstyle!
How do you feel?
That looks great!
Thank you.
Where did you have your hair waved?
It is a beatuty salon near my home, My mother took me there last Satdurday. There are also many stores nearby.
Did you buy something?
Yes, my monther brought me a new school bag, it is very cute.
Can I have a look?
Sure, look, here it is.
Wow.... it is so nice, I will ask my mother to buy me one as well!
Hey, time's up! Let;s hurry to school!
OK! Let's go!
Welcome to our hotel, miss Henry. 欢迎来到我们酒店,享利小姐。
It’s no big deal.
没什么大不了的。 6. Let’s get started.咱们开始干吧。
劝导别人时说:Don’t just talk. Let’s get started.

you‘re wanted on the phone,Captain Smith. 史密斯船长,有你的电话。
An eye for an eye.
An eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind!

Let’s face it. 面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。
I know it’s a difficult situation. Let’s face it, OK?

Good morning!
Good morning!
How are you?
Fine,thank you.How about you?
I'm fine.
It's a nice day,isn't it?
Yeah.But the weather reporter said it would rain heavily in the afternoon.
Oh,that's not cool.I didn't bring my umbrella.
Well.Me,either.But maybe it will not.
Maybe,I hope.
Oh,I gotta go.Nice to meet you.
Glad to meet you,too.See ya.
See you later.

A: What can I do for you ?
B: I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
A: How old is your daughter ?
B: She is twelve years old.
A: This way, please. What kind of skirt do you want ?
B: I’d like this one.
A: What colour do you like ?
B: Green.
A: What about this one ?
B: This green is too dark. Have you got any other colours ?
A: Sorry, we haven’t. We have just sold them out.
B: Well, let me look at the dress.
A: Who is it for ?
B: It’s for myself.
A: This kind of dress is very nice and cheap. What size do you want ?
B: Size M. Can I try it on, please ?
A: Certainly. Here you are.
B: What’s it made of ?
A: It’s made of silk.
B: How much does it cost ?
A: One hundred and ninety-eight.
B: That’s too expensive. Can it be cheaper ?

A: Well, how about one hundred and ninety yuan.
B: No, it’s still expensive. What about one hundred and fifty ?
A: Er…all right. Please take it.
二 看病
A: Hello, what’s wrong with you?
B: I’ve got a headache and a bad cough.
A: Have you taken your temperature?
B: Yes. I have a fever.
A: Have you had anything /your breakfast?
B: No. I don’t feel liking eating.
A: Do you sleep well?
B: Yes, I just want to sleep.
A: How long have you been like this?/What did it start?
B: Ever since last night./Last night.
A: Let me look over you. Open your mouth and say “Ah…”
B: Is it serious?
A: No. Nothing serious. You’ve just had a bad cold. Take the medicine three times a day, and have a test. You ‘ll be better soon.
B: Thank you.
三 问路
A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office?
B: Sorry. I’m a stranger here. You may ask the police-man over there.
A: Thank you all the same.
A: Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office?
C: Go along this road. Take the 2nd turning on the right. Cross the bridge. Then walk along the river. The post office is just on your right hand.
A: Is it far from here?
C: No, it isn’t far. It’s about 20 minutes’ walk. You can take the No.3 bus.
A: Where is the bus stop?
C: It’s over there on the other side of the road.
A: Thank you.
C: You’re welcome.
四 打电话
A: Hello,27894218.
B: Hello, may I speak to Lucy?
A: Hold on for a moment. Sorry, Lucy isn’t in at the moment.
B: Is that Mrs Green speaking?
A: No. This is Lily speaking.
B: Hi. Lily. When will Lucy be back?
A: She won’t be back until 5:00 p.m. Can I take a message?
B: Thank you. This is Allen. Would you ask her to call me this evening?
A: Hi, Allen. What’s your telephone number?
B: My telephone number is 3658974.
A: OK! I’ll give it to her.
B: Thank you. Goodbye.
A: Bye.
五 请求
A: May I come in.
B: Come in, please.
A: Excuse me! May I have a piece of paper, please?
B: Certainly. Take this piece.
A: Thank you. But it is too small. Do you have a bigger piece, please?
B: Yes, I do. Mm, let me see. Oh, it is in Mary’s desk. I’ll get it for you. Here you are.
A: Thank you very much.

A: How much is this clothes? 这件衣服多少钱?
B: It costs $125. 125美元。
A: That’s unreasonable! I’d take it for $100. How about$ 100?
B: Sorry, but you can take it by $110. 要110美元。
A:Well, I’ll take it. 好的,我就买一件吧。



That‘s unreasonable! I‘d take it for (100�0�6.)

How about (100�0�6)?

I‘d buy this if it were cheaper.


Lower the price, and I‘ll consider it.

It‘s a little overpriced.

I like everything about it except the price.

If I buy more than one, will you give me a discount?



A: What can I do for you ?
B: I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
A: How old is your daughter ?
B: She is twelve years old.
A: This way, please. What kind of skirt do you want ?
B: I’d like this one.
A: What colour do you like ?
B: Green.
A: What about this one ?
B: This green is too dark. Have you got any other colours ?
A: Sorry, we haven’t. We have just sold them out.
B: Well, let me look at the dress.
A: Who is it for ?
B: It’s for myself.
A: This kind of dress is very nice and cheap. What size do you want ?
B: Size M. Can I try it on, please ?
A: Certainly. Here you are.
B: What’s it made of ?
A: It’s made of silk.
B: How much does it cost ?
A: One hundred and ninety-eight.
B: That’s too expensive. Can it be cheaper ?
A: Well, how about one hundred and ninety yuan.
B: No, it’s still expensive. What about one hundred and fifty ?
A: Er…all right. Please take it.http://www.douban.com/note/290403023/

A:What's the weather like today?
B:It's fine.


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