
作者&投稿:战林 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Rain is formed when water molecules in the air collect around particles of dust.
2,The water evaporated to form clouds. These rose ihto the sky to form rain.
3, water vapor could be much less likely to turn to rain without the dust particles.
4,When the collected water becomes heavy enough the water droplet falls to the earth as rain.

Rain is formed when water molecules in the air collect around particles of dust.

The oceans are the main source of rain, but lakes and rivers also contribute to it. The sun's heat evaporates the water. It remains in the air as an invisible vapour until it condenses, first into clouds and then into raindrops. Condensation happens when the air is cooled.

Air cools either through expansion or by coming into contact with a cool object such as a cold landmass or an ice-covered area. When air passes over a cold object, it loses heat and its moisture condenses as fog, dew, or frost. Air also cools as it rises and expands. The water vapour in the cooling air condenses to form clouds and, sometimes, rain.

Air rises for several reasons:-

In orographic lift, the air is forced upward as it encounters a cooler, denser body of air or when it meets raised landforms such as mountains.
In convective lift, air coming into contact with a warm surface, such as a desert, is heated and becomes more buoyant than the surrounding air.
Convergent lift occurs in storms such as tornadoes. Air whirling toward the centre of a cyclone collides with itself and is forced upward.

For raindrops to form there must be particles in the air, such as dust or salt, at temperatures above freezing. When the particles are cooled to temperatures below freezing point, water condenses around them in layers. The particles become so heavy they fall through the clouds. In a thunderstorm, the rain particles may become very large and fall from the cloud as hail. When the air temperature is at or below freezing all the way to the ground, the particles will fall as snow.

The formation of rain clouds may be very local. During a hot summer day, air rising over a moist region may cause cumulus, or woolpack, clouds to form in the cooler air above the surface. These clouds darken to rain clouds as more moisture condenses. Frequently, the rain cloud is the only cloud in the area, the rest of the sky remaining sunny. Such rainstorms occur almost constantly in the doldrums--the hot, calm areas near the equator. Cumulus clouds can sometimes be forced to release rain by "seeding" them with particles of dry ice or silver iodide. Commercial rainmakers have claimed success using these methods. (See also Clouds)

Rain is formed through the three stages. First rain of "raw material" that is formed after the vapor cloud lifted off by wind, rain clouds to form again landed to the ground.
The first stage, mobile: the location of clouds driven by the wind, the mobile.

The second stage, the Joint: The wind-driven films these Xiaoyun, a joint in a given area to form a new larger cloud.

The third stage, the accumulation of: Xiaoyun chip joint after the big clouds of gravity on the increase in inward. Cloud center of gravity upward gravitational force stronger than the surrounding. The gravity of these upward, causing clouds to vertically expand the body. This way, the clouds expand upward, and the 11 cluster. At the same time result in a relatively low cloud body to the place where an extension of the temperature. So cloud of water droplets on the body and hail began to increase grain. After the above stage, water droplets and hail tablets weight gain, to make up can not support their gravity. Ultimately from the clouds to rain and hail in the form of land to the ground.

1, convection rain
Intense heat when the air when the expansion of hot and humid air rising in the air cooled condensing water vapor to form rain is called convective rain. Equatorial regions to convective rain throughout the year mainly in our country convective rain more common in the summer afternoon.
Second, orographic rain
Orographic rain is the result of moist air from moving by the mountain barrier, was forced to climb down the hillside. In the rising process, the air cooled condensing the water formed by precipitation. More in mountains windward slope.
Third, frontal rain
Two kinds of air encounter of a different nature, which is called the interface of the middle front. In the front surface, warm, wet, lighter air is elevated to the cold, dry air above the going heavier. In the uplift process, the air cooled condensing water vapor to form precipitation known as frontal rain. More in the eastern region of China.
4, Taiwan's wind and rain
Typhoons, tropical storms and hurricanes caused by heavy rain.

water on earth evaporate to form water vapour. water vapour raise to the sky and form water droplets which are clouds in the sky. when more and more water droplets gathered together, they become too heavy and fall back to earth in the form of rain. in colder countries, it fall down as a form of snow.

In the water in the clouds, the cloud drop all is the small waterdrop.They mainly are depend on continue to congeal with mutually collidecombine increase. Therefore, in Shui Yunli, the cloud drop mustincrease to the raindrop size, first needs the cloud very thick, clouddrop thick, the water content are many, like this, it can continue tocongeal the growth; Next, also needs to have a stronger verticalmovement in Shui Yunnei, like this can increase the opportunity whichthe multiple collision combines. But in quite is thin and the quitestable water in the clouds, the cloud drop not enough congeals andcombines the growth opportunity, only can cause, the cloudy daycloudy, the congress does not rain.

In each kind of different cloud, its cloud drop size distribution isvarious, creates the cloud drop size uneven reason is in thesurrounding air the water vapor shift as well as cloud dropevaporating. Causes the factor which the cloud drop grows is congealsthe process and the collision and with the process, in only has thecondensation in the situation, the cloud drop size is even, but as aresult of the water vapor supplement, enable certain cloud drops tohave the growth, in addition and with the function result, causes thebigger cloud drop to continue to grow changes accomplishes for theraindrop. The raindrop drops the earth's attraction function, when hasthe ascendant current, can have an upward strength to add on theraindrop, causes its drop the speed to slow down, and some smallraindrop possibly are also brought to come up. Only has when theraindrop increases to the certain degree, can drop the ground, formsrains


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比详奥天: When water is heated, it turns into vapor. It goes up with the air.The air can hold some vapor at some temperature. When the air goes up and becomes cooler and cooler, it cannot hold so much vapor. Then vapor becomes water. When water falls from the sky, it's called "rain". After it rains, it becomes water again.

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比详奥天: The sun shines and the water in the river become vapour.The vapour goes up.It goes higher and higher.It meets mang other vapour.They go up together and become a cloud.The cloud become very heavy.The rain falls from the clouds.

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比详奥天:[答案] Rain is falling from the cloud droplets,water,land and ocean surface evaporates into steam,cold water vapor rises to a certain height into small droplets,the droplets form a cloud,they are each in the...

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比详奥天: How does the rain form?雨如何形成?希望我的回答能对你有帮助,^_^

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比详奥天:[答案] When water is heated,it turns into vapor,when vapor is cooled,it turns into water.The air can hold certain amount of vapor at certain temperature.As the temperature goes up,the air can hold more.So he...

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比详奥天: 其一 Rain is liquid precipitation, as opposed to other kinds of precipitation such as snow, hail and sleet. Rain requires the presence of a thick layer of the atmosphere to have temperatures above the melting point of water near and above the Earth's ...

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比详奥天: yushizenyangxingchengde

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