
作者&投稿:愚宽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Abstracts: Wang Guowei's ideas of poetic aesthetics are mainly concentrated in the contents of 'Human Words'. The aesthetic values of this book is not just with the propose of aesthetic system, but also with giving new connotation with Chinese aesthetics. It has a big influnence in the development of aesthetics thought in modern and contemporary China.
Key Words: Human Words, Realm theory,artistic conception, aesthetic

Plays an important role in information for secretarial work, more is the indispensable content in secretarial work, but because of the special nature of the work, determines the importance of shorthand for secretarial work. With the development of machinery, computer shorthand shorthand etc., handwritten shorthand gradually neglected. However, recording practice proves, computer shorthand can not completely replace handwritten shorthand. With the continuous development, the deepening of market economy, more and more applications depend on own shorthand skills secretary, handwritten shorthand is how to play a great role in the work of the Secretariat, be fully applied, is a topic worthy of study

With the rapid economic development of our country, the newly established enterprises have become an important component of the national economy. In partuicular, they play an important role in solving the problem of unimployment and pushing the economic growth and hold the pivotal status in the national economy and the social life.

The problem of raising the capital by the enterprises is also becoming more serious correspondingly and the difficulty in raising the capital has become the most serious problem, which hinders the healthy development of the newly established enterprises.

If the problem of raising the capital is not solved, the newly established enterprises will lack sufficient capital and the flexibility of circulation, which will cause much difficulty in the normal operation. If the problem is not solved, it will be impossible to update the enterprises' equipments and make the technological innovation. If the problem is not solved, it will be impossible for the enterprises to "walk out" and participate in the international competition and make further development in the global market.

This paper makes a thorough analysis of the current situation in raising the capital by the newly established enterprises and the causes of the problem in raising the capital. In addition, based on the analysis and discussion of the factors of the newly established enterprises, the commercial banks, the society and the government, it puts forward some approaches and suggestions for the solution of the problems in raising the capital smoothly by the enterprises with the joint efforts of the enterprises, the commercial banks and the government, which will lead to a good construction of the mechanism and environment for the raising of the capital by the newly established enterprises.

In light of the rapid development of our country’s economy, pioneering enterprises have become an integral part of the national economy; they play a very important role particularly in the solving of employment problems and the promotion of economic growth, and they are in a decisive position in terms of the national economy and social life. Correspondingly, the problem of financing for the pioneering enterprises is growing more serious by the days; in fact, it has become a primary stumbling block for the healthy development of these enterprises.

Without solving the financing problems, pioneering enterprises will be lack of capital, resulting in ineffective fund turnover and the normal operations will be in jeopardy; equipment renewal and technical innovations will be difficult to implement; these enterprises will be in no position to compete internationally and impossible to make further headway in the global markets.

This thesis makes an in-depth analysis on the present situation and the causes of financing difficulties facing the pioneering enterprises, and by analyzing and exploring the various aspects of the enterprises, commercial banks, the society and the government, it proposes countermeasures and suggestions for them to collectively resolve the financing difficulties and delays, and subsequently building together an excellent financing mechanism and environment for the pioneering enterprises.

As China's rapid economic development, entrepreneurial enterprises have become an important part of the national economy, especially in solving the employment and stimulating economic growth can not be underestimated role in the national economic and social aspects of life occupies a pivotal position. Accordingly, the financing of entrepreneurial enterprises has become more protruding, financing has become difficult to hinder the healthy development of entrepreneurial enterprises the most important issue. Does not solve the financing difficulties, lack of venture capital business, cash flow problems, normal operation will be difficult; does not solve the financing difficulties, entrepreneurial enterprises to update equipment, technological innovation, are difficult to achieve; financing difficulties are not resolved, it will be difficult to venture enterprises "going out" Participate in international competition, difficulties in the global market for further development. In this paper, the status of financing start-ups, as well as financing difficulties of the causes of an in-depth analysis, and from entrepreneurial enterprises, commercial banks, community, several aspects of the Government to explore, to venture enterprises, commercial banks and government departments jointly solve the multi-venture enterprises Financing difficulties, poor financing the measures and recommendations of the joint venture construction of good corporate financing mechanisms and the environment.

State "Tenth Five-Year Plan" made clear "to lose no time in implementing the strategy of urbanization." Liaoyuan City, Jilin implemented by the state banks should meet the requirements of the urbanization strategy, take full advantage of rapid urbanization and grasp the development opportunities brought about by. First of all, large and medium-sized cities not only have more of the social and material wealth, but also create more material wealth, in Liaoyuan City of Jilin for the development of bank reserves sufficient material wealth. Secondly, the urbanization rate of increase of urban residents in the disposable income of the effects of population growth and formed by people's consumption, the consumption concept, consumption patterns, changes in consumption structure, in Liaoyuan City of Jilin bank for the development of new varieties of business, Innovative financial products provide a huge space for development and a good consumer market. In recent years the statistical data shows that urban residents in the disposable income growing faster than the growth of consumer spending, capital accumulation of more and more rich source of certificates and deposit market has great potential. Third, the urbanization process can not be separated from the community-building, with the transformation of the old town and the construction of new urban areas, many of the new generation of large number of residential quarters have emerged, unified development, unified management, improve the service functions of the emerging area Jiancheng scale, In particular, some of the intelligence community with better conditions of the owners are mostly great achievements in their career, the size of the income of high-income sectors, the banking sector has for the quality of individual clients, Liaoyuan City, Jilin banks can actively participate in the emerging community through the development of And construction of convenient services to seize the customer, a first advantage in the emerging market communities to win the initiative, and gradually form closer to the people, facilitate the customers, the business community service new ideas.
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Along with our country economy's high speed development, the undertaking enterprise has developed into the national economy important component, specially has the unwise to underestimate function in the solution employment and the fuel economic growth aspect, holds the pivotal status in the state economy and the social life aspect. , The undertaking enterprise financing question also day by day protruded correspondingly, finances difficultly already to become the hindrance undertaking enterprise healthy development the most important question. Does not solve finances difficultly, the undertaking business capital is insufficient, difficult of access, the normal operation will be beset with difficulties; Does not solve finances difficultly, the undertaking business equipment renews, the technological innovation with difficulty to realize; Does not solve finances difficultly, the undertaking enterprise on “walks” the participation international competition with difficulty, obtains the further development with difficulty in the global market. This article to the undertaking enterprise's financing present situation, as well as financed the difficult origin to carry on the thorough analysis, and from the undertaking enterprise own, the Commercial bank, the society, government several aspects analyzed, the discussion, proposed that the undertaking enterprise, the Commercial bank and the Government department collaborated to solve the undertaking enterprise in every way to finance difficult, the financing impeded countermeasure and the suggestion, constructed the good undertaking enterprise financing mechanism and the environment together.

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资军调经: Abstracts: Wang Guowei's ideas of poetic aesthetics are mainly concentrated in the contents of 'Human Words'. The aesthetic values of this book is not just with the propose of aesthetic system, but also with giving new connotation with Chinese ...

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