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Acoustics'08 Paris

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Accurate measurement of distance and velocity using ultrasonic waves

Shinnosuke Hirata - hirata.s.ab@m.titech.ac.jp
Department of Information Processing
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Tokyo Institute of Technology
G2-32, 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan

Minoru Kuribayashi Kurosawa
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

Takashi Katagiri
(Sutekina Inc., Japan)

Popular version of paper 1pSPb6
Presented Monday Afternoon, June 30, 2008
Acoustics '08 Paris, Palais des Congrès, Paris, France

Bats use echolocation for environment recognition. That is, they use reflected sound waves to measure the distance, the velocity, and the scale of insects or trees. Echolocation includes broadcasting ultrasonic waves and then perceiving echoes reflected from the surface of the objects. T echnological application of echolocation using ultrasonic sensors has been studied and used for environment recognition in autonomous mobile robots, because of two advantages: the advantage of ultrasonic waves which can easily reflect from structures, and the advantage of ultrasonic sensors which are cheap, small, and simple.

The method of distance measurement using ultrasonic waves is based on the pulse-echo method, which determines the distance of an object by measurement of time-of-flight (TOF), as illustrated in Figure 1. The TOF is the interval from transmission of an ultrasonic pulse to reception of an echo re flected from the object. The distance is calculated from the product of the TOF and the acoustic velocity.

Fig 1: Distance measurement by the pulse-echo method.

The method of velocity measurement using ultrasonic waves is based on the pulse-Doppler method. When the object is moving, due to the Doppler effect introduced by the motion of the object, the reflected echo is Doppler-shifted. The frequency of Doppler-shifted echo is increased or decreased in proportion to the velocity of the object. Therefore, the pulse-Doppler method determines the velocity of the object by measurement of increase or decrease in the frequency, as illustrated in Figure 2 .

Fig 2: Velocity measurement by the pulse-Doppler method.

Furthermore, the TOF of the Doppler-shifted echo in Figure 2 is different from the TOF of the echo in Figure 1. The TOF is also Doppler-shifted in proportion to the velocity of the object. Velocity measurement with high resolution and calibration of the Doppler-shifted TOF is required to measure an accurate distance to the object. However, frequency analysis by the Fourier transform cannot measure the velocity with high resolution (e.g. velocity resolution: 0.85 m/s at the window of the Fourier transform : 10 ms).

In the proposed method of distance and velocity measurement, two LPM (Linear-period modulated) ultrasonic waves are continuously transmitted. The period of the LPM signal linearly increases with time as illustrated in Figure 3 . The received signal, which includes the reflected echo, is correlated with the LPM signal, which is a cross-correlation operation, as illustrated in Figure 4 . Cross-correlation operation is the method for effective improvement of the resolution of the TOF. The cross-correlation function of the reflected echo, two continuous LPM signals, and the LPM signal has two peaks. The first peak of the cross-correlation function shows the Doppler-shifted TOF, and the interval of the first peak and the second peak shows the length of the LPM signal . The length is also Doppler-shifted in proportion to the velocity of the object. Therefore, the velocity can be calculated from the Doppler-shifted length. The proposed method can measure the distance and the velocity of the object with high resolution because of high sampling frequency of signal processing (e.g., velocity resolution: 0.005 m/s at sampling frequency: 12.5 MHz).

Fig 3: The linear-period modulated signal.

Fig 4: Design of the proposed method of distance and velocity measurement by transmitting two continuous LPM signals.

The measured velocities and their errors, which are examined by computer simulation, are illustrated in Figure 5. The velocity of the object can be measured with high resolution by the proposed method. By calibrating the Doppler-shifted TOF with the measured velocity , the distance of the moving object can be accurately measured .

Fig 5: The velocities and their errors measured by the proposed method.


