
作者&投稿:登匡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

厉害了, 这种事 我不会做!!

My hometown
In the cool autumn autumn grandfather in Maple
spill a lot of wine.But the red maple leaf is like drinking not drunk
wine Han,depriving the autumn grandfather sprinkle spill light,they are
still not drunk.Go in Maple tread Maple paved path,like the step on the
red carpet rustling voices can be comfortable.
grandmother blowing waves of biting wind.Small snowflake fluttering in
the sky,dancing a beautiful dance,beautiful!Children out of the house to
come here,with thick gloves,wearing colorful cotton happily in the
snow,snowmen,snowball fights!
This is my home,all year round so beautiful.

Today I would like to tell you how to cook Great Chicken Sandwich.You need three slices of bread, jam,chicken, cabbage and some salt. Firstly, you need to cut the chicken and the cabbage into pieces. Secondly, you should put them on a slice of bread. Next, put some jam on it. Then, cover it with another slice of bread. After that, you should do the same thing again. Finally, drop some salt on the bread if you like. And the Great Chicken Sandwich is ready.

下面分享3篇《我学会了做饭》作文,供大家参考。 学会了做饭400字【第1篇】 到现在,妈妈还说我对家务活一窍不通,今天,我就和妈妈打个赌,我来给他做道菜! ,妈妈回来了,大包小包全放到我面前。我袋子,发现里面有土豆、洋葱、鸡蛋和一些火腿。妈妈话了:“今天我要你做三道菜:第一道是土豆炒洋葱;第...


《学做一道菜》 作文 600字左右,急要怎么办呢?怎么办 此次放假,我要学做一道菜,说实话我第一反应便是做西红柿炒鸡蛋,又省事,但妈妈却笑眯眯地打破了我的幻想,非要我们学道有些难度的菜,不能采取应付的态度。我回到家皱眉左思右想,也想不出一道令我自己满意的菜来,突然有天家里来了朋友妈妈做拿手好菜招待...

学炒菜日记600字作文5 我很喜欢吃妈妈做的菜,所以我一直都有一个愿望,就是学会炒菜,这样就可以做自己喜欢吃的菜了。于是我要求妈妈教我一道菜,妈妈说教我做番茄炒鸡蛋,我非常高兴,立刻操练了起来。 按照妈妈说的 方法 ,首先把番茄放在开水里烫了一会儿,再拿出来撕去皮后,放在菜板上便开始切。谁知,番茄在菜...


我小心翼翼地把面盛到碗里,端到餐桌上,当妈妈回到家后,看到桌子上的面条,很惊讶,我跑出来,给了妈妈一个拥抱,说:“妈妈,辛苦了,吃面吧!”“谢谢。”妈妈高兴地说! 看到妈妈感动的笑容,我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人! 为妈妈做饭作文400字 篇4 爸爸妈妈每天上班很辛苦,我决定帮他们做一道菜。过年要红红火...

我学会了做饭四年级作文400字5 今天我要为爸爸妈妈做一道菜,我想了又想,该做什么菜呢? 一番思索之后,我想到外婆经常做的西红柿炒鸡蛋,这个对我来说,难度还不算太大。 首先我要把火打开,我从小就怕火,但是我也硬着头皮把火开到了中火。然后我把鸡蛋打碎,把蛋清和蛋黄放到碗里搅拌均匀。接着锅烧热了以后...

妈妈的一道菜作文 要妈妈做的
看妈妈烧菜 星期天,妈妈准备做我最喜欢吃的红烧狮子头,我认真地看妈妈是怎样做这道菜的。妈妈先把买来的肉末放入盆里,加入姜末、用筷子向一个方向搅拌,接着又将准备好的火腿、香菇、黑木耳等,和面包粉两包,一同放入盆中进行搅拌。很快就搅成了一个大肉团。再点火,锅内加食油,油热了,将...


