麻烦大神们帮我把一段话翻译成英文(/≧▽≦/) 梦想是什么?

作者&投稿:倪幸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


She has always been a feminist and refused to get married and those who, until he met, she would like to be idiots to him, and even want to give him a home of their own, she would like to take care of him at home, has never been done Not done housework, from now on have the opportunity to carefully how to cook for him to eat! He can not see the time will miss him very much for all family members say that they are like the people, of all understanding of their own people do not care about the boyfriend's Family does not care that do not have the money! They do not care about the surprised eyes! Right ah, he has no car, but she could accompany him to crowded public transportation, enjoy the taste of the University of love; he did not have a house, but they can live rented rooms, she can still regarded as their Xiaowoshinong the very warm; his very busy , Will not have a lot of time with her, but she will do a good job of meals at home, waiting for him to come back and mischievous to say: her husband, Kai Fan!
She fell in love with him because he will Shenbuyouji, she thought a return, do not care about other people's amazing eyes, she just want him! She would like to, from time to time to do the things people have surprised no big deal! To him, she may try to back efforts to have the original watched the first word to because he did not like, she would like to try to change their habits - she does not care about anyone but will he do for her every A trivial matter moved! Although many people say she has inevitably had to, but she still Yiwufangu! She can only hope that he can love her to understand her good intentions ~

What is the dream? I think it's a goal that'sworth your entire youth, even your entirelife. I have a dream, when a teacher.Teacher, what a noble job ah. The teachersfrom morning to evening every day, in orderto sow the seeds of education. Teacherssacrifice their own time, only to let thestudents get more knowledge. Teachersand even give up the family reunion, only tolet the students be adults, become thebackbone of the country! The teachers alllike a candle, lit up the others at theexpense of their own. And I just want to bea teacher. In order to be a teacher, I need tostudy hard and get into a normal university.I need to have dedication, dedication to thestudents. I need to have the patience toexplain to students not to mind taking thetrouble they couldn't understand theknowledge. I need...... All in all, it is urgentto study hard and prepare for the teacher.This is my dream, what about you?<br>Canincrease the reward,,,,这是百度翻译我也不知道对不对

What is your dream? I think dream is a goal that is worthy for you to spend your whole youth even whole life to accomplish. I have a dream that is become a teacher. Teacher, what a sublime Job! Teachers go out early and come back at dusk everyday, just for planting the seeds of education. Teachers sacrifiy their time to make their students gain more knowledge. Teachers even give up the chance that can unite with family, just for making the students become adults, become the backbone of the country. Teachers are like candles, sacrify themselves to illuminate others. That's the kind of teacher that I want to be. In order to become a teacher, I need to study hard and go to a normal university. I need to have dedication, offering myself up for students. I need to have patience, patiently teach them for anytime. I need.... All in all, the highest priority now is study hard, preparing to be a teacher. This is my dream, what about yours?


给我一些好段 快快快!!大神们帮帮忙
生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。 人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。 爱情是以微笑开始,以吻生长,以泪结束。 补充: 把你的脸迎 向阳 光,那就不会有阴影。 第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。 没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。 一个人有生就有...

the wild goose pagoda, the drum tower is to stay in the tang dynasty architecture, you can go to Yang baths 'to wash hot spring bath huaqing pool; As Chinese people can also go to the gathering is not far from xi 'an yellow emperor mausoleum ...

拟人: 1、风儿清唱著歌,唤醒了沉睡中的大地。 2、顽皮的雨滴最爱在雨伞上尽情的跳舞。 3、船头飞溅起的浪花,吟唱著欢乐的歌儿。 4、秋天到了,树上金红的果子露出了笑脸,她在向着我们点头微笑。 5、海棠果摇动着它那圆圆的小脸,冲着你点头 微笑。 6、那点薄雪好像忽然害了羞,...


老板每天嫌我干活太慢 虽然我已每天苦干实干 管它什麽 天大麻烦 久而久之 我会习惯 天下没有不要钱的午餐 女友发现我看美女一眼 她就罚我面壁思过一天 女友漂亮 受罚其实心甘 面壁太苦 墙上丑女太烂 麻烦 麻烦 麻烦 麻烦 麻烦 我很麻烦 麻烦 麻烦 麻烦 最近比较烦 比较烦 我比较烦 我的头发只剩...

教授手里举着一张100元面值的钞票说:“我打算把这100元送给在座的一位同学,谁想要?”同学们纷纷举起了手。教授把钞票揉成一团后,问:“谁还要?”依然有同学举起了手。接着,教授把钞票扔到了地上,又踏了几脚,然后才拾起钞票,问:“还有人要吗?”仍然有人举起了自己的手。 “同学们...