Ultrasonic distance meter

Document Type and Number:United States Patent 5442592
Abstract:An ultrasonic distance meter cancels out the effects of temperature and humidity variations by including a measuring unit and a reference unit. In each of the units, a repetitive series of pulses is generated, each having a repetition rate directly related to the respective distance between an electroacoustic transmitter and an electroacoustic receiver. The pulse trains are provided to respective counters, and the ratio of the counter outputs is utilized to determine the distance being measured.
Publication Date:08/15/1995
Primary Examiner:Lobo, Ian J.
This invention relates to apparatus for the measurement of distance and, more particularly, to such apparatus which transmits ultrasonic waves between two points.
Precision machine tools must be calibrated. In the past, this has been accomplished utilizing mechanical devices such as calipers, micrometers, and the like. However, the use of such devices does not readily lend itself to automation techniques. It is known that the distance between two points can be determined by measuring the propagation time of a wave travelling between those two points. One such type of wave is an ultrasonic, or acoustic, wave. When an ultrasonic wave travels between two points, the distance between the two points can be measured by multiplying the transit time of the wave by the wave velocity in the medium separating the two points. It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide apparatus utilizing ultrasonic waves to accurately measure the distance between two points.
When the medium between the two points whose spacing is being measured is air, the sound velocity is dependent upon the temperature and humidity of the air. It is therefore a further object of the,present invention to provide apparatus of the type described which is independent of temperature and humidity variations.
The foregoing and additional objects are attained in accordance with the principles of this invention by providing distance measuring apparatus which includes a reference unit and a measuring unit. The reference and measuring units are the same and each includes an electroacoustic transmitter and an electroacoustic receiver. The spacing between the transmitter and the receiver of the reference unit is a fixed reference distance, whereas the spacing between the transmitter and receiver of the measuring unit is the distance to be measured. In each of the units, the transmitter and receiver are coupled by a feedback loop which causes the transmitter to generate an acoustic pulse which is received by the receiver and converted into an electrical pulse which is then fed back to the transmitter, so that a repetitive series of pulses results. The repetition rate of the pulses is inversely related to the distance between the transmitter and the receiver. In each of the units, the pulses are provided to a counter. Since the reference distance is known, the ratio of the counter outputs is utilized to determine the desired distance to be measured. Since both counts are identically influenced by temperature and humidity variations, by taking the ratio of the counts, the resultant measurement becomes insensitive to such variations.
The foregoing will be more readily apparent upon reading the following description in conjunction with the drawing in which the single FIGURE schematically depicts apparatus constructed in accordance with the principles of this invention.
Referring now to the drawing, there is shown a measuring unit 10 and a reference unit 12, both coupled to a utilization means 14. The measuring unit 10 includes an electroacoustic transmitter 16 and an electroacoustic receiver 18. The transmitter 16 includes piezoelectric material 20 sandwiched between a pair of electrodes 22 and 24. Likewise, the receiver 18 includes piezoelectric material 26 sandwiched between a pair of electrodes 28 and 30. As is known, by applying an electric field across the electrodes 22 and 24, stress is induced in the piezoelectric material 20. If the field varies, such as by the application of an electrical pulse, an acoustic wave 32 is generated. As is further known, when an acoustic wave impinges upon the receiver 18, this induces stress in the piezoelectric material 26 which causes an electrical signal to be generated across the electrodes 28 and 30. Although piezoelectric transducers have been illustrated, other electroacoustic devices may be utilized, such as, for example, electrostatic, electret or electromagnetic types.
As shown, the electrodes 28 and 30 of the receiver 18 are coupled to the input of an amplifier 34, whose output is coupled to the input of a detector 36. The detector 36 is arranged to provide a signal to the pulse former 38 when the output from the amplifier 34 exceeds a predetermined level. The pulse former 38 then generates a trigger pulse which is provided to the pulse generator 40. In order to enhance the sensitivity of the system, the transducers 16 and 18 are resonantly excited. There is accordingly provided a continuous wave oscillator 42 which provides a continuous oscillating signal at a fixed frequency, preferably the resonant frequency of the transducers 16 and 18. This oscillating signal is provided to the modulator 44. To effectively excite the transmitter 16, it is preferable to provide several cycles of the resonant frequency signal, rather than a single pulse or single cycle. Accordingly, the pulse generator 40 is arranged, in response to the application thereto of a trigger pulse, to provide a control pulse to the modulator 44 having a time duration equal the time duration of a predetermined number of cycles of the oscillating signal from the oscillator 42. This control pulse causes the modulator 44 to pass a "burst" of cycles to excite the transmitter 16.