果然没有“意外受伤”。过了几分钟后,西红柿炒蛋就做成了。妈妈先来品尝,说:“怎么有点甜,你是不是把糖和盐搞混了?快去加点盐吧!” 爸爸尝一口说:“不错呀,第一次做能做成这样,就很不错了,下次一定会做得更好!”今天我很高兴极了,因为我学会做一道菜了。

曹县19150629845: 请以My favourite food为题写一篇50字英语单词小短文介绍你最喜欢的菜的制作过程 -
赵俭凯宝:[答案] My favourite food is mushrooms. I like them because I think they are very delicious and nutritious. There are many kinds of ... Apples are healthy food. So I like them very much. Do you like them,too? I like ice-cream best. I like it very much because it is ...

曹县19150629845: 英语作文 关于做一道菜的具体过程英语作文! 做一道菜! 要有用到的材料 还有过程! 例如! 先放什么! 在放什么! 具体一点的! 谁有呢! 谢谢! 急用! -
赵俭凯宝:[答案] 1.Pork and Vegetable Dumplings Mix some pork,leafy vegetables and salt.Then make small circles of dough. Put the meat,leafy vegetable and salt on the dough.Close the dough around the meat. Put the dumpling into a wok with hot water. Now,it's time ...

曹县19150629845: 用英语写做一道菜的过程可以参考一下单词:recipe,ingredient,chop,mix,combine,blend,toss,fry,preheat,heat,cool,boil,steam,add,simmer,bake,cook,melt,... -
赵俭凯宝:[答案] Cabbage1.Cabbage heart the root pares into a sharp form with the small Yin, on breaking two halfs cut into 7 Li rices long, the cabbage, ham of 0.6 Li rices breadth, the bamboo shoot cuts into a spare...

曹县19150629845: 英语作文 关于做一道菜的具体过程 -
赵俭凯宝: 1.Pork and Vegetable Dumplings Mix some pork,leafy vegetables and salt.Then make small circles of dough. Put the meat,leafy vegetable and salt on the dough.Close the dough around the meat. Put the dumpling into a wok with hot water. Now,it's ...

曹县19150629845: 写一篇如何做西红柿炒鸡蛋的作文.用英语,60词 -
赵俭凯宝:[答案] 西红柿炒鸡蛋既简单又好吃,你会做吗?下面我为大家介绍一下吧 鸡蛋打散,切好葱花蒜片备用 锅烧热,放入鸡蛋,旺火... 翻炒片刻滴几滴油即可出锅,点缀香菜或香葱装盘. Scrambled egg with tomato is simple and delicious,what would you do?...

曹县19150629845: 急需一篇英语小作文不用太长,不用太难,要一个用英语描述做一道菜的
赵俭凯宝: We need some eggs and tomatoes.First, you open five eggs and pour them into a ... scatter half a spoon of salt and some concoctions you like.An easy but delicious dish is ...

曹县19150629845: 用英语写一篇关于怎样制作北京烤鸭的作文用first...next...then...finally写成一篇50词左右的作文. -
赵俭凯宝:[答案] 1, a complete selection of the Beijing duck, cut from the trachea boost the morale of the Department to flesh separated from the body muster. 2, the Ducks will be cut open to remove the viscera, and then into an approximately 2-inch-long wooden sticks, ...

曹县19150629845: 一篇英语作文,怎样做一道菜 -
赵俭凯宝: Cabbage 1.Cabbage heart the root pares into a sharp form with the small Yin, on breaking two halfs cut into 7 Li rices long, the cabbage, ham of 0.6 Li rices breadth, the bamboo shoot cuts into a sparerib slice and each chestnut up slices 10, fill with ...

曹县19150629845: 写一道菜的制作顺序英语作文150字 -
赵俭凯宝: 1.Cut the tomatoes into decent slices. 2.Crack two eggs into a bowl and beat with an egg beater until egg yolk is fully mixed with the egg whites. 3.Heat a pan on the stove for about one minute. 4.Add about two tea spoons of cooking oil and wait for ...

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