求大神指名 do 和 to do , doing ,to doing 他们之间的区别与联系。很晕啊

作者&投稿:和司 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
to do和doing的区别是啥~

1) 谈及一项长期活动或开始一种习惯时,使用doing.
How old were you when you first started playing the piano?你几岁时开始弹钢琴?
2) begin,start用进行时时,后面动词用不定式to do
I was beginning to get angry.我开始生起气来.
3) 在 begin,start 后接know,understand,realize这类动词时,常用不定式to do
I begin to understand the truth.我开始明白真相.
4) 物作主语时
It began to melt.
只有三种情况只用start to do sth.
He is just starting to write the letter.
The ice started to melt.
She started to understand it.

1、begin to do sth是开始打算要做某事,是指事情还未做,准备开始做;begin doing sth 是指开始做某事,表示动作正在进行。
3、begin, start用进行时时,后面动词用不定式to do
4、在attempt, intend, begin, start 后接know, understand, realize这类动词时,常用不定式to do。

1、Suddenly all the men pull out pistols and begin blasting away.
2、You can't begin to imagine how much that saddens me.
3、If relations between Hanoi and Washington begin to normalise, anything is possible.
4、You begin to ask yourself what kind of person perpetrated this crime.
5、Some analysts believe that the government soon will begin relaxing economic controls.
6、When the aims of the partners begin to diverge, there'strouble.

do动词原形(情态动词后必须用动词原形), to do 动词不定式 这里的to 是不定式的标志(常表示目的) , doing 现在分词(表动作正在进行) , to doing 这里的to 是介词,介词后的动词得用分词形式。

(1) do sth (这个结构一般是以下几种情况)
ONE: 情态动词 +动词原形
She can speak six foreign languages
TWO :助动词+动词原形
We will go to Beijing tomorrow
THREE: 不带TO 的动词不定式做宾语补足语
His mother made the boy clean the room

(2) to do (这个结构一般是以下几种情况)
ONE: 动词不定式做宾语
He wants to become a scientist
TWO :动词不定式做宾语补足语
The teacher asked all the students to finish the examination in one hour
The thief was seen to go into this supermarket

(3) doing sth (这个结构一般是以下几种情况)
ONE: 动名词做宾语
They finished building this house three days ago
TWO :动名词做宾语补足语
We saw one thief stealing from one old man's wallet
This thief was seen stealing from one young lady's wallet on a crowded bus

(4) to doing (这个结构一般是以下几种情况)(注意:前面TO 是介词标志,需要接名词或者动名词)
ONE: 介词+动名词结构
The girl is not used to living in a strange environment
We are looking forward to seeing you again




甘谷县19847263376: 求大神指名 do 和 to do , doing ,to doing 他们之间的区别与联系.很晕啊 -
盍保三七: (1) do sth (这个结构一般是以下几种情况) ONE: 情态动词 +动词原形 She can speak six foreign languages TWO :助动词+动词原形 We will go to Beijing tomorrow THREE: 不带TO 的动词不定式做宾语补足语 His mother made the boy clean ...

甘谷县19847263376: any、some可以用在不可数上吗????急急急急 -
盍保三七: 可以

甘谷县19847263376: 英语非谓语语法的题咋做啊,doing ,to do分不清楚啊,请大神给出一些简单的方法 -
盍保三七:[答案] to do(与所修饰名词呈主动关系,并且表示将来):I have something to do.(我有事要自己做)I will do the thing.doing(主动关系,并表正在进行):I see a monkey climbing a tree.(我看见一只猴子正在爬树)climb是被修饰...

甘谷县19847263376: turn to 后面是接to do还是doing ??求英语大神详解
盍保三七: to作为介词时,后面接doing(动名词形式).例:Even if you are an ordinary person, you may turn out to be extraordinary doing amazing things. 即使你是一位平凡人,也许你也会做些令人惊喜的事.to作为不定式时,后面接to do.例:Nor I half...

甘谷县19847263376: 婴儿对于,用汉语怎么指出? -
盍保三七: 在汉语里,婴儿也是“人”,所以男宝宝应用他,女宝宝用她,“它”一般用在动物和非人的身上

甘谷县19847263376: 英语中doing和to do 的用法 这两个我真心有些搞不清,写题时不知是用哪个,有哪位英语大神能帮忙?! -
盍保三七: to do表示这个动作没有做,而doing只表示做过 比如:stop to do 停下来去干某事,这个某事,还没有做 stop doing 停下正在做的事情 不懂,再问 如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

甘谷县19847263376: 动名词放在句首和to do 放句首有什么不同怎么用谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 -
盍保三七: To do 放句首一般表目的 动名词放句首一般是作为名词性主语的,这样句子才不会至于两个动词.麻烦采纳,谢谢!

甘谷县19847263376: 【初二单选】【急!!】She - - - glasses every day. -
盍保三七: C 主语是She 所以动词用单数,排除Bevery day是一般现在时的标志,排除Dput on是动作所以选C

甘谷县19847263376: 我不知道怎样用非谓语,尤其是doing 和 to do,,求大神讲解 -
盍保三七: to do 还是doing 一个及物动词后接另一动词作宾语或者宾语补足语时,有时只能用不定式,有时只能用动名词或者现在分词,有时用不定式或动名词均可且含义相同,有时用不定式或动名词均可但含义不同.具体情况大致如下: 一、习惯上只...

甘谷县19847263376: 求英语大神英语什么to do sth doing sth 我都搞不明白,求大神举例指导!” -
盍保三七: 一、只能跟不定式的动词:agree(同意),afford(买得起),decide(决定),desire(期盼),hope(希望),wish(希望),fail(失败),plan(打算),pretend(假装),promise(许 诺),refuse(拒绝),wouldlike(想要)等动词...

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