
作者&投稿:宜成 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
论文摘要翻译,200字 跪求!!!~

Heaven induction, China's feudal system constraints. Dong Zhongshu, the creator of Heaven and induction thought synthesizer. Heaven induction, from the doctrine of Confucius, Mo Zi Dong doctrine to doctrine, step by step improvement of the Han Dynasty deposed 100, Confucianism began, Confucianism stepping all learn Zhupai, a step by step onto the peak. The origin of all this, not Confucius and Mencius, but the Han Dynasty and Dong Zhongshu. This article, from the source to Heaven induction thinking, ideological foundation and a concrete manifestation of a detailed elaboration; it Zhongshu between heaven and generate Thought summarize; and the impact of nature and man thought of the ancient imperial power were demonstrated in detail.


Nowadays, brands and advertising has become a hot market concern. Business as an important component of the strategy, brands and advertising are increasingly play a great role. How to use advertising and brand strategy is to become a business worth exploring the subject. In this paper, the author adopted the analysis of the case method, first of all brands and advertising from finishing the theory, Erie start of the Olympic Games campaigns, analysis of the Erie Olympic ad campaign ideas and results, comments Erie Olympic campaign ads Success of the enterprise so as to better carry out ad to provide certain information and reference.

Abstract nowadays, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has become China's society and even the world's one of the most popular topic. For enterprises, if we can make good use of Olympic marketing, it has economic benefits and promote the dissemination of the role of brand value is in doubt, if the strategy and proper use of funds, with Olympic marketing not only can quickly build brand recognition and influence, At the same time consumers can also enhance the goodwill and brand awareness, advertising or public relations than a multiplier effect. The author of this paper will use the analysis of the case method, first of all from the dairy industry of the status quo, Erie launched the in-depth Olympic advertising campaign, including advertising the background of the Olympic Games, the Olympic ad's content, from the Olympic ads to analyze the effect of Iraq Lee Olympic ad campaign success and thus better marketing companies to provide certain information and reference.

Keywords Olympics, dreams, health

Nowadays, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has become one of the most favorite topics in China's society and even the world's. As to enterprises, if Olympic Games can be made full use of, the marketing would bring economic benefits and promote the dissemination of brand value, which is indubitable definitely; If the strategy is carried out properly, with the help of Olympic marketing not only brand recognition and influence can be built quickly, at the same time consumers can also make a better impression of brand’s goodness and awareness, and of course better effect can be got than advertising or public contact. With the analysis method of case, according to the actuality of the dairy industry, the author of this paper firstly carries out the in-depth analysis about the Olympic advertising campaign launched by Erie, including the background of the Olympic advertising, the content of Olympic advertising. To analyze the success of Erie’s Olympic ad campaign must provide other companies with some information and reference about how to carry out advertising campaign better.

Keywords: Olympics, dreams, health


Currnetly, 2008 Olympic Games in beijing is one of the hotest issue in China and even all over the world. To the enterprises, it will promote the economic benefits and the brand if taking advantages of the Game while marketing. To take the proper strategy to do marketing can certainly build up a well known reputation and impression meanwhlie make the comsumers think highly of the brand with a broader recognation, which is more influncential than advertisements. This desertation restorts instances analysis to illustrate, stars from the estate of the dairy products industry extends with advertisements including the background of the Olympics, the content of Olympic advertisements to analysize why the seires succeeded in order to make them as a reference when explioting marketing in the future.
Key words: Olympic, Dream, Health

Nowadays, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has become one of the most favorite topics in China's society and even the world's. As to enterprises, if Olympic Games can be made full use of, the marketing would bring economic benefits and promote the dissemination of brand value, which is indubitable definitely; If the strategy is carried out properly, with the help of Olympic marketing not only brand recognition and influence can be built quickly, at the same time consumers can also make a better impression of brand’s goodness and awareness, and of course better effect can be got than advertising or public contact. With the analysis method of case, according to the actuality of the dairy industry, the author of this paper firstly carries out the in-depth analysis about the Olympic advertising campaign launched by Erie, including the background of the Olympic advertising, the content of Olympic advertising. To analyze the success of Erie’s Olympic ad campaign must provide other companies with some information and reference about how to carry out advertising campaign better.

Keywords: Olympics, dreams, health

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games has already become one of the hottest issues even in whole world of the Chinese society. To enterprise, if can make good use of the marketing of Olympic Games, the economic benefits that it brings and function of pushing brand value to spread are unquestionable, if the tactics are used aptly, not only can set up brand awareness and influence fast while carrying on mark 这个很准确的,你放心用

一、摘要 摘要一般在200字以内,是一段扼要地说明研究工作的目的、研究方法和最终结论等的简短的陈述,其中结论是摘要的重点。注意:摘要不能含有图表、冗长的公式以及非公知的符号、缩略语。二、引言 引言,也叫前言、绪论,就是论文正文前面的一段话,是论文的开场白,向读者说明本研究的来龙去脉,...





二、论文各个部分字数 1、题目。中文论文题目字数应在20以内。论文题目要精辟,给人眼前一亮的感觉。2、摘要。一般为150-300字。3、关键词。关键词是整篇论文最频繁的词汇的汇总,一般来说要3到5个,也就是10字左右。4、前言。一篇3000~5000字的论文,引言字数一般掌握在200~250字为宜。前言的篇幅...


电大法学毕业论文的范文篇2 浅析“村官”犯罪的特点及预防对策 论文摘要 “村官”是掌管一方权力的基层组织人员,是党和政府联系群众的桥梁。针对“村官”职务犯罪现状,笔者总结了当前农村干部可能触及的罪名有:贪污、受贿、挪用公款、职务侵占、挪用资金等。职务犯罪特点有:呈上升趋势、犯罪数额小危害大、作案手段简单...



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逮耍塞替: Nowadays, brands and advertising has become a hot market concern. Business as an important component of the strategy, brands and advertising are increasingly play a great role. How to use advertising and brand strategy is to become a ...

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逮耍塞替: Since reform and opening up, China's foreign trade has achieved significant progress. Especially in the past four years, the development of China's foreign trade has been four years more than 25% to maintain the growth rate. To import and export ...

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