不要嫌烦。烦恼是活人专利。没有哪个死人抱怨。活着是一种责任,更是一种修行。好好生活才对得起母亲分娩,父亲奔波,爱人欣赏眼光,朋友关怀,对得起孩子崇拜目光 其实生活就是奋斗和收获,人生是短暂的,人生是应该有合适目标,人总是要有点精神的,无论做什么总是要有所作为的.生活应该丰富多彩.应该...

第一个故事 有一年登山社去登山,其中有一对感情很好的情侣在一起。当他们到山下准备攻峰时,天气突然转坏了,但是他们还是要执意的上山去。于是就留下那个女的看营地,可过了三天都没有看见他们回来。那个女的有点担心了,心想可能是因为天气的原因吧。等呀等呀,到了第七天,终于大家回来了,...

烦恼得我想不拉大神们帮帮忙 烦? 人生本来就是来面对烦恼的...其实只有自己才知道,什么是属于自己的烦恼...怎么解决只有自己知道,别人怎么说,那只是一个向引罢了... 希望采纳 为什么遇到挫折就会流泪呢?大神们帮帮忙 其实那是潜意识里的自责. 自己没有能力,自己没有做到最好.外界的评击和结果不过是一个导火线....

麻烦各位英语大神们帮翻译一小段论文,有个差不多就行,不甚感激啊!_百 ...
As we all know, teaching writing has always been regarded as secondary language teaching in half, the top priority. Language teaching in secondary schools is an important task is to train students to "write" capability. However, the reality has fallen into a gray composition teaching...

商城县14768309290: 英语翻译求英语大神帮我把一段国语小短文翻译成英文 请不要使用翻译工具感激不尽!在这个世上值得我们敬佩的英雄多如繁星,但我最敬佩的英雄只有3人.... -
呼雪羟苯:[答案] There's a lot of heroes be good for us to admire.But,just 3 of the heroes that i most respect.Speaking about hero,what is a really hero?For me,the person that makes astounding achievement are hero,the...

商城县14768309290: 英语翻译都是几句简单的话,麻烦帮我翻译成英文.1,亲爱的们,我要回来了.(注意哦,是将要回来,不是已经回来了)2,终于还是放你走了.3,不可以有... -
呼雪羟苯:[答案] 1,亲爱的们,我要回来了.(注意哦,是将要回来,不是已经回来了) Dear all,I am coming. 2,终于还是放你走了. Finally,let you go. 3,不可以有期待. No expectation is permitted.

商城县14768309290: 求帮我把一段话翻译成英文
呼雪羟苯:我们相隔在地球的两边 We were on opposite sides of the globe 识你、而已不认识硪 Know you don't know me, only 其中的一个 seal 尽管这样、硪还是那么的想念你 Even so, i still miss you so 来、已经成了一种习惯 Come and have become a habit 硪不奢求什么 I don't need any 只要能跟你在一天、真实的看你一眼就够了 As long as i can tell you in a day, true to see you just enough

商城县14768309290: 麻烦帮我翻译一段话,翻译成英文.谢谢!
呼雪羟苯: The earth is our common homeland of humanity to protect home environment is the responsibility of the people, but also duty-bound high school students responsibility, in order to have a better environment, we need to protect every inch of land on ...

商城县14768309290: 求大神帮我把下面一段话翻译成英文,谢谢啦~^ ^~
呼雪羟苯: We have the world full courage and curiosity, when total Ella a adult's hand run in the front, worry about missing even a little bit of fresh scenery. When you grow up, you can keep and have the curiosity and courage, to see the world and what we think is not the same.

商城县14768309290: 求大神帮我把这段话翻译成英文!!!十分急!!! -
呼雪羟苯: No matter in which era, young people's hearts are always full of dreams and hopes. Nearly nothing is impossible , because the dream of yesterday could be the hope of today ,and could also come true tomorrow. Dream is, far or close, large or small,...

商城县14768309290: 帮我翻译一段话成英语; -
呼雪羟苯: 我明天上午去供应商那里,下午回公司; Torrow morning I'll be going to meet the supplier and will be back to the company in the afternoon.

商城县14768309290: 麻烦英语大神帮我翻译一句话成英文 -
呼雪羟苯: 我会在吴圩机场和你表白:I will confess my feelings to you at Wuxu Airport. 自己翻译的,保证语法地道,正确.如对你有帮助,请及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒

商城县14768309290: 麻烦帮我把这段话英文翻译成英文,谢谢! -
呼雪羟苯: The students of 12 and 13 grade can check out with the card, check out time :11:20 - 11: 3512:55 - 13: 35 Other sessions, all students check out by check out article.With immediate effect.

商城县14768309290: 帮我把一段话翻译成英语 -
呼雪羟苯: All the family care about you, inclouding your cousin and I. You should be cautious about marriage, because it is so important a thing in our life. Really wish you happy forever ! And no matter what will happen in the future, the family are always with you....

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