When electric power is applied to the described circuitry, there is sufficient noise at the input to the amplifier 34 that its output triggers the pulse generator 40 to cause a burst of oscillating cycles to be provided across the electrodes 22 and 24 of the transmitter 16. The transmitter 16 accordingly generates an acoustic wave 32 which impinges upon the receiver 18. The receiver 18 then generates an electrical pulse which is applied to the input of the amplifier 34, which again causes triggering of the pulse generator 40. This cycle repeats itself so that a repetitive series of trigger pulses results at the output of the pulse former 38. This pulse train is applied to the counter 46, as well as to the pulse generator 40.
The transmitter 16 and the receiver 18 are spaced apart by the distance "D" which it is desired to measure. The propagation time "t" for an acoustic wave 32 travelling between the transmitter 16 and the receiver 18 is given by: t=D/V s
where V s is the velocity of sound in the air between the transmitter 16 and the receiver 18. The counter 46 measures the repetition rate of the trigger pulses, which is equal to 1/t. Therefore, the repetition rate is equal to V s /D. The velocity of sound in air is a function of the temperature and humidity of the air, as follows: ##EQU1## where T is the temperature, p is the partial pressure of the water vapor, H is the barometric pressure, Γ w and Γ a are the ratio of constant pressure specific heat to constant volume specific heat for water vapor and dry air, respectively. Thus, although the repetition rate of the trigger pulses is measured very accurately by the counter 46, the sound velocity is influenced by temperature and humidity so that the measured distance D cannot be determined accurately.
In accordance with the principles of this invention, a reference unit 12 is provided. The reference unit 12 is of the same construction as the measuring unit 10 and therefore includes an electroacoustic transmitter 50 which includes piezoelectric material 52 sandwiched between a pair of electrodes 54 and 56, and an electroacoustic receiver 58 which includes piezoelectric material 60 sandwiched between a pair of electrodes 62 and 64. Again, transducers other than the piezoelectric type can be utilized. The transmitter 50 and the receiver 58 are spaced apart a known and fixed reference distance "D R ". The electrodes 62 and 64 are coupled to the input of the amplifier 66, whose output is coupled to the input of the detector 68. The output of the detector 68 is coupled to the pulse former 70 which generates trigger pulses. The trigger pulses are applied to the pulse generator 72 which controls the modulator 74 to pass bursts from the continuous wave oscillator 76 to the transmitter 50. The trigger pulses from the pulse former 70 are also applied to the counter 78.
Preferably, all of the transducers 16, 18, 50 and 58 have the same resonant frequency. Therefore, the oscillators 42 and 76 both operate at that frequency and the pulse generators 40 and 72 provide equal width output pulses.
In usage, the measuring unit 10 and the reference unit 12 are in close proximity so that the sound velocity in both of the units is the same. Although the repetition rates of the pulses in the measuring unit 10 and the reference unit 12 are each temperature and humidity dependent, it can be shown that the distance D to be measured is related to the reference distance D R as follows: i D=D R (1/t R )/(1/t) where t R is the propagation time over the distance D R in the reference unit 12. This relationship is independent of both temperature and humidity.
Thus, the outputs of the counters 46 and 78 are provided as inputs to the microprocessor 90 in the utilization means 14. The microprocessor 90 is appropriately programmed to provide an output which is proportional to the ratio of the outputs of the counters 46 and 78, which in turn are proportional to the repetition rates of the respective trigger pulse trains of the measuring unit 10 and the reference unit 12. As described, this ratio is independent of temperature and humidity and, since the reference distance D R is known, provides an accurate representation of the distance D. The utilization means 14 further includes a display 92 which is coupled to and controlled by the microprocessor 90 so that an operator can readily determine the distance D.
Experiments have shown that when the distance between the transmitting and receiving transducers is too small, reflections of the acoustic wave at the transducer surfaces has a not insignificant effect which degrades the measurement accuracy. Accordingly, it is preferred that each transducer pair be separated by at least a certain minimum distance, preferably about four inches.
Accordingly, there has been disclosed improved apparatus for the measurement of distance utilizing ultrasonic waves. While an illustrative embodiment of the present invention has been disclosed herein, it is understood that various modifications and adaptations to the disclosed embodiment will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art and it is intended that this invention be limited only by the scope of the appended claims.


出版日期: 1995年8月15日
谈到现在的绘图,有结果表明,测量单位和10个参考单位12个,均加上一个利用的手段14 。测量单位包括1 10电发射机16日和1电接收机18 。变送器16包括压电材料20夹心阶层之间的对电极的22日和24日。同样,接收机18个,包括压电材料26夹心阶层之间的对电极的28日和30日。作为众所周知,采用电场整个电极22日和24日,强调的是,诱导,在压电材料20 。如果该字段各有不同,如所申请的一个电脉冲,声波是32所产生的。为进一步众所周知,当声波影响到接收器18 ,这诱导应力,在压电材料26 ,导致一种电信号,以产生全国电极28日和30日。虽然压电传感器已说明,其他电声装置,可利用,例如,静电,驻极体或电磁类型。
如表所示,电极28日和30日的接收18岁以下的耦合的投入一34放大器,其输出耦合输入一个探测器36 。探测器36是安排提供一个信号,脉冲前38时,输出放大器34已经超过预定的水平。脉冲前38 ,然后产生一个触发脉冲,这是提供给脉冲发生器40 。在为了提高灵敏度,该系统,传感器16和18岁以下的共振兴奋。有相应的提供了一个连续波振荡器42提供了一个连续振荡信号在一个固定的频率,最好是共振频率的传感器16和18 。这个振荡信号是提供给调制器44 。要有效地激发发射机16 ,可取的做法是提供几个周期的共振频率信号,而不是一个单脉冲或单周期。因此,脉冲发生器40是安排,在回应的应用存在的一个触发脉冲,提供一个控制脉冲调制器44有一个时间的平等的时间,时间预定人数的周期振荡信号从振荡器42 。这个控制脉冲调制器的原因, 44个通过了“水管爆裂”的周期,以激发发射机16 。
当电力是适用于所描述的电路,有足够的噪音在输入到放大器34 ,其输出触发脉冲发生器40至造成了一片叫好声,振荡周期,以提供整个电极22日和24日的发射器16 。变送器16因此产生声波32条,其中影响到接收器18 。接收器18 ,然后产生一个电脉冲,这是适用于输入放大器的34 ,这再次触发原因的脉冲发生器40 。这个周期重演,使重复一系列的触发脉冲结果的输出脉冲前38 。这脉冲列车是应用到46个柜位,以及向脉冲发生器40 。
变送器16日和接收18岁以下的间隔,除了由距离的“ D ” ,它是理想的衡量。传播时间的“ T ”为一声波32往来变送器16日和接收18所给予的: = D的吨/视频s
凡v s是声速在空气中之间的发射机16日和接收18 。柜台46措施重复率触发脉冲,这是平等的1 /汤匙因此,重复率是平等的一至中五的S /四该声速空气中是一个功能的温度和湿度的空气,内容如下: # # # # equ1其中T是温度, P是局部的压力,水汽, H是该气压, γ瓦特和γ一顷的比例不断的压力,具体的热不断货量具体的热水汽和干燥的空气,分别。因此,虽然重复率触发脉冲测量非常准确地反46 ,声速的影响,温度和湿度,使测量的距离d无法确定准确。
根据这些原则的这项发明,参考单位提供的是12 。参考单位12是相同的建设为测量单位的10个,因此,包括一电发射机50个,其中包括压电材料52夹心之间的一对电极的54和56 ,和一电接收机58 ,其中包括压电材料60夹心阶层之间的一对电极60,61,62和64 。再次,传感器以外的其他类型压电可以利用。变送器50和接收五十八顷间隔,除了已知的和固定的参考距离“博士” 。电极60,61,62和64耦合到输入的放大器66 ,其输出是耦合的投入探测器68 。输出探测器68是耦合的脉搏,前70产生触发脉冲。触发脉冲应用到脉冲发生器的72个控制调制器74通过扫射从连续波振荡器76至变送器50 。触发脉冲从脉冲前70也适用于反78 。
最好是,所有的传感器16 , 18 , 50和58具有相同的共振频率。因此,振荡器42和76都在运作,频率和脉冲发电机40和第72条提供平等的输出脉冲宽度。
在用法上,测量装置10和参考资料股一十二顷在接近,使该声速在这两个单位是相同的。虽然留级率的脉冲在测量单位, 10和参考资料股十二顷每个温度和湿度的依赖性,能证明的距离D来衡量。
其中T R是传播时间超过距离博士在参考股12 。这种关系是独立于双方的温度和湿度。
因此,产出的柜台46和78所提供的投入微处理器的90个利用的手段14 。微处理器90是适当的程序提供了一个输出是成正比的比例,产出的柜台46和78 ,这反过来又是成正比的重复率分别触发脉冲列车的测量单位, 10和参考资料股12 。作为描述,这个比例是独立的温度和湿度,由于参考的距离,博士,是众所周知的,提供了一个准确的代表性距离四,利用手段, 14日还包括一个显示92这是耦合和控制的微处理器,使90一个经营者可以随时确定的距离四




时间差测距法:超声波发射器向某一方向发射超声波,在发射时刻的同时开始计时,超声波在空气中传播,途中碰到障碍物就立即返回来,超声波接收器收到反射波就立即停止计时。超声波在空气中的传播速度为340m\/s,根据计时器记录的时间t,就可以计算出发射点距障碍物的距离(s),即:s=340t\/2 。


超声波雷达的测距原理主要依据声波在空气中的传播速度和反射原理。在标准大气压和温度下,超声波在空气中的传播速度约为340米\/秒。当超声波发射器向外界发射超声波后,这些声波会在遇到障碍物时发生反射。通过测量超声波发射出去并返回发射器所需的时间,可以计算出超声波往返的总距离。计算公式如下:\\[ ...